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keith lockey

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Posts posted by keith lockey

  1. Hi Canny Lass – I am doing an experiment with Word.

    The above line is in TNR – font 12.

    This bit is in Arial

    This bit is in Bookman Old Style

    I am writing all this in word then I will cut and paste it onto the Bedlington Community website.

    Then I will go into BC's reply box – highlight all – and change the font size to 14.

    AS YOU CAN SEE IT HASN'T CHANGED IT ALL INTO ONE!!! (So much for my former hypothesis!!)

  2. Darn , could have sworn it was you. Obviously my memory isnot as good as yours. The only one that I definately recognise 100% is my brother (sticking out on the right in the grey jumper). That was your class though, wasn't it ?

    It's my year but there are a few people who were at that school who aren't on there. Both me and my bro have seen this photo and we went through it - naming certain people. I tell you what, Keith, I will put names to them and post it on this site sometime today if I can. I've got to pop out shortly so I'll sort the names out later.

  3. post-2524-0-24066700-1342049813_thumb.jpYou might remember the music box etc. Keith, but can you remember this. Bottom left?

    AHA!!! That, Keith, is not actually me. I have seen this photo and can name about a dozen or more people on it. But the kid you are refering to is actually Phil Temple. It's a brilliant, clear school photo but me and a few others aren't on it.

  4. Keith (Lockey) You lost me somewhere between "Hello" and "with regards to". I think Keith's (the otherin's) suggestion of throwing it in a bath of luke-warm soapy water is easier. Only problem is it's hard to find a bath here. Only showers and saunas.

    Actually the typeface change happens to me often on Microsoft Office Word when I join two paragraphs using the delete key. I think it is a Microsoft glich. But when you transfer your text onto this site change the font size in the above toolbar and see what happens.

  5. Hello Canny Lass - with regards to your typeface mystery it is obviously your USB flashdrive transference that's the problem. It must have run out of dilithium crystals. If you charge it up using a neutron defribulator with cobalt transwarp conduit and a Heisenberg compensator this will kick in the auto-sequencer which will reroute the transition coil pattern lock which in turn will jump start the automatic script converter and Bob becomes your uncle. Sorted, no probs. If you need anymore help contact me on Muststopwatchingstartrekepisodes.com.

  6. No bro, I only remember the Music Box being where it was - ie cobblers. And talking of cobblers - the Osmonds!!! Really!!! Crazy Horses are running through your head. Just remember bro, I was the one born with good taste in music. BUT - the first single (45) that I ever bought was Rainbow Valley by the Love Affair. Where's my flairs.

  7. Canny Lass - I fear you may be right on our generation being the last to experience accepted codes of conduct and I didn't think I would ever say this but I do believe TV and media play a vital - finger-pointing role as well. Everything is IN YOUR FACE nowadays. We have 24hr TV and most of that is Celebrity status material. And let's face it, celebrities aren't exactly role models for bringing up kids; not unless you want to have teenagers who are petulant, attention-seeking and - as Malcolm says - materialistic. We live in a ME ME ME society. Kids see 'celebrities' on TV, magazines and that Whore of Babylon Big Brother. I mean that is surely a testament of the society we now live in. Who in their right mind wants to watch that!!! And kids see this and want to emmulate. I got rid of my TV two years ago this November and I haven't missed one bit of it. All you get is this new god celebrity, false idols for the masses to worship. (Am I starting to preach here? Sorry.) But you must admit, TV and lack of censorship has got to take some of the blame. PS - Getting back to the arsonist incident. I've just hunted out last weeks News Post Leader and it says the tables were made out of recycled plastic. Could these have been set alight with a cigarette lighter or would the culprits have to have used inflammable material on them - ie was it premeditated?

  8. Some brilliant points, Canny Lass & Malcolm, et al, and lots of room for thought. As a matter of interest I hated school and it was mainly because of the attitude of the teachers. (can you recall the teacher parody in Pinkl Floyd's The Wall - well that was about what we had to put up with.) But I still think too much emphasis is being put on schools. The first hue and cry is always "It's the school's fault." Well actually I believe respect and early learning begins at home with the parents. I've stood at bus stops and in supermarkets and heard youngster from the age of 8 upwards to 12 using language that a docker would be ashamed of - and their parents are standing next to them. But let's not miss one point in this furnace bank arson incident - do we actually know who did it? We are all saying youngsters are to blame, but has anyone been caught or identified. I mean what age limit are we looking at here?

  9. had a bit of a think over night - the music box.... was where the cobblers is now and

    the hairdressers they had was up the narrow stairs (separate door access).

    they then moved to blyth to where the cut price toiletries store (don't know name) is and the hairdressers was accessed through internal staircase

    Sorry, Curly, couldn't access the site last night to reply to you. Yes, the Bedlington Music Box was where the cobblers is now - someone sent a photo to confirm it, and it was downstairs. But I thought keith - the owner - had a boutique upstairs! (Did he merge the two?) I can't remember a hairdressers at all. As for a Blyth shop I just can't recall one - though my brother said there was a music shop in Bowes Street. I have happy memories of the Music Box, bought all my LPs there. Cheers for replying.

  10. Keith L,

    I don't think I would class these people as evil, but just calling them bad would also be a mild statement! vandalism I believe stems from not being taught respect or pride which I think comes from being a productive member of the community, working, paying taxes, brining up a family etc instead of standing in line for a handout!

    The previous discussions regarding the lack of fair distribution of facilities, sporting and leisure etc highlights the frustrations of the youth who don't have many employment prospects, it makes them feel like second class citizens! I think work and good work ethics would solve most of these problems!


    So true! parent teaching is being replaced by the "new media” TV, Movies and games!

    You're absolutely right about not being taught respect, Vic, and watching in your face aggression on TV is not going to help either. But at the moment I am actually caught up in the system where I am unemployed and cannot get the training I want because of Government cuts' (I have spoke on this on another site in depth and I am not going to repeat it here.) It is a vicious cycle and I am frustrated by the lack of empathy in many organizations, but I would never dream of setting property on fire just to vent my spleen. I reiterate, some people are just bad, it's in their blood, they would do what they do regardless of whether there were facilities in their town or if they had a job. Remember that Panorama documentary where a care worker was caught dishing out violence to the residents. You can't tell me he was doing that because he was on handouts. He had a respectable job! So what was the cause there? Upbringing and respect have always been important but there's very little of that shining through at the moment and I personally can't see it getting any better.

  11. IMHO, RESPECT! Parents are not teaching it and school isn't allowed too! Yes it is much more than a few kids misbehaving, how do we stop it? Corporal punishment! Fines! Jail! Education! I don't know the answer but I do know and believe most working people don't commit many crimes!

    Respectfully submitted!

    You're right about respect but I don't think unemployment has anything to do with it. We have a new breed of meaness on the streets. They don't respect people, property or the law. Whether that comes from parental upbringing or the society we live in is debatable. We had the Teddy Boys and mods and rockers in the past; the skinheads and the chavs of later decades. Vandalisim is nothing new, the word vandalsim come from Roman times. Evil is an individual trait; whether you're working or not is irrelevant. The people who set those tables alight would have done it if they were employed or on the dole. They should be punished, no one argues that, it's just catching them at it or for someone who knows who done it to come forward, and that, I am afraid, is probably out of the question.

  12. So who owned the Music Box? Was it Keith Coulson or Keith Coultas. I know he was tall and had dark hair and glasses. He also had a thin moustache I believe. I have seen him in Bedlington. I worked at Presto's then and used to by my records at his shop.

  13. Think it was owned by the Coulson Family.

    I have a photo with it in the foreground although it is not the main subject in the picture. I cannot upload it onto this website because I have reached my allowance on here,but if you send me your email address through the messaging system I'll send it on to you.

    Cheers Foxy, will attempt that now. Come to think of it the Name Keith Coulson rings a ding-a-ling.

  14. Please help. Where was The Music Box - in conjunction with the front street shops today. I know it was opposite the Sun Inn and it was owned by a Keith ? Sylivia ? was the manageress and I used to buy all my Moody Blues and Roxy Music vinyl there. Methinks it is either the cobblers / key place or the opticians. If i am not mistaken you had to go upstairs. Any photos would be appreciated. Cheers all.

  15. Keith,

    Next time I have some government lackey asking why this area is so bad for self-employment and business start-ups I will take you along!

    Having said that, you are finding reasons why not to do something…………chuck that lot out of the window and find reasons why you can do something!

    You could make me sign a form indemnifying you of blame should FIFI become Tyson's snack? I think that might be outside your responsibility anyway, I would think you could argue exceptional circumstances beyond your control and pass litigation to Adam?

    Finding reasons why I can do something is not a problem, Malcolm. It's how I can go about it and then sustain it - that is the problem. When I put myself through the Business management course at NBSL the chap who was running it laid out the pros and cons. I have to be honest here and admit I did not have the buseness acumen to follow through some of the plans. But it opened my eyes to the problems involved in starting your own business. Nothing is simple anymore. You have to have enough clients to sustain an income, obviously. NBSL helped a lot of people see their dreams come true like opening shops and getting backing to start their own enterprise, but if you don't get the customers then that dream turns into a nightmare. It's back to basics. If people haven't got the spare cash then they are not going to spend, which means businesses can't thrive. Here's an example. I open a cafe in Bedlington. Joe Bloggs comes in and orders a coffee. It costs him £1.40 for a single cup. He goes down to Tesco and there is a jar of coffee for the same price - a jar that can give him multiple cups of coffee. Why do you think the pubs are waving white flags in Bedlington. People can get a six-pack at the corner shop for the cost of one pint in the local. I know all this sounds defeatist and simple, but there is some truth in it. There isn't the spare money going around to help sustain private enterprises, that's why there are so many shops falling empty. Sorry everyone, I'm not normally this pessimistic. I guess I'll just ride off into the sunset now and leave all you pilgrims to chew the cud. Where's my hoss?

  16. It is as keith says, Malcolm the problem with self employment is Capital you must have money to make money and also people not paying you once you do the job.

    Right Adam. It comes down to the old supply and demand syndrome. You can only supply if there is a demand for what you are offering. No demand then no money. Adios muchacho - another good idea down the drain. Private enterprises and shops are folding all the time because people haven't got the spare cash to spend. (That's simplifying things, sorry!) But priority is a key factor where money spending is concerned; and that's not just on a local level it is nationwide. Counting the pennies as my mam used to say. I mentioned a dog walking idea I had. Another key problem I had with that was Insurance. People worship the god litigation nowadays. I could take Malcolm's French poodle doon the Ha'penny Woods and Adam's pit bull fancies a poodle hors-d'oeuvre. Tyson the pittie makes mincemeat out of little Fifi. Now a coconut to those of you who work out who will get the blame for the demise of the Calais canine. Yours truly - the schmuck who is walking the dog; the one responsible for the pooch at that time and place. There is an enormous amount of issues to consider before going into private business. It is one thing the course hammered home to me. Remember those old westerns where the drifter rides onto the ranch and gets a job fixing fences - then he rides off into the sunset afterwards. Well gone are those days. Now he needs a P45 not a Colts 45 - that and a CSCS card and a health and safety certificate, not to mention a risk assessment before he starts. Shane, I love you - keep on riding!!!

  17. I actually went to NBSL and did a management course because I thought of starting my own dog walking business up. One word stopped me - CAPITAL. It isn't even that easy to go self-employed. As Adam says, it's like jumping through hoops only someone is holding the hoop and raising it higher. The laughable think is I am a painter and decorator by trade and got my apprenticeship with Bedlington Urban District Council - just as it was melding into Wansbeck Council. A few years ago I had a change of vocation and went into care work - permanent nights. Now I want to get back into decorating - ONLY - I need a CSCS card. And these can be obtained - for a nominal sum - through private companies, etc. Someone is making money out of all these stipulations and licenses. I mean I know its for Health and safety and all of that but the term moving the goalposts springs to mind. Really sorry if I sound bitter but like Led Zep' said - "and it makes you wonder."

  18. Just my bit of gripe and insight. I just finished my SIA course. (Security Industry Authority) I was told there would be loads of jobs in that sector so not to worry. I got a certificate saying I had passed and was then told to apply for my licence - my badge BUT!!!!! I got the catch 22 system at that point. The badge cost £264. No security firm would touch me until I got it - Remploy Newcastle - where I did the training - said they would pay for it if I was gauranteed a job - but I couldn't get a job until I got the licence. AAARGH! Then I was told I had to have CCTV experience. I went back to remploy and the jobcentre and was told they couldn't train me in CCTV because of government cuts. Then I was told not to apply for any jobs in the security industry anyway because a new stipulation stated you had to have a car. Honest, the terms going round in circles and banging your head against the system wall apply.

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