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Everything posted by SPLODGE

  1. I say build bingo hall on the old elliots site.
  2. HELLO johndawson1955 are you related to paul?
  3. i believe its going to be an italian restraunt but its not opening for a wee while yet.another month but if i hear owt i will let you know.
  4. i was in last night and Thursday night.very well presented and good taste.good selection of beers and wines and for them who are driving a great selection of soft drinks. OK its not good for parking but you can always park in tescos car park and walk down.alot better than it was before in decoration.go and see it.see the change,i think you will like.
  5. sorry sometime soon
  6. opens to the public friday. opens tonight for invitation only restaurant opens upstairs in may.
  7. dont you think a bridge would be better?
  8. wouldnt it be nice if someone could publish the figures true or not on this website for them who have not seen them in the free mag. i wonder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. is that a pelican or zebra xing the are putting in? or is it a run for your life one?
  10. did anybody read about the payments in the free council magazine to all our local councilers.
  11. hello everyone. does anybody know whats happening at the rounderbout at nettos? are the cooncil changing the road layout?
  12. tescos might get something done now that the market taverns empty??????????
  13. anywhere in paticular in mind? do you need help? i may know somewhere but its not on the front street. pm me for details if you want to.
  14. FANTASTIC when ????????? now????????? please please
  15. HELLO ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY. I'm not in bedders at the momement so can anybody tell me whats happening down the street at the momement. To them who braved the plumeting temps on new years eve, did you enjoy yourself and what was the best pub or club to be in? Who and where had what entertainment on and was it good? Is there still places open at the momement or whats closed down? Hope to see you all soon and wish you were here just like judith chalmers. Splodge. ANY CHANCE ON BEDDERS GETTING A WEB CAM YET?????
  16. roll in an old beer barrel the length of front street to see if i can get dizzy enough.
  17. ive just been down to fuggles bar today to have a look inside and buy some of bobbys bottled beer. i wish i had been before now cause it looks good inside.clean, bright and very welcolming is the place. they seem to have a good selection of real ales in the pumps aswell as a good selection of soft drinks for those who want to drive.they also do food and are having an italion night soon which is worth going to. the management are most helpfull and really nice to talk to.i hope them who can get there will to sample some of the fine ales they have.bobbys beer is excellent so im going back to get some more,if anys left. go to www.northumberlandbrewery.co.uk for more information.
  18. is that the same as walking on pavements with cracks in them. that was deemed as unlucky when i was a kid.
  19. what dvds were they? and whos Mike Leigh?
  20. it would not be right for me to indicate who they owe money to, but yes I am one of them.i have reservations of when and if i am going to be re-embursed but the other people in the same position are quite annoyed. wouldnt you be? isnt this a website open to everybody to voice there opinions and bring to the attention of whats going on. its not hearsay or rumour.its fact.
  21. well said 'mercuryg'. i do know who you are becouse yes you are a regular drinker in there and yes its your choice.its nice to see customers respecting the effort of the landladys/landlord but when i see all the people they have let down i will ask them for thier views on the them lending thier hard erned cash and waiting every month to see if its going to be paid back.do you think thats the way to run a respectable buisiness?
  22. ITS MY CHOICE. this is still a free country isnt it
  23. i know a lot more than i am letting on on this forum but i think youre mistaken by your comments on me not a frequent user if this pub.you may find me in there most weekends until dopey oclock still stood at the bar.i dont listen to heresay and gossip but rely on facts then i cant be mistaken.
  24. Clearly, with your constant references to dodgy goings on and such, you don't frequent the Tavern: i do, and i'm a lot better placed to comment on 'cooked books' than someone who relies on what is nothing more than heresay and gossip. do ya think
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