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Everything posted by threegee

  1. Search though I may I can't find any info as to how much RAM they've fitted to the 6 and 6 Plus. The usual reason this becomes a state secret with any device and any manufacture is that it's far too little. Spill the beans Apple: have you really fitted a measly 1GB RAM to a top of the range; way overpriced; year 2014 device? It should be at least twice that at this stage of the game!
  2. Well... I guess the Ruskies got it dead right again! http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/9/6122731/iphone-6-apple-4-7-inch-display-announced The watch doesn't look at all bad, but I haven't seen the pricing yet, and its slated to be highly proprietary (tied securely into the Apple ecosystem). No camera though. The camera and its connectivity is one of the best parts of the original Galaxy Gear, despite what those 48 hour experience reviewers claimed. And... the third generation Gear is stand-alone on both GSM and WiFi, which has a lot of appeal to someone who swaps out their phone rather frequently, like... Interesting to see how many Apple sells. The eventual adoption of NFC (as noted in the Ruskie video) can only help everybody, but once again trashes the myth that Apple is a market leader.
  3. Wow, is he THAT old! Happy birthday, and many many more!
  4. Watchtowers with haggis deflecting screens - well planned! I caught Milipede on the radio extorting Scottish voters to vote no - because - wait for it - only Labour would freeze their electricity bills. Well... not exactly freeze, delay any recovery of increased charges for a while. Haven't we been there on a much grander scale before? The Prices and Incomes Policy I think it was called. Yeah, that was really successful! So there you have it Scotland: a short term loan of someone else's £200 against your national sovereignty for all-time. A really difficult call that one. And remember, there's the alternative promise of loadsa stuff from the more-free-stuff party - if it turns out they can afford it. Take the money or open the ScotNat Pandora's box? But first... the yes-no interlude!
  5. Is it really possible that Snake Oil Salmond can con (and intimidate) enough people to vote for "an Independent Scotland"? Well it's looking like the Scots may just return to form, allowing their jealousy, greed, and envy to overtake their common sense. There's quite a number of telling examples of this on the history books; one quite new to me was the Darien Scheme which featured in a fairly recent TV documentary. Salmond's whole proposition is predicated on their being sweetness and light between his loony-left-nationalist Scotland and the rest of the UK following a break up - he and his more-free-stuff party will get all their own way. It's not going to happen my friends (and ancestors) over the border! No UK government can be seen to be playing less than hard-ball, that would spell electoral disaster. There are massive UK votes in saying the obvious: enough is enough, and it's your choice that we are not bailing you out any more! The acrimony and bitterness that will be stirred up here will last centuries. Even a No vote is going to cause resentment (both ways) as Scotland is seen to be getting an even more unfair slice of the UK cake; one for which it is forever ungrateful. Two things are for sure: a No vote won't end the matter in the slightest, and a Yes vote will turn out to be a financial disaster North of the border, and an even bigger disaster for relations in our island. Who will rid us of the moaning macks? Certainly not Alex Salmond! Whichever way this thing goes there will be nothing at all to celebrate and one should dread the result.
  6. Snap, so do I: http://www.gsmarena.com/alcatel_pop_c3-5687.php They sell for about £65 here now, and are amazing value - dual SIM too! But that's just for regular things like making phone calls, a little Skype, and Internet radio. For other stuff I deploy the "big guns"! ..and - if you are wondering where the iMoney (from Brits who queue all night and sleep on pavements to pay far more than even the US buyers will pay) goes: Sneak drone shots from inside Apple's security fence last month. Remember this is prime Californian real estate, and not a green field site in Nowheresville. It's also in addition to and not instead of. Go full screen HD and skip to nearer the end to get an idea of the scale of this thing. Nothing will actually be made here; that will be done for the most part in Chinese sweat shops. To borrow from an old stock market saying: Where are the customer's spaceships?
  7. Nope, I don't believe ANY political party will ever deliver everything it says. Not even half of what it claims. But, when you have all the establishment parties going in one direction, and public opinion going in the exact opposite, democracy has badly failed. When the result is that a party pops up to represent public opinion - policy comes up from the bottom - that's the only one a non-tribalist can support. Racialist is one of these loony left substitute for thought labels. Some of those so labelled will undoubtedly be bigots (though one often wonders if there's more of that on the part of the labeller than their target); most will have genuine concerns which at very least deserve listening to. One of the ways the establishment uses to attack UKIP is to point to the demise of the BNP. Fact is that the BNP still has its hard core of bigots, but there is now an outlet for those with genuine concerns that there wasn't before. Actually, if you were a member of the BNP or kindred organisations you have to look to other than UKIP, because you fail the membership test - though of course UKIP can't stop you voting for them. What the loony left were doing was to drive otherwise reasonable people into the BNP fold, because they had no other way of expressing their concerns. Even bigots are better in a fold where reason and fairness can be applied by gentle social pressure. These days you don't have to make a case for preventing radicalisation! It really suits people on the extreme left to apply labels and try to demonise others; this makes them feel so much better about themselves and their failure to use their own god-given intelligence. The right doesn't go in for demonisation, rather it regards the left as simply those who haven't seen the light. Unfortunately, explaining why someone has over-simplistic wrong-headed ideas takes more than a sound bite - a hard fact which delights the left, and they do try hard not to miss a trick! What I'm saying is that at a membership level UKIP is as flawed as any other political party. When it gets power it will have exactly the same sorts of problems. But, just at this moment, it's much better able to deal with those problems. That's because it - like the very early Labour Party - is grass roots, and ... and here's the big one ... it is under intense attack from the establishment media machine, and simply has to keep its house in order. There may come a day - there probably will be a day - when it's no longer worth supporting; when naked tribalism takes over from genuine policy. But, until then, it's very worthy of support, because it offers the only chance of the change we need, and it is genuinely democratic.
  8. How's your Russian? Why for sure? Because it exactly matches all the other leaks of component parts from far-east contractors, and they've split it open to see the works! Plus the source has rep for not pulling hoaxes. There's going to be two models (4.7" and 5.5") of course, as Apple have been losing out big time to much larger and much more usable smartphones. So... yet another Steve Jobs myth bust: this time the ideal size of a smartphone. But, the Apple marketing machine is really good at rewriting history, and in leaving its past customers high and dry. That might be excusable at half the price, but when you add on the UK price premium they demand - plus the high cost of ownership - Android is a vastly better proposition for all but rather wealthy technophobes. Anyway, that it's going to sell and sell there is no doubt. iSheep will be lauding the usability of the sensibly sized screens and queueing overnight to boost Apple's coffers even more. It's a funny old world and competition is good, even if you have to accept a degree of brain washing in the mix! The important things are to keep blinkered technophobes very happy, and make megabucks doing so!
  9. I think you miss the point here. It doesn't take very many people willing to work for less than "a living wage" to skew the market. Rather like the odd distressed house sale in a street dropping the value of all the other properties. I'm not arguing here for high uncompetitive wages, just pointing out the obvious dishonesty in Labour's policies. They are saying one thing to their traditional supporters whilst pursuing policies that can only hugely disadvantage them. Their complete silence on the EU says it all - like Rotherham it's something Guardian readers can't talk about rationally if at all, because - to them - the truth is ugly! Labour (and what's left of the LDs) are no longer rational political parties, they're fully certified religions! For goodness sake don't apologise for raising "inflammatory" points. Rational discussion is what has been lacking in this town for many decades. Lots more please! On the EU: all the LD's can come up to justify membership is the "three million jobs" that will be lost if we leave. This isn't scaremongering then? (Ignore the fact that the guy who actually did the counting says the loss claim is nonsense.) There are few if any economic benefits (providing you're not a politico). Name a single advantage that we'd not get from a simple customs union, and I will quote you ten disadvantages of membership. The EU boils down to paying lots of money in to a central bureaucracy in the hope that you might get a little back here or there. But the gotcha is that you only get it back if you agree to play the bureaucrats silly games. This week it's hunt the big vacuum cleaner. Its all about a "post democratic society". Not a new idea really; I think Stalin and Hitler filed patents! Sure you have elections, but the people you elect get to sit in a shiny expensive building and talk endlessly, whilst the commission (commissariat?) do the actual ruling. However flawed Westminster is there's the distinct possibility that the electorate can push for change, and even say no to wars that the ruling elites scheme at in order to extend their power-base (Ukraine anyone?) Whether you look at it economically or socially, the EU fails miserably as a way of directing society to a better future. And, as far as the UK is concerned, it is predicated on a lie: we voted for an economic union and got a political one. We now know that you can't have one without the other - or so the politicos hope. So, the next best thing is a simple customs union. Yes, please, politicos. Why exactly are we waiting if it's not to con us yet again? (Oh, and look Mr Cameron; one of your own has just said that he's had insider info that's exactly what you are planning.) That's the UKIP position, plain and simple.
  10. I was wondering where Cher was for a few seconds - until, it came to me that this must be the tolerant face of Islam. The one we must all embrace in the name of PC-loony-left multiculturalism! Was that Rotherham?
  11. Come on Tony that's a generalisation! What exactly are UKIP saying that isn't true or is pure scaremongering? If a few of our politicos had pointed out a few of the problems a bit earlier we wouldn't be in some of the messes we are now. Was old Enoch Powell scaremongering when he warned us about uncontrolled immigration and blood on the streets? Hugh Gaitskell (and others in old Labour) put out several warnings about joining The Common Market only to have their own Loony-Liberal-Lefties completely ignore them in their rush to get onto the Euro gravy train. Was he wrong too? UKIPs policy on the EU is pretty much what old Labour's was. It's New Labour that is standing on its head, and pretending that its traditional supporters aren't going to have to pay a heavy price! Once we could have voted Labour to stop the mad rush to Euro integration by big-business types in the Tory party. No more! There's only one party that ordinary working people can vote for and that's UKIP! So he's scaremongering is he? Is Labour telling you this, or is it just burying it's head in the sand and hoping it's traditional supporters won't notice that they are being screwed over? Yes, the truth is out there, but you get at it by rational discussion, and not by misrepresenting what others stand for!
  12. The Trust might like to create an entry in the new directory. Note that ANY member should be able to create directory entries though it might take a short while for links to be approved as relevant to local people. There's also the facility to edit your links, so you don't have to get it 100% right on the first attempt, so just do it!
  13. Remember the "Good day to bury bad news"? I mean who would have thought an honest politico would ever have stooped to such a thing? Well, today we have a UK threat level raised to 'severe' day. But the small print says no intelligence to suggest an attack is "imminent". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28986271 A cynic could be forgiven for thinking that these things always occur when highly inconvenient headlines are turning up on the news. From fibbing about the threat it's only a small step to indirectly bringing-on an "event" though channels - all carefully screened by the Official Secrets Act of course! That's the only thing which still commands the death penalty (if you disregard the possibility of completely bypassing due legal process). No wonder Harold Wilson became increasingly paranoid the more he learned about how the system really works! The man in the UK street might be asking who go us into such "threat situations" in the first place. A further layer of intrigue, or just total and utter incompetence? My money is on the latter.
  14. One of those places is Labour Controlled Ultra-PC Rotherham! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28974336 The excuse of the highly-paid officials for turning a blind eye to this: We knew but we didn't dare mention it because we'd be accused of being racist! These were the same loony-left PC officials who snatched loved and cared for black children from a white couple because they admitted to having voted UKIP! Rerun the council elections now Labour party, if you dare! Even more people are on to your mind manipulation and your evil ways! The flawed system which put you back in power on significantly less of the poll (41% against 44% for UKIP) won't protect you next time around! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-27546344
  15. Today's news on the street has it that "between five and ten" Labour MPs are considering defecting to UKIP, and are having talks. That's completely unprecedented because Labour thinks it can win a general election, so it's not the usual rats-deserting-sinking-ship syndrome (Unless, of course, they appreciate that it's the entire system that is sinking!). Are there really 10 principled MPs in New Labour who will put their country and their constituents before their own gain? Time will tell, but you can expect many more of the ruling elites to quit our broken system before year-end.
  16. Apparently not, but I'd not have lost a sure bet on Sarah Palin or Alex Salmond: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/08/25/britains-top-politicians-yet-to-take-the-ice-bucket-challenge_n_5709755.html
  17. panem et circenses Presumably Boris has done it already?
  18. You are very wrong Tony. If Carswell were one of the establishment mob he'd have hung on in there instead of going back to his electors. He's an intelligent guy, and knows the way to really shake Cameron is to take the constituency from right under his nose, using the massed ranks of both Tory and Labour voters who've had enough of the system. If you want the same old system, and the same old crooks running it, then carry on supporting the establishment. But my bet is that a fair few of your members are wising-up too - listen to them! It will be a pity if our town has to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by other regions - but if that's how it has to be, then that's how it will be. I may be wrong but I think there are now enough educated people here who are no longer fooled. Generally the system has fostered dependency, and those of an independent turn of mind have upped sticks and left. That's been a tragedy for our area, but suited the two (and a bit) party system very well indeed. In fact we've been so gullible we are almost a joke in the South East - certainly our MPs are! Do yourself a favour and listen to what Carswell actually says. Forget the accent, and his former party, and tell me what you actually disagree with. He's not alone, and there are Labour MPs too who will come clean once they see that the days of the political elites are rapidly coming to an end. For many of them it will be simple self-preservation, but that something you can't accuse Carswell of. You are right in thinking that there is a class enemy of working people, but times have moved on, and our area has not. The class enemy is at Westminster, in Central London, and in the huge bureaucracies that both parties and their chummies in Brussels has spawned. You are being suckered by New Labour in just the same way as other parts of our country are being suckered by the Tory Party. The big swing to the LDs at the last general election was the result of many people waking up to this. But the LDs were shown in their true colours almost from the word go - a bought and paid-for part of the establishment! Things happen a lot faster these days, and you are about to see proof of this writ large. With your union roots I can well see that you'd be sceptical. But keep an open mind on this one because the establishment are going to try every trick in the book to hold on to power. You know damn well that it really doesn't make any difference to your membership who is in power, you get the same old excuses and nothing really happens. What the people at the top of the tree say, and what they actually do are two entirely different things. But, they keep most of the fruit, and we get the windfalls. Disaffected Tory voters may have kicked this one off, but more and more Labour voters are wising-up and supporting UKIP now. As it's a people's party that takes its instruction from the bottom and not the top, policy has moved distinctly leftward over the last year or so. But, in the end, that really doesn't matter, because what it's about is breaking the mould, and ending the cosy cartel that runs this country (and in which the EU now figures greatly). I like your Bismark analogy. The Bismark - like our system - was believed to be unsinkable. No warship sank the Bismark, but unity of purpose from people who didn't buy into the German government's myth rendered it unseaworthy! And, when the German capital ships were seen to be powerless, the course of history was changed.
  19. Yes and no! Malcolm doesn't seem to agree with me, but I think it matters a great deal for us here in the S. E. Northumberland. But - like many of the big issues that do matter - no one seems to "give a monkeys". IMHO leaving the UK would be a disastrous mistake. Salmond is a snake oil salesman, and will blame the UK for the disaster he himself brings on. He's acting like the UK will agree to all his demands, when in fact any UK politico who doesn't play hard-ball with a Scotland that has turned its back on the UK won't last very long. The matter is out of party politics, and he'll get more or less the same treatment from whoever is in power. He's also a proven liar, and his gentlemanly undertaking to accept the poll result will be rapidly forgotten. He will continue to moan and blame the rest of the UK whatever; it's a no win situation for the UK! On the other hand Northumberland would greatly benefit from an independent Scotland, and if - as looks likely - the Scots don't buy Salmond's snake oil, he'll drain us of even more resources. So: Whole UK: A no-win situation. Northumberland: A win with Salmond : A (bigger) lose if Scotland decides to stay. Scotland: A disaster with Salmond (will take a while to become evident) : A win if they stay (but will moan even more) Salmond Personally: He won the instant he secured the referendum! Other views?
  20. Everything UKIP has been telling you is wrong with the system - from a Tory MP! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28967904 He's exposed Cameron's cunning plan for a re-run of Harold Wilson's trick of keeping us in the then Common Market by pretending to secure a better deal. There is NO better deal, and it's not an economic union - it's a political one! It is designed to secure the continuing dominance of the ruling classes - people who produce nothing but live in luxury off the backs of people who do! It adds more layers of these drones, so that the layer you elect has even more excuses not to deliver the kind of fundamental change we need! The Eurocrats call it "post-democracy"; what they mean by this is that you are too thick to know what's best for you. The system's sole purpose is to replicate itself. The Labour Party wants everything the Tories have; their strategy is to let Cameron do their work for them, and say as little as possible on the EU. There was a time when Labour were opposed to the then Common Market, but New Labour saw an opportunity to feather their own nests and grabbed at it. I've recently been listening to speeches from the likes of Hugh Gaitskell warning of the perils of loss of UK sovereignty, he and others (like Enoch Powell) foresaw the problems, but the present Labour clique are bent on selling our country out - just like the Tories! My generation was fooled by the politicos on the Common Market - Ted Heath even admitted that he'd lied to secure the original vote. If we let this happen again we don't even deserve to be British! Wise up folks and VOTE UKIP - a party that belongs to its members, and were no one has been bought and paid for!
  21. You've hit on one of life's great conundrums: If octopi have only eight legs how on earth do they mange ten tickles?
  22. I'd have put money for the proposition that there'd be no connection whatsoever between that song and Glen Campbell, but... in the weird world of music, and way back in 1967, it seems... http://www.forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/glen-campbell-as-a-session-musician.161053/ How did we ever get by without the internet? But.. if we are moving to South Pacific it certainly wasn't Happy Talk on the night. The ScotNats might think he's A Wonderful Guy, but he's simply A Cock-Eyed Optimist because his estimates of oil revenue are so Bali High! He thinks the electorate have Got To Be Carefully Taught, but we all know he'll end up in a duet with the fat lady - singing This N-e-a-r-l-y Was Mine! If I'd paid a bit more attention to Scottish history at school I'd probably have been able to work Bloody Mary into this too! Though a prize should be offered to anyone who can hang Younger Than Springtime on either of the deadly(boring) duo! That said, I do detect an uncanny resemblance between Darling and Honey Bun - by way of said dead sheep! Oh.. and almost missed the show-stopper number: There Is Nothing Like A Dame - especially when you appoint them yourself, and then they report exactly what you want them to, when you refer yourself to them! Canny lot those Scot Nats; know exactly what they are getting themselves into - I expect! http://antioligarch.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/the-shame-of-britain-its-not-the-olympics/
  23. Probably a few locals anticipating the rush to leave Salmond's ScotNat Shangi-La and making room . Most Scots with get up and go will - as usual - keep on going South though, leaving the moaning Wullies behind at haem to breed. Pity far too many of them are politicos; England would have been an altogether nicer place without any Scottish-bred PMs. And... this is a nation that is always moaning about the English having too much influence in their affairs! Anyway, I can think of many worse places to live than Bedlington, and quite a few of them aren't in the North East.
  24. I'm told the Beeb guy was Glen Campbell, but he didn't even get to Perth let alone Phoenix, and certainly never to the point. He was Gentle On Salmond's Mind though! No True Grit in evidence at all, and it sure wasn't a Southern Night!
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