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Everything posted by SPLODGE

  1. thank you mr darn for your help sir. that tel no is the one for the box outside the bank lol
  2. is it possible to have different passwords for each file or is it not advisable?
  3. sorry threegee my mistake for placing this in the wrong place. i am running WINDOWS XP no encryption only a simple password that only i know. i have a cunning plan to remember passwords
  4. can anybody help me please. can i password protect individual files on my memory stick with different passwords.each file would have a different password assigned to it. many thanks.
  5. quite a big paper round was it mr darn
  6. can anybody tell me who the gig was in the tavern last night. i thought they were the best they have had for a long time. its nice to go somewhere now and listen to good easy listening music. alabeit it wasan't as busy as it could have been last night but thats the sign of the times i think. can anybody also tell me when are the lights going to get activated in the mens toilets. its as dark as a pair of gorillas goolies in there hence to say i need to put my trainers in the wash this morning. its also nice to go back in time and see that the smoking ban hasn't reached bedlington as yet. i think with my trainers will go all the clothes i wore because they stink of smoke but saying that a good night was had by all and hats off to the barman (mark i think) for handling the bar on his own without any help from anybody else.
  7. i sleep with my window open so when its foggy i cant go to work becouse i cant see my clock radio.
  8. can u remember that far back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. parission walkway
  11. i think they should make it into a small park/garden for the bedlington comunity.
  12. joe is the landlord of the sun inn and sandra is the landlady of the black bull. i think the sun inn doesnt smell half as bad as other pubs in bedlington. the market tavern and the grapes come to mind. all beit that the grapes have faulty drains but the market tavern, i think there is no escuse.
  13. is the old school church grounds going to be a small housing estate?
  14. wellies
  15. does anybody know what is happening with the the old ford garage in bedlington high street? whats it going to be and when is work going to start?
  16. as you know Mr darn i am a man of my word and this information has come from various MD'S local and national. at time of 'press' this was deemed as correct but can be subject to change. as for my remarks about tescos staff this has come from present and past tesco operatives and as it is what the majority say its probably true. if the petrol station gets the go ahead planning permission has got to be made public Wether its in the local media or at the local council offices.this could also be seen at the planning permission website which is on the local council website if you look deep enough.
  17. it was great knowledge that tescos had required the big car park within the sale of safeways biulding but the had to 'pay off' the small spend and save and the hairdressing shops. they are with talks to buy the lease from greggs and are with close talks to punch taverns to aquire the market tavern.this looks more than sooner than later. as tescos have worked with staff ,they over staffed with the knowledge that most of the positions filled wouldnt be required as the 'bsd apples would fall out of the basket'. yes we all know that this is bad practice but thats how its worked. they have plans to biuld a petrol station within the grounds of the car park at the rear of tescos and not on vulcan garage site.this is staying as it is ref ritchard.
  18. the chap who owns ashiannas also owns bombay nights aswell.thats the one down the side of moby ducks.if it was the last take away in the whole wide world i would never use it. ashiannas good for take outs.that one at the ovals good too you now.
  19. Happy birthday MR DARN, have a good day... i hope there is many to follow
  20. john smiths wont travel well that far
  21. advertising
  22. hello pete unfortunatly i didnt go.the remarks on this forum did put me off a bit.i know they shouldnt and i should know better than to believe what people say on here. i will try it one day though and i will give a non biaste opinion. we went for a meal pete to ASHIANA''S on bedlington high st.it was a grand meal but we do love asian food. i had a beef methi but would have had a keema korma or a keema tarka which is like a keema korma but a little otter. a good time was had by everybody.
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