Spot on threegee! Everything you said is absolutely true, we have known this for a long time at UKIP so our priority is to convince the people, and keep reminding them that the 3 other parties think they are stupid. Their attitude to us, the common man, is very insulting, when you consider that they truly believe that we, the British public cannot be trusted to vote on a referendum. This 'Holier Than Thou', and, 'We know better' than those plebs out there attitude, really makes me so angry, I am hell bent on giving them the bloodiest nose that they ever had. Cameron, Milliband and the other one are worried, and so they should be, their own seats are in danger, because UKIP will be strongly contesting them. Can you imagine if all 3 find themselves signing on the dole, for me it would be better that England winning the World Cup. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the support, we need all we can get. We know that things are going to be tough for us here In Wansbeck, but we are prepared for all the crap that will be coming our way, and we will get through it. Probably the biggest thing the party has to deal with, is the constant lies and misinformation coming from the Con/Lab/Lib Dem alliance about UKIP. But hey, it's nothing new in a way, they've been lying to us for 50 years and they're still lying to us. All I can say to people is, go and show them that you're not stupid, you can tell the difference between what is right for our country, and what isn't. You have a vote, use it wisely, and remember, it is not racist to be patriotic and love your country. After all, it's what our forefathers fought for, and I for one, are so proud of them.