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Posts posted by Dajazar

  1. It is quite a difficult budget to forecast as on one hand with a huge deficit they need to be seen to act responsibly and do things to cut that back while at the same time, and with an imminent election, sweeten the pot for the very people who have to pay up. They already have a 1% tax increase on jobs going though! I guess the normal things will take a mildish hit but we may see a bit more discrimination within the likes of alcohol sales. Considering all the statements made by B/D the devil will be in the details of this one not the headline rates.

    Anyone want a daft bet on the time it takes Darling to deliver this budget?

    1hr 55m.

    1 hr 51min 8sec ;)

  2. Thanks Dajazar!

    Could you take some of the content of this thread to the council and ask those at the meeting to read it... I think this is a fair representation of how the majority of Bedlington feels. When you read the underlying tone of the posts people put on here it is almost as if they have given up on the town altogether!

    We need to give you some detail I agree, but the incetive of knowing that it will be listened to and more importantly, acted upon first would help to motivate people to get you that detail!

    I have only been a member of the website for about 4 months and there must have been at least two dozen or more threads similar to this and the same things come up again and again;

    - The state of Elliot's Garage

    - Empty Pubs

    - The old school

    - The number of empty commercial/ retail premises

    - The poor or cumbersome planning process limiting progress and development

    - Lack of facilities and services (Leisure centre etc)

    - Tesco re-development

    - The market place

    So, if you could raise these things and come back to us with which the council would be prepared to investigate further and perhaps take some action on, we could come up with some detail for you?

    Would that work?


    These points above have been talked about regularly at meetings but bearing in mind that the Town Council is very much a new body which is still finding its feet.

    There is no doubt alot further for them to go. It is disappointing that there are so many negatives but at the same time if gripes are not raised then we dont know how people feel.

    You can contact the Town council through our the Town Clerk for Bedlington West Town Council.


  3. All ideas are welcome.I would encourage anyone to come along to the Town council meetings and put suggestions up for discussion. Alternatively, anyone can approach me or another of the councillors to request that the matter be raised at the next meeting or write to us care of the Town Clerk. I would say that as much information as you can provide about the idea, the better. For example, any foreseen problems or costs and most importantly, how it will be of benefit to the community? Please do not worry about whether the idea is "good enough", feel free to raise it. Remember that politics isn't an important issue here, it is about improving the lives of all residents not narrow political gain.

    The format of the council meetings can seem a little stilted to some. This is because it is important that council business be conducted within a narrow time frame. As a result, there is only a short period of time for residents to put questions to councillors. This is unavoidable but please feel free to approach any of us afterwards with your ideas/concerns/comments etc. If anyone wants to contact me my details are on here.

    Lets put Bedlington first for a change and work together to achieve it. :)

  4. I don't think that anyone need feel inhibited from posting any issues/concerns. However, with the new Parish/Town Councils there has been a layer of local democracy introduced. For me personally, localism is the ticket on which I stood for election and because councillors at this level are unpaid the flow of ideas should come from the local residents "up over". This should work fine in principle (and I think posts on here show that it can and does work) but, the County Council structure has not been replaced and is still intact. This layer of Goverment does not work in the same way (although it should) because it is more political and therefore more liable to be dominated by National or Regional Policy. In addition, many of the councillors at Parish/Town level are also County Councillors and therefore have a least one eye on the "bigger picture".

    I believe that this inhibits localism from being as effective as it might otherwise be. However, because Parish/Town Councillors live locally in the communities they serve they are in a better position to understand and represent local people, whether or not they personnally agree with a particular issue.

    Anyone who wishes is free to contact me in this regard. After all, I was elected to serve my local community and it is my intention to do so to the best of my ability.

    • Like 4
  5. Last night I was speaking to a couple who moved here a few months ago and they didn't even know Dr. Pitt park existed.

    What do people think of having a large scale town map in the Market Place? it could point these places out to visitors. It's something that should be quite low cost and shouldn't attract too much red tape.

    Thats a great idea to have a large scale town map in the Market Place. All communities that wish to point visitors to points of interest have them as it encourages visitors to stay and hopefully spend some money.

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  6. That it the real problem for me GGG it's all about misdirection. It's the same as the way a magician works, you look at the right hand and don't see what the left hand is doing. While everyone has been thinking how well off they were, deluded with house price increases and cheap loans, the country has gone bankrupt.

    Been talking to a director of a hedge fund group recently and he says they are back to making millions but this time there is no safety net, no one has learnt any lessons in the city! At least Obama seems to see the ramifications.


    As always your spot on. No one is telling the public what is happening the city will never learn any lessons and we need to wake up and smell the coffee

  7. HI All

    Just thought you would like to Know our next meeting.



    You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of WEST BEDLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL to be held at Bedlington Salvation Army Hall, Hartford Road West Bedlington on Wednesday 13 January at 6 pm

    The agenda for the meeting is set out below.

    John Nicholson

    Town Clerk 06 January 2010


    The Chair to invite members of the public present to put questions to, or draw relevant matters to the attention of the Council prior to commencement of business. This question time will last for a period of 15 minutes overall (which may be extended if the Chairman deems it necessary) and each question is limited to 3 minutes per person.

    In order to give every member of the public a fair chance of asking a question, each person will be limited to two questions at each session. The above covers both verbal and written submissions.

    Any member of the public who asks a question should first state their name and address.




    To sign as a correct record the minutes of the West Bedlington Town Council meeting held on 16 December 2009



    To receive from members in respect of any terms included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any personal or prejudicial interests.


    To receive announcements on any matters which the Chair wishes to bring to the attention of members.


    To receive any items of correspondence addressed to the Council


    To receive reports from working groups:

    a. Finance (Councillors Aynsley, and Allen)

    b. Communications and Events (Councillors Barret and Shephard)

    c. Premises (Councillors Harratt and Pegg)

    d. Planning (Councillors Major and Todd)


    To consider any other items for information only including items to be brought forward to the next meeting.


    To agree a date and time for the next meeting of the Council

    WEST BEDLINGTON TOWN COUNCILLORS: Arthur Pegg (Town Mayor), George Todd (Deputy Town Mayor), Mary Allen, Tracy Aynsley, Anthony Barrett, Peter Harrat, Paul Hedley, Ronald Major, Stephen Shephard,

  8. Wheres the best local place for livery?

    Just after grass livery but I got quoted £45 a week off someone.. I think thats a bit steep?!

    Any idea's of prices and any contact details would be great :D



    Will try and get you the some number and contact details as my friends use someone but I cant remember the name so will let you know.

  9. Thanks for posting the link. I've been looking through these, and noticed at two candidates (R Major) and (A Pegg) have been elected to represent both West Bedlington and East Bedlington (Sleekburn) wards.

    Is this allowed? If not, do they have to give up one of their seats to another candidate? Does there have to be another election? As ever the county council web site is hopeless.


    Yes they can respresent both wards it is allowed. Hope this helps


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