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Malcolm Robinson

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Everything posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. They should all be done this week so we will have decent pics after that Andy...........
  2. Its a fact WiKI says so..........https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ussher_chronology
  3. Yes Sym and the earth is only 6,000 yrs old!
  4. Need to pinch that bit of positivity Canny lass
  5. Well GGG, a local Labour Grandee is telling everyone that membership around here is soaring………the ‘Corbyn Effect’??? Didn’t a lot of people join just to vote for Mr Corbyn in an attempt to replicate Hercules’s fifth ‘Labour’……and clean out the ‘Augeas' stables’?
  6. Happy New Year to everyone..........
  7. Well I wouldn't mind being hit with this Storm.......
  8. GGG, see your pin up has been found guilty at last............... She might be looking for an away from it all holiday, not in France! http://www.express.co.uk/finance/city/745197/IMF-Christine-Lagarde-guilty-Tapie-payment-French-court
  9. Happy Birthday Pete..........hope you are not going to get too.......
  10. You should have had a table at our Xmas Market too Tez..................
  11. Arch actually came about with the dissolution of Wansbeck Life............you might want to look into that can of worms! Its also got Wansbeck Life mentioned in its company information.
  12. No one has any influence with Arch........thats the way it looks anyway!
  13. Mow, like the rest of your comments I'm afraid, if I agreed with you then we would both be wrong!
  14. I too respect your opinion mo but it still seems you have this thing where we are looking to spend your money on vanity projects? Its my money too and nothing could be further from the truth. In fact if you take a look at the reformation WBTC has gone through over the last two years you will see that financial propriety has been uppermost in that restructuring.
  15. And BTW, I have a full time job as well as a lot of other voluntary commitments!
  16. Mow when I am attacked I respond in kind .......simples.
  17. Ok Mow I'll carry on getting off my backside and trying to get things moving you carry on criticising from your armchair!
  18. Excellent videos Damian. Foxy.......I see Davey was selling his stuff even then!
  19. · We would be restoring it to its former glory that’s the point! · Saving would be made in ‘other’ areas. It’s a difficult concept but with NCC cutting back on its service delivery and local councils having to increase what they charge so they can pay to keep these services, if we can keep the services we want for no extra charge, that’s a saving to me. Also there are enhanced service deliveries we are looking at, such as for the War Memorial maintenance and setting. Again if there is no charge then that would be a saving to me……and residents! Everything carries a charge these days. · I agree with your take on the cultural vandalism which is taking place but like I said get over to our Council meetings once a month and you will see the time and efforts we are putting into trying to head off the worst excess and even, like this project if I may say, enhance the Town’s heritage lineage even further. · Its takes time and effort Mow but the system will become clear. I know just about everyone who attends our meetings and I certainly know the people from Bedlington who stand together and fight against daft planning dictates up at County Hall because in a very short time they understand that these days we are actually trying to do our best to represent and promote the Town. Make no mistake there are huge changes coming, as I said in the Newsletter, how these are dealt with will be up to the people we vote in to do that. Irrespective of the hundreds of millions of pounds NCC seem to be able to find for the likes of Arch and their own projects, like enhancing the social and commercial infrastructure of Ashington, they are cutting £58M out of what are really essential local services. How the Town and its hinterland survives is going to be up to how the likes of these cuts are managed and the ability of the people we elect.
  20. Where to start mow...... At the end as usual......you have every right to say how and where your taxes are spent and you should exercise that right next May! Putting Bedlington in the front of things instead of the back burner is the intention and with very little by way of budget or legal remit! Yes there are many things which need to be done in the town but 99% of them are NCC's remit, one of the main things a Town Council can do is try and promote the place with whatever they have to work with, in our case an enviable line of heritage which should be on show for any visitor or traveller passing through the Town. As for the costs question the savings to be made by not employing up to 6 workers every month or so to look after those grasses in the middle of the roundabout far far outweighs any costs that this project may or may not be costing! So to answer your question I'm proposing to still spend nowt on the monument but reduce the costs of the upkeep of the roundabout by using the monument ..................
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