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Everything posted by doglover

  1. doglover

    Lost dog

    Hi everyone There is a lovely browntree Staffin rinning around the Stead Lane area at the momentrance it has a red collar on and seems really timid If anone knows of it I would appreciate that someone helps as it is on the main road up here.
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  2. doglover

    Lost dog

    Hi everyone There is a lovely browntree Staffin rinning around the Stead Lane area at the momentrance it has a red collar on and seems really timid If anone knows of it I would appreciate that someone helps as it is on the main road up here.
  3. Have we got a bit of an arsonist amongst us. we have been walking the dog down the woods and as you get along the path towards black bridge there is someone or something burning patches all over it's going to succeed one day They've already burnt the seat on the other side near the furnace bank car park. what's the mentality
  4. I must make a comment about dog poo bins. Everybody uses the field near to the Bank Top to walk their dog as I do and generally the dog walkers are very concientious regarding clearing up after their dogs. We now have had the bin removed as everyone was using it to put their dog poo bags in as there was no bins provided. So as you can imagine they are now using the childrens park area bin to overflowing. Surely they could provide a bin for this reason knowing how many people are using it. We are paying extra for council tax and Im sure one bin would be worth it rather than expose children to this
  5. Has anyone got any photos of Bedlington Station First school from the fifties and sixties
  6. where is thePost Box Cafe It sounds good .
  7. Happy Birthday Fourgee Hope you have had a lovely day
  8. How many more Beauty Shops can we get in Bedlington. I see theres another one just opened past Tallentyres We should all be walking around with a full face of make up Our hair fully washed shampooed conditioned and perfected as well as fully manicured and pedicured but most of us neither have the time or the inclination to use them. Too many for one town I would think. as we havent got much else
  9. doglover


    Madisons closed years ago. I think they must have got a good price for selling up because soon Dicksons started the same kind of thing . Dicksons are good but I did like Madisons pies a lot. When I lived in Blyth for a while the lines of people in the shop to be served on a Saturday was amazing they were so good.
  10. doglover


    No more Madisons TonyP The best have all gone now
  11. Ive just gone to Tescos today to find they are Closing in April we are one of the 40 odd stores they have decided to get rid of suprise suprise ! wE ARE REALLY GOING TO LOOK LIKE A GHOST TOWN THEN ESPECIALLY WITH THAT EYESORE OPPISITE HALF BUILT
  12. Pilgrim , yes that is right it was called the Buffalo I saw my first film in there it was called Pompeii the mummy came out of the water. It was scarey. Pathetic now so badly acted and directed but we thought it was great cause we had double seats.
  13. Does anyone recall the torchie man and chuckerouterer at the station wallaw picture house , especially the matinees We used to stamp our feet if the reel went wrong and the film stopped all of a sudden. Great days.
  14. I thought Farage held his own. he didn't lower himself to the barrage he encountered he kept on with his opinion which I agreed with. Which is called having your own opinion which in this country is becoming not allowed.
  15. Who got the job of turning on the lights this year please
  16. I remember going to the Mido Chinese Restaurant in Ashington in the late sixties. It was such a fabulous place to go you felt so posh. We remember sitting across from Doctor Stone and his wife and thinking we were so special . I used to order Chicken Maryland and Lychees for dessert or of course Banana Fritters with Golden Syrup which were gorgeous. Those were the days and everything was new.
  17. The Turks Head is now The Market Tavern in Bedlington
  18. I remember Marleme Leightley from Barrington school as I was in the same class she lived at the Terrier in Bedlington and was a smashing girl. I also lived near George Chapman when he lived in Roslin Park Bedlington Station.
  19. Has anyone noticed the improvement to the windows in The Clayton Pub What adifference.
  20. Has anyone been told about The Ridge Farm been taken on. I am sure its been said to have been taken on by an eating or hotel chain. Does anyone know more re this
  21. It was known as a dip Tony
  22. Did anyone see Ashington on the telly the other night. It was all about the little girl who had been attacked by the dogs. I know that was terrible but the footage that they filmed of Ashington was terrible also it gave such a downtrodden view of our area but I must say the footage was not lying it just looks dreadful Come on Ashington Council please do something I do understand we are are going thru hard times but we have lost our sense of pride. Why does everything look so dirty and uncared for The streets are dreadful and so depressing. There is some smashing people in Ashington that trake pride in living there and could do with some support They deserve better.
  23. I am making a point about the toilets in Millne Car Park on behalf of an elderly neighbour of mine. She has stated that the toilets are always locked and being in her 80's has to attempt to go up the bank to the other toilets at the top of the town. Why are these toilets always locked she asks me can you explain anyone. Surely we can provide some facilities for people as there is certainly non in our so called supermarkets ie Tesco's or Morrisons
  24. We went to La Torres last weekend 15th February and must say the meal was smashing. The service given was excellent even though they were busy being valentines weekend. My husband had the sirloin steak and said it was the best cooked steak he had tasted for a long while. I had the pasta which was lovely Will definetly be back and would really recommend it.
  25. I remember me and my friend heading for the wallaw picture house one Friday night and using the footbridge over the railway line. My friend slipped down the steps from the top to the bottom as there was ice on the steps and she broke her arm. We spent the evening in the doctors surgery at the street behind moskys cafe waiting for the duty doctor to come. Oh happy days.
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