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Everything posted by sleepy

  1. drop it on the floor wipe it on thier tops then price it and put it on the shelves bah
  2. wouldn't buy the meat from asda worked there once seen what the butchers do
  3. not sacastic glad of your help thank you
  4. thank you mr darn thats good to know
  5. help is what this thread about tho
  6. happy birthday hope its a good one
  7. the emails are from someone i used to think was a friend they seem to have stopped now but thank you for your advice
  8. ok will try thanx
  9. aol
  10. is it possible to block an email address it goes into spam just now but would sooner make sure it can't reach my pc at all
  11. can't be THAT bad surley
  12. he laid her on the table so white clean and bare,his forehead wet wi beads of sweat,he rubbed her here and there,he touched her neck and felt her breast then drooling felt her thigh,the slit was wet and all was set,he gave a joyous cry.the hole was wide he looked inside all was dark and murky,he rubbed his hands then stretched his arms ............ then stuffed the xmas turkey........... MERRY XMAS to you and your dirty mind ha ha
  13. happy birthday hope its a good one
  14. bedlington ha ha it is boring
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