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Malcolm Robinson

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Everything posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Right back from work so I can respond: Bayardm…..why don’t we put it all in the middle of Millfield or Westlea…….oh yes it’s called gateway features for a reason. Mow………Your strapline is actually in the design of the lamp post banners we want up along Front Street but because of NCC’s sheer incompetence we don’t as yet have permission! I did want them up for the Street Fair as is reported in the newsletter! I thanked you for allowing us to use it and I still do. Also the costings of this memorial transfer suggestion…….you are only looking at one side of the equation! As for you not knowing where you live………we are clearly talking about the Council boundary not the physical geography…………..
  2. "Now you ask me if I am a a resident of West Bedlington Malcome and I will tell you now that I am not, I am a resident of Bedlington Central the same area that the Trotter Memorial resides in, so the one hundred dollar question has to be what has the Trotter Memorial got to do with West Bedlington Town Council Malcome" I'll get back about the rest when I have some time but your last sentence says it all really. You are not a resident in West Bedlington Town Council area....................if you live in Bedlington Central especially the same area as the Trotter Memorial you do live in the West Bedlington Council area and that monument is certainly within our remit as its slap bang in the middle of our patch! Send your hundred dollars to the "Jail Hillary" campaign.
  3. Where to start…….. First moving the memorial back would actually be wise on account of us promoting the Town on the back of its heritage. Secondly it would actually save money if done correctly and who said our council would be paying for it? Thirdly it would give any visitor an immediate impression of a place proud of its heritage. Lastly most people will pass it daily and never see it, or understand its significance, where it is. As for toilets………and before this subject turns into the usual can’t buy socks and nickers in Bedlington……..the toilets near the top end car parks, across the road from the library, all the pipework etc has substantial root damage and has been assessed as totally unviable to reopen, we tried! The next ones at the rear of the marketplace have been demolished as part of the Tesco/Arch redevelopment. We should see an accessible public toilet on the site as part of a new library building when it gets done……if it ever gets done. That’s obviously out of our control. Last one down in Attlee Park we have just been trying to reopen that but the funding we had in place was taken away at the last minute and justifying the large amount of council tax needed to do the refurb is impossible when considered against usage. All this has been reported and discussed at Town Council meetings over the last couple of years. Now then Moe as far as not knowing what we are doing or doing something for the sake of it, and I’m going to presume you actually live in West Bedlington and going out further on a limb I’ll assume you have some understanding of what you are a actually taking about, I think if you take the time and read through the newsletters we have been putting out for the last 2 years you will see a defined progression, financial propriety and a determination to carry ambitious projects out on behalf of residents, all within our pretty restrictive legal remit.
  4. Well lets just throw the towel in entirely then moe.........
  5. One question.........with so much information contained in that newsletter, more than has ever been put in front of the Bedlington public about they way their public finances are managed and the way the council are looking to promote the Town etc, why is the only comment kinda negative in nature?
  6. Or about three lecterns Merc at places where pedestrians can stop and read them. NB, please read the first sentence in the article.........this is testing the water! If we are getting so het up with being able to read the inscriptions/blue plaque then why has no one but me asked about our missing one!!!!!!!! Personally I'm with GGG........... for the last paragraph in the article!
  7. Only appertaining to the West really but thats the Town so.......... http://www.westbedlington.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/FINAL-41092_WBPC-newsletter-issue-3-2.pdf
  8. We should have taken the bust! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/10/01/its-not-just-deutsche-european-banking-is-utterly-broken/
  9. Merc...........standards young man standards! The levels of both spoken and written English these days are dismal.
  10. Dan, you need Barry Mead or John Dawson for the historical stuff.........or even wor Maggie! The history society meet at the community centre now, I think Foxy knows the dates and times.
  11. Do you use Meadowdale or West Lea play parks......
  12. http://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk
  13. They don't seem capable of doing themselves any credit do they? This is what you get with career politicians........
  14. Thanks very much folks..............much appreciated.
  15. Many thanks......right...... off to a wifi/mobile free zone for the weekend!
  16. I know where you are coming from moe......... Now here's an idea........why not get savers together and start a bank which can lend to ultra safe mortgages and pay savers a decent interest rate? Oh thats right we had them but the barstewards sold us out!
  17. I will ask questions about this Foxy...............I knew they were downstairs but NCC assured me they were open to the public!
  18. They are closed and up for sale webtrekker!
  19. You're Welcome....... http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/Campaigns/Use-our-loo.aspx
  20. Moe19 I think you might find its other bodies other than NCC who oversee those facilities. but then the money NCC paid for the Tall Ships event..............
  21. Just been to a NCC Brexit talk and I think the data they are using has been done by the Remain think tank!
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