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Everything posted by moe19

  1. I told them they could use my slogan
  2. moe19


    Monica Lewinsky siad she could not vote for Hillary as the last Clinton who was in office left a bad taste in her mouth
  3. Spot on Maggie me to, stuck in the middle of the roundabout who on earth could walk up to it and look at it . maybe the WBTC could get some of them big telescopes that you see on the seafront ya stick a shilling in to get a couple of minutes looking at the monument they could use the revenue from them to open the lavies .
  4. It does its the west end of front street, not the west end of Bedlington same as Millfield North is in the east end of Bedlington., but I am sure you knew that The Grapes address is 68 Front street west and it is most certainly not in the west end off town By such reasoning North Ridge would not be in the west end, Shields road would be near Tynemouth and Bells place would be on top of St Cuthberts Church The West end of Bedlington starts from the Wharton arms always has and always will, but I am sure your moral support will be appreciated
  5. moe19


    Bookmaker paid out £800,000 on Hillary Clinton win - 20 days BEFORE the US election Paddy Power made the decision after Donald Trump's numbers took a dive. After our last General election result then Brexit you would have thought folk would have learned the lesson of not listening to what the polls predict. I might stick a fiver on Nigel becoming Prime minister .
  6. Well Malcome I live behind the Blue Bell pub and I had no idea that was part of the west end of Bedlington maybe I need to buy a new compass mine must be broken.I never knew front street was in the west end. I think that fact will surprise a few residents. I look forward to hearing your reply to the rest of my post when you are not so busy and are in a better mood. I will leave the hounding of Mrs Clinton to those have some understanding of what they are a actually taking about as I am just a simple working class chap who knows nothing
  7. Malcome I wonder if you could explain how moving the monument to isolation in the middle of the roundabout so no one could get up close to it to read its scrip and examine its construction and stonework would be promoting the Town to visitors wanting to look at it, Or how as you say it will save us money, what money are we spending on the monument now to save ? how can we save when we spend nowt on it . Would moving the monument to isolation improve a visitors impression of our heritage, I dont think so Malcome. would moving Big Ben 30 feet improve the heritage of London ? And as for folk passing next to it on the main footpath on front street daily and as you say they never see it do you honestly think moving it to isolation on the roundabout would make a difference to that. Now you ask me if I am a a resident of West Bedlington Malcome and I will tell you now that I am not, I am a resident of Bedlington Central the same area that the Trotter Memorial resides in, so the one hundred dollar question has to be what has the Trotter Memorial got to do with West Bedlington Town Council Malcome . I look forward to reading your reply .
  8. Checking on a few Town councils they do actually manage the public toilets http://www.morpeth-tc.gov.uk/services/public-toilets/ As for the cost of moving the monument I am sure the red tape costs alone would run the lavies for years , It sounds like another hair brained scheme from folk who know they should be doing something but not sure what that something should be
  9. Then why dont the WBTC take over the toilets as other town councils have done. Money better spent on toilets instead of squandering it playing chess with Trotters monument .
  10. I have a better idea LEAVE IT WHERE IT IS . Why squander more taxpayers money on something that is unnecessary and will benefit no one , The monument is accessible to the minority of people who may wish to see it close up , isolating it in the middle of a busy roundabout sounds like the most crazy idea and waste of public money , Why not use that cash to open the public toilets
  11. moe19


    No back of the queue for the UK now Ukip’s Nigel Farage is heading to the United States this weekend where he will probably become the first British politician to meet Donald Trump since his shock election victory. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-donald-trump-us-election-2016-uk-visit-theresa-may-first-a7407771.html
  12. moe19


    Oh how our biased broadcasters and luvvies must be crying in the Champagne after showering so much hatred on Brexit the also on Trump but not getting the result they wanted
  13. I thought that happened down at Atlee park Sorry GGG I could not resist that.
  14. moe19


    I wonder if a couple of Judges overturn the vote of the people and say sorry Don we have decided you cant be President I also wonder how many of our forty faced politicians are sending him congratulations and good luck messages
  15. The tuwel was hoyed in a lang time ago for us Bedlington folk, the poor relations to wa well heeled neighbours. .
  16. Why divint they clagg the monument in the car park of that giant carbuncle on the landscape shop they are building, then folk can compare what wonderful heritage and architecture we used to have compared to the mess the Town is being turned into. It will take more than a few swings and illuminated Christmas puddings to pull Bedders back from the brink.
  17. Why paramedics are spending weeks queuing in the newest emergency centre.An investigation by the BBC's Inside Out programme found that over nine months ambulance crews spent almost 2,900 hours in queues - the equivalent of an on-duty paramedic waiting an entire year. Paramedics booking in patients at the Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital, in Cramlington, are facing waits of up to two hours .
  18. Nigel Farage to Gina Miller 'What part of leave don't you understand?' .
  19. Time to get tough ? but not with the BBC .
  20. That is a very interesting read mercury, I believe at one time you had to have a license to watch any TV station
  21. BBC is still running its project fear remain campaign, I was watching early morning news this week and the presenter was giving a dramatic warning about how IMPORTED bread milk and eggs would increase in price I want a TV that does not receive BBC programs so I no longer have to pay them the yearly ransom to keep its luvvies in champagne
  22. Former Coronation street actress Jean Alexander who played Hilda Ogden in the show for 23 years has passed away three days after her 90th birthday. Ta-ra, chuck and rest in peace.
  23. Trump and Clinton In an alternative reality
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