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Everything posted by threegee

  1. This gets more comical by the day. Now we learn that their pension fund trustees also had an arm and leg invested in NR, and in extricating themselves have manage to turn a healthy surplus into, at very least, a £100M deficit. They're demanding someone bail them out of their foolishness too! http://news.bbc.co.u...ess/7182668.stm This is a poison-pill which could more or less assure that anyone anticipating any sort of rescue will walk away. Meanwhile the taxpayer is holding the baby to the tune of a very large proportion of the entire national reserves. The current hopes that middle east oil money will save the day. Somehow, I don't think so! The pound has now plummeted to an all-time low against the euro and inflationary pressures are building. IMHO Alastair Darling is completely clueless, and the sooner he gos the less damage the economy will suffer. Even if he were to resign tomorrow (most unlikely) the outlook would be only a tiny bit less bleak. The unelected Mr Brown hasn't got the guts to call an election, and - next in a long chain of sleaze - his aspiring deputy has been caught-out taking illegal contributions to the tune of £103,000. The entire British political system is a complete and utter farce, right down to the local government level. What's to do? Call an expensive enquiry (led by trusted political chums) to tell us what we already know; tinker with a few inconsequential things; then paper over the cracks and pretend things can continue as ever - all in typical British fashion. There are times to envy countries which have had a revolution!
  2. Hey, hang on there junior! Maybe those who miss the obvious like that need contact lenses? With contact lenses they may see that it's far cheaper to order web space from their local hosting company (and domain registrar who is a founding member of Nominet) than buy Sir Richard any more Caribbean islands. They may even see that if they are doing something to help get the old place out of its near teminal decline then this needn't cost them anything at all!
  3. That doesn't work with my configuration of XP Pro. Indeed it doesn't work on any XP machine we have here right now. Right clicking always brings up Display Properties. XP Home Edition maybe? P.S. Why not run this forum? Someone else might just come along who wants to promote *their* repair business!
  4. Sadly, it's very true! There aren't enough hours in the day for Fair Trading to argue, and even if they did there are so many grey areas to argue. Only a fool buys from a written specification. The manufacturer's reputation is very important when you are buying speakers, many things are so subjective and others wide open to interpretation. A listening test on your own ground is the only way. Though hearing from someone who actually uses them is a million times better than heeding someone who has BA practical experience (or near zero technical knowledge)!
  5. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/810869 It might be safer to use the "WORKAROUND" method!
  6. Make sure you've reopened your browser from cold. Go to: http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/index.php?act=Login Make sure the Remember me? [] checkbox is ticked before you hit the [Log me in] button. If this doesn't work I will show you how to force a Windows form password save.
  7. "Current retail price is £279.99"? We're comparing apples with oranges here! £170 next bid (including postage) with 4 1/2 days to go. Would you buy second-hand gear from someone with zero feedback? When you're talking about little boxes like this the power rating can be pretty well meaningless. Is it RMS? Is it Peak Music Power? Is it even honestly measured? More often than not it's a figment of a marketing guy's imagination. Efficiency is what matters, and for little boxes it can be horribly low. The only way to choose (apart from noting your strained wallet) is to do an A-B comparison at home.
  8. I'm looking forward to your review of those amazing £150 Bose speakers!
  9. Could be several things. First clear your cookie cache. Which browser are you using? For instructions on MSIE 7 see How Do I Get The Bedlington.co.uk Icon To Show In My Browser? and at steps 4/5 substitute the [Delete cookies..] button.
  10. I think he could be getting out at an opportune time. The rise of the Linux/SSD based mini notebook is at hand. Won't be noticed by many people for maybe a year or so, but they will sell themselves, and not just on price! A very few years down the line lugging the things people now lug around will be so uncool! Prediction: The MFF notebook will become almost as ubiquitous as the cell-phone is today. I'd expect MS is already aware of the threat and will be doing ultra low-cost OEM deals on XP to - a very few dollars - a try to stem the threat. XP is slated to die next January anyway. MS would have to pay me to run Windows on a flash based device!
  11. Link to Harman Kardon Soundsticks II Specification
  12. BBC Click is currently reporting that Time Warner has abandoned DRM so there is only one major still holding out. They're wrong - Sony has thrown in the towel too!
  13. You've probably got the the MS default one showing. So: Close all the tabs that show Bedlington.co.uk Click on the Tools menu and select Internet Options at the bottom Hit the [Delete...] button in the Browsing history section (no need to select a new tab here) In the resulting Delete Browsing History window: Temporary Internet Files -- [Delete files..] -- [Yes] History -- [Delete history...] -- [Yes] then: [Close] -- [Cancel] or [OK] Re-visit http://www.bedlington.co.uk/ and the icon should now show in the address bar, browser tab, any stored favourites, and any desktop shortcuts. Note you must delete both Temporary Internet Files and History or MSIE 7 won't play ball. Make sure you don't delete your cookies, or your stored passwords, or do anything else drastic!
  14. Artic who? Not in my music collection; not that it gets many plays these days. I mean have you tried buying gramophone needles in Bedlington recently?!
  15. Wishing a happy and prosperous New Year to all bedlington.co.uk members - both old and new. May your fears never materialise in 2008, and all your modest ambitions be fulfilled. threegee
  16. = Contains Christmas Greetings Probably the other thing too!
  17. Bah, Humbug! God bless you all, said Tiny Tim! Merry Christmas to all bedlington.co.uk members, wherever you are, from threegee and family! .
  18. Yup, it was clearly wrong of me to respond to Mr D by editing the thread title. When someone is so badly in need of "help" I mean!
  19. Very observant, but it actually says -2 new messages. Which probably means that two people were going to message him, but changed their mind for some reason! Actually it means that his message counter needs resetting, which should happen when someone bothers to send him one or two.
  20. Someone might advise them that using a copyright symbol without a truthful year butted against it no protection whatsoever. Copyright does not last for ever.
  21. That's because it needs a moderator! But, in the absence of any offers...
  22. The pros say: ========== If it's spam you want to prevent then that would be a waste of time. The overwhelming probability is that the e-mail header is forged and the stated e-mail address does not exist. What's more the spammers are most likely using someone else's domain name in the e-mail address, and it didn't come from that quite innocent source anyway! So it's quite pointless complaining there and taking measures against innocent parties. The best way to handle spam is to be very aware that every time you quote your e-mail address somewhere it might be sold. Have a throw-away address with one of the webmail services for filling in forms on sites you don't trust, and only provide your regular e-mail address to people you implicitly trust. In particular never display it on websites or public boards; it will surely be spidered many many times. That's why we have a Personal Messaging (PM) system here. If you are running a business, where spam costs money, then please PM me and I can help you further. Our company has several ways to help you form an anti-spam policy, and even to police your suppliers who are selling their mailing lists.
  23. The short answer is no! Go find out the difference between a security camera and a lowish res fixed webcam. If you can identify individuals from a 320 * 240 pixel cam with a fixed lense at 100 meters then hundreds of security firms want to hear from you. Is there anything at all you are for monsta?
  24. We're looking into the possibility of installing several Bedlington webcams on main road situations. If you have an elevated site near one of the Town's main roads and a nearby broadband connection you'd share then we will provide and set up the hardware free. It's a long-term project so its only of interest if we can keep the connection live 24/7/365 for at least two years. The hardware contains it's own webserver so it doesn't require a computer to be on, or any computer at all. It does require to share a decent broadband connection though. PM me if you'd like to help, and with any questions - Thanks.
  25. There's nothing inconsistent about Merlin's position. The PC here confuse immigration with asylum, just like they get confused about many other pretty straightforward things. Of course he shouldn't be kicked out, if only for the pragmatic reason that he's an asset to OUR country. If you say here that a small island can't throw its doors open to billions of economic migrants somehow that gets twisted to being an 'ism. Well... if that's the case over 90% of the silent majority in our country must be 'ismist. Those who have lived a little, have survived the PC indoctrination of lefties in our education system and media, and don't go around with their eyes shut, know differently. It's unfortunate that the extreme right in our country give this equally vocal minority of 'ismist branders a lot more credibility than they deserve. Joe's position is commendable, but it's through the rose-coloured glasses of his youth, and it's from a vast country that is well insulated from what's currently going on globally. It's not about compromise with some silly girl that wants attention at school - don' t they all?! It's about a complete takeover of our culture, moral standards, and standards of fairness and reason by retards that will have no truck with any of your 'ismist crap. If the PC get their way it will be too late for anyone! Paradoxically only the center right can save the PC elements in our country from the product of their own stupidity. And, like occasions in the past, you'd better bet that they will! Peace in our time was also a highly commendable lefty slogan until the cows came home.
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