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Everything posted by SPLODGE

  1. he's always been good at cooking the books
  2. i wonder who's cooking that then? probably a debt collector.

    Welcome Back!

    please come back mr darn--------------- your sadly missed?
  4. we could make it into a place to store old paving stones from the front of tescos
  5. i thought the sunn inn was closing.last day was to be sunday i was led to believe. anybody got any news on this.
  6. you can buy a repair kit at the pound shop at manor walks cramlington.up at the far end of the store opposite the tools area.i saw them this weekend.
  7. special prayers are being said dave for your daughter.we all hope she gets better at this preciouse time.
  8. monkey nuts
  10. mr darn would it only end up around a lamp post in bed stn lol
  12. harry ramsdens
  13. can you two at least get a room
  14. same here brian. our thoughts are with you and your family and friends.keep safe please. thanks malcolm for bringing this matter foreword.
  15. thats the last thing that bedlington needs------ a tramp hotel-------
  16. no not me im not allowed out after my curfew
  17. motown
  18. no doubt that they do great charity work as well as other business do in bedlingon but to be realistic, they do talk to people when staff arnt in the bar im sure. the bar isnt open all day so it gives them chance to make phone calls to other people and do you think, if a business was in trouble, would the staff be the first to know?
  19. alot closer than anybody could ever speculate threegee. if every business in bedlington used the booster section it may solve a few problems that they may have.
  20. these are not rumours kwail.i have heard recordings on answer machines urging these friends to go and help them.sometimes three/four telephone calls a day.
  21. pete i'll let you into a little secret shall i,but you promise not to tell anybody else please. friends of mine were asked if they could lend them alot of money.fortunatly they didn't because they probably wouln't have seen it again.they were going to tho, but when they were told about all the other people who had lent them money and are still waiting to be paid back. one person who took them to court (and won) but still has to wait and hope payment has reached his bank account every month. i believe its general knowledge around the pubs in bedlington that the tavern is struggling and are asking all thier regulars for help in chipping in to keep things afloat, but if help is handed out how does a struggling pub repay? its upto the regulars to decide whether they want to help a run down pub that stinks of blocked toilets and stale smoke from the night before. bills have to be paid all the time and no pub with BIG bills can't ask the punters all the time for help.
  22. rumour has it that the tavern borrowed all the money from the coucil just so that they could stay in buisness. i think it beats asking all their customers to chip in with whatever they could spare which is whats happened.
  23. is it also true that joe from the sun will be leaving the pub trade this year?
  24. some of thier customers say that the managemnt have been asking them to lend them some money to bail them out of the pervaible.not just a couple of pounds but substantial amounts.has anybody got any news on this.
  25. everywhere
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