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Adam Hogg

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Adam Hogg last won the day on February 20 2015

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24 Excellent

About Adam Hogg

  • Birthday 31/05/1993

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  1. Happy late Birthday Foxy, hope you had a good one.
  2. Thanks Everyone, for the Birthday messages, sorry i have been offline for a while, things needed to be done people to see and all that.
  3. Some Company from Hong Kong last time I saw Maggie.
  4. Happy Birthday Canny Lass, Hope you have a good one.
  5. If anyone is interested here is a page you maybe interested in.https://www.facebook.com/Daniel-Gooch-Bicentennial-1513230448971323/
  6. I have only one good one, don't know who he is mind, I think he must be an impostor! Is it not mean't to be the Mayor? But you can tell its not he forgot the bog chain
  7. A man moved back to the UK after a few years in Germany, He went through his phone and deleted all the German numbers which he no longer needed, however there was one german number he could not delete off his phone as much as he tried the same number always came up, 999.
  8. Good Little shop, only problem is it is very Little, but then again the northern end of the ridge farm is unused as the vets is not going in now as far as I know, maybe someone else has a bit more info on it.
  9. Happy Birthday Malcolm, hope you have a good one.
  10. Today the weathermen issued a warning about tornado's in the UK. The Ministry of Defence shortly after that released a statement saying the following, "The Weathermen have been correct, Tornados are about as we are conducting training flights around the UK, but we can assure the British People there is no danger."
  11. For the exiled here is another one.
  12. Arch has purchased the whole site from Tescos the sale was completed in July, Arch is now to make plans regarding the whole site and the public will be involved with them plans the whole way through.
  13. Good news for the area and Healthcare. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/earth-balance-near-bedlington-house-9752979#ICID=FB-Chron-main
  14. Anyone remember when Bedlington was part of the space program? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/521441.stm
  15. Happy Birthday Foxy, Shocked nobody has said already you missed the free beer today well there is always next year
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