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Everything posted by doglover

  1. I remember in 1990 under a conservitive government we paid 14.5% motgage rate.We were one of the lucky ones not to have lost our home as a lot of others were. The wages were poor even then and prices were high. I also remember when we got married in 1969 we had to pay deposits at 33% if you bought anything on hire purchase. It was really hard then as school uniforms began to come into force and only the most expensive retailers were supplying them. You couldn't buy anything cheap like today even to buy a new kettle was a luxury. Icertainly would'nt want to go back to those days but I do think the country has gone to the dogs regarding the nanny state we now have to live with and I totally agree with debrad65 when she says that people on benefits are no worse off it seems than those who work. I am really so undecided and confused who to give my vote to this time.
  2. I remember when on a Sunday all of us as teenagers went to moskies at the 'station' where we could meet and chat as long as we bought a frothy coffee or a bottle of Pepsi. I know I'm living in the past but I do understand that there is nowhere for the kids to hang out apart from the streets. We had the Y.M.C.A to go to as a youth club and actually met lads or lasses that went on to be their husband or wife. I don't know if it would work now but surely they could try for them. Of course it would have to be run by someone the kids would respect and not be old fashioned as the kids are a lot more clued up than we were in our day.
  3. There are to many do-gooders now. I think there is a big difference in disciplining a child and abusing a one.. We are talking about a smack here not a full blown assault lets get this right. I think the kids have decided that they are in charge because they are not taught that its their responsibility if the've done wrong and thats because everyone is frightened to do anything about it as it's their so called rights. I don't think there is anything wrong in having a reason to be afraid that a smack will happen if bad behavior is happening child line and ethser rantzen has a lot to answer for.
  4. can anyone put any light on whats going on down the road at bedlington black bridge balfor beattie are there with allsorts. Are they making a walkway or putting in drainage or what can anyone tell me please
  5. whats wrong with everyone and whats wrong with having a library we deseve anything we can get in bedlington cause by gum we havent got much else. theres a lot of of people go to the library because books are not cheap nowadays and for some its the only means of enjoyment if they cant socialise I hope we can keep the library because its the few things that at the moment we can use for free.
  6. I did'nt mean wine bars in bedlington I meant wine bars in general pay attention please and yes I do go to pubs and I still stand by my opinion even if it isn't yours but I do understand about the pubs being tied but some pubs you can smell the toilets when you enter.
  7. Look, the pubs have got to sort thereselves out. Who in their right mind is going to come out of their nice comfortable warm cosy homes to sit in a cold un inviting atmosphere with scruffy toilets and floors and over inflated prices. There isn't many pubs apart from wine bars that the younger ones frequent only at weekends. There are no pubs that are nice enough where you can just congregate to either have a chat or a laugh. Also is there anywhere with entertainment other than karaoke in the pubs around bedlington. Of course the clubs but I mean pubs.
  8. I was remembering about Barrington school. I was there when Mrs Gorman was my teacher and I remember Mr Hunt. We used to have to cross three railway lines with no gates through the pit to get to school and that straight road seemed such a long way. Can you imagine nowadays parents letting them dothat they would take to their beds annd Im sure I remember coming home from school along that road in the dark in the winter.
  9. I also went to Barrington school. Yes it was wooden with the toilets outside in the school yard.There was also the old air raid shelters in the school field at the back. Great memories of smashing times at the school. We used to catch newts and water beetles from barrington pond. I am sure there was a church in Barrington because I can just remember going to relatives wedding there when I was very small.
  10. I think Bedlington is definitely like a ghost town.I was outside Tescos the other day and there was no breeze blowing but the new market place was a mess. There was rubbish all over the place. That hasn't taken long. I am really dis heartened with the so called new Tescos I now don't believe It will happen and meanwhile Bedlington seems to be dying.
  11. Hi Pete Sorry Im abit late with the birthday greetings. I hope you had a good one and have many more.
  12. Oh I hope its not another restaurant. We need a few more shops something of interest for the front street. Its just not worth venturing down the street for a shopping trip as theres only banks or estate agents windows to look in. I really will be didappointed if its another eating place.
  13. I bet I would guess its been bought out by Tescos
  14. Why are we losing everything in Bedlington. Ive just been in Tescos tonight and I asked when the larger store was going to happen but the girl staff I spoke to couldn't tell me. She said apparently when the market place was finished they might consider it. Thats a laugh seeing it was supposed to start in the summer of this year. Another thinbg in Bedlngton that seems to be put on the back burner or lose.
  15. Thanks Everyone for the Birthday greetings. Its the big one next year I'll have to consider a face lift or maybe not. Just be happy with a bus pass.
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  16. Hi Pete,Thanks for the link regarding my topic of Puddlers Lane it was quite interesting I hope that others can put more light on the subject.
  17. hi, can anyone bring to light or have any old pictures of as was inthe past Puddlers Lane or as now known as Stead Lane. Why was the name changed as I thought Puddlers Lane was a really cute name.
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