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Posts posted by cocknose

  1. Q: I will happily put in a massive bid to win... but only if the set includes a two-tone left handed cornflake magnet? Can you please confirm this is the case or not. Thanks

    A: Hi Sory ,but i dont think there is one of them included everything else but no food related items Regards Nick

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. I am using a BT connection but I have got quite a long extension lead from phone socket to router, not sure if I install a wireles card whether that might make a difference.

    i had the same problem turns out my extention cable was faulfy so i plug the router strait into the filter then phone socket and speed came back

    wireless should run fine just plug router direct to wall socket

    • Like 1
  3. what can i say the graphics are splendid the game-play is tremendous and it took ages to complete well saying that i completed it but the game ain't half done its huge this is one game that you have to play. :D

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  4. As someone who is self employed and an owner of said white van I find your remarks quite offensive! As said van, tools and eqipment cost about three times as much as your average family car where the hell do you expect people like me to park their vehicles? Down plessey woods car park? I think not! It will be parked outside my house so said younger generation can not help themselves to my van,gear and livelyhood.Get your head out of where the sun don't shine,if it wasn't for the likes of us your estate would probably be half boarded up houses and a haven for hoolaganism,and if this is your snobbish attitude to hard working decent people then I am not surprised you are having bother,in fact I'm surprised you are still living where you are and haven't moved in with the Queen

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Like 1
  5. Respect and accountability! Many of the youth today have no respect for others, or themselves, when we took away the teachers ability to teach and the police the ability to do their job and to some extent the right for parents to bring up their children the way they were brought up, we lost control of the children!

    "Do Gooders" or "Bleeding hearts" they go under many names are destroying our youth yet it's what they profess to be protecting and as long as politicians have to be "politically correct" to get re-elected then I can't see things changing.


    well said

  6. It always riles me greatly when I read this excuse, time and time again, as a reason for the bad behaviour of idiots. I was brought up in a town where there was absolutely nothing to do when we were young bar ride our bikes and gather with mates for a natter

    yes but when the kids these days gather in groups for a natter they get told to move/go home we don't want you up here or round here so in that case its not surprising that they've turned to getting chases or knocking on doors

    I'll lay odds that the majority of these kids have a playstation, a computer, whatever, that can give them far more in terms of something 'to do' than anything I had in my youth

    so what your saying is all the kids that have computers/playstations should just stay in the house 24/7 and play on these things to give them something to do that way it will keep them out of bother

    I agree with the bit about the 'do gooders' but maybe in a different way; it's largely the lax attitude of parents who are not held responsible for the behaviour of their kids.

    no no no i totally disagree on this it is all down to the do gooders its got nothing to do with the lax attitude of the parents, what do you expect them to do belt the youngins give them a good clip ? no thanks to the do gooders this is no longer possible hence why the kids run wild.

    plus if there was places for the kids to go without being moved along it would all be different fact

    • Like 2
  7. comes out 10th november great game its a bit short completed it in a day and half but that was on easy lol playing it again on normal level then i'll have a go on the hard levels but its the best shooter ive played in a long time and the graphics are splended a thumbs up from me :D:D

    • Like 2
  8. well if there was things in bedlington for the younger generation to do or somewhere for them to go without being moved away by the police I'm sure they wont be knocking on doors for a chase its all these do gooders and the likes that are to blame its hardly surprising

    and as for calling in favours i think thats a bad thing to say on a public forum youl only end up making things worse for yourself

    try installing cctv

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