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About Viv

  • Birthday 06/06/1961

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    Aylesbury for now

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  1. Lee Foster.... Ethel Ada Sarah of Rose Cottage was my father's mother..."Granny Mather" to me....
  2. Just as an update... The old stable/smithy that used to be my Grandpa's was demolished earlier this year. It was destroyed BEFORE planning permission was granted for any development. Since planning permission was originally refused the developers launched an appeal. However, the latest news is that the appeal has now been DISMISSED. So the point of demolishing a rare, albeit small piece of history was WHAT??? However, the support from so many people to try to protect this old building, as well as object to the development that was proposed has been phenomenal. Lets hope that many learn from such incidents and that our home town is protected with intelligent, considered and truly community approved decisions. As a final word to Bedlingtonians.. the more folks that speak out: the greater chance of being heard. Get active... find out about your town, who is influencing decisions, what are the agendas, and are they what we all expect, want or need in OUR town. (Cos for all I'm temporaily away, it'll always be my Bedlington, my Home). Viv
  3. Viv

    The Vicarage

    The gates were originally done by my Grandpa (as in post to save the smithy/stable). It was nice to see the design reflected in the replacements about 25 yr ago, but the tops have been covered with ply hiding the uprights, but the curved design is still recognisable.
  4. The Music Box was where the cobblers is now, Keith Coultas and Sylvia Anderson from leechies estate, Keith also opened up a 2nd shop in Blyth mkt place where savers is, think Ive still got a little bag with me tape splicer in! At least thats my offering, but could b wrong!!
  5. No Symptom, my grandparents had the cottage and land behind at the front between the Bull and the Locke Hall that was demolished in the 60's following their deaths and my parents built their house on the site. Pattersons hauliers were further up behind Vicarage Tce.
  6. The stable was on my Grandpa's land and used by him when he had his joinery and wheelwright workshops there. He also used to sharpen the butchers saws on a Friday for the co-op next door, and built the robe closets in St Cuthberts vestry. The stable lies within Bedlington Conservation area although that seems to mean nothing to planners these days. Please, good folk of Bedders, support Daniel who is part of a local community working together as neighbours against a planning travesty.
  7. Thanks... I thought it might have been a bit later than that. I'd forgotten about the clock!
  8. Interesting entry Pencil_Neck, and I'm in no way saying absolutely ANYTHING against the refuge being here. Wherever is the safest in my opinion and I hope the women who need to be sheltered there find Bedlington and the townsfolk just the most supportive place for them here. I'm just dismayed at the demise of Bedlington as a thriving village in 'the shire' and that our leisure ammenities are fairly dismal in times where we're all being told about improving our health. My point was about the longstanding debate about Bedlington's economy and fair share of the coffers. I'm sure I'll be shouted down by folks that like the flowerbeds that are replaced 3 or 4 times a year, and the matching street furniture that has just been installed. However the town needs so much more than asthetics to make it thrive. Yes, the refuge here, although sad it needs to exist in the first place is at least one good thing WDC's approved. ps I'm saddened that so many of the good topics for debate on this site seem to get replies that appear to disregard the content and potential of intelligent discussion and end up all too quickly as rude sarcasm. missdarn had a valid point on a very sensitive subject that may to anyone's knowledge have been very personal in her(I assume 'her') own experience.
  9. Hi, already posted in the members bit but will request here as well. Does anyone know when the Locke Hall was pulled down please? It could have been mid 70's or late 70's .. a year would be most useful for some research I'm doing. Thanks in advance!
  10. Yes that's right, where Millfield Court now sits between the Dun Cow & the Bull. I'm thinking around 1973/4 for demolition, but I'm not sure if it could have been later. I'd really like to know for some research I'm doing. It was late whan I posted the other night and forgaot about the history thread.... I'll post the ? there as well just in case.... Thanks so far.
  11. Hmmmm..... and I wonder how much of any proceeds of Bedlington assets will actually REMAIN in Bedlington, or is this yet another way of filling Wansbeck coffers for the benefit of Ashington & Newbiggin. Lovely places, lovely people and nowt agin either place, but this sort of thing has gone on for years. Perhaps the council could make a few connections..... no adequate facilities = young people hanging around streets/drinking = police = solicitors = law courts. Adequate facilities = occupied young people = improving health = sense of wellbeing = less need for destructive behaviour etc etc..... What have we got? Police, courts and solicitors. What do we need? Ammenities to improve the health and wellbeing of the townfolk. Personally I go to Blyth & Cramlington where they have superb leisure facilities. WHERE ARE OURS? ps I'm in no doubt I'm not the only one who thinks like this, and that it's views like this that should be making our councillors squirm in their beds that they are not serving us right!
  12. A belated happy new year to all fellow 'tonians. A historical answer if you please! Does anyone remember which year the Locke Hall was demolished? The old store drapery must have finished trading mid 60's, (it really should have been preserved as a museum, all that mahogany & shuttle system to the cashiers office, and little drawers with cloth covered buttons on liberty bodices etc .... yup c1966!!) then Coopers took it over as a Bingo..... but until when???? Over to you....
  13. Well.... opposite Chahals on Glebe Road, running at right angles was Shiny Row, then Doctor Terrace then North Row. These were some off the colliery houses belonging the Doctor Pit. I think (??) the last of them were demolished late 70's ( I remember visiting there in about 1975/6). Beyond them were South Row, Telephone Row & Cross Row I believe though they were long gone before my memories begin. I've just asked me mum there, & with reference to the post 'Bedlington Lad Knighted', Albert's mum lived in Shiny Row no 46 as a young girl. She doesn't remember anyone by the name of Graves though, so sorry on the family record, but least you know where Shiny Row was. Good luck tracing your ancestors and living relatives, frustrating, but good fun when the hunt turns up some new info. Viv. & ps to those waiting to see who the 'owld ones' are on here. Am not so!!!! A mere mid 40's!
  14. Hmmm... never frequented the dom as an adult, but, WHO remembers the Saturday afternoon disco's??? 50p got your bus fare down, entrance fee, & 2 paper cups of cola. Home in time for Dr Who on the telly .... now I'm sounding like my mum when she talks about fish & a penneth. Age is scary!!!!
  15. Hi there, first time on the site, (well i've tried to post this once but it didn't take) - but thought some of you might be interested in the news that Albert Aynsley-Green has been knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list. Albert was born & raised on Hartford Road until he was 9 ish when his family moved away. He's been working as the 'children's czar' Children's Commissioner for England, some may remember him as paediatrician at the RVI a few years ago now. Just it's nice to think local lad makes good! He was pageboy at my mum & dad's wedding, the son of one of my mum's cousins so as a family we've watched his career. Good on ya Albert!
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