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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Definately 60s and I think this picture must be when they were new. There would be one shop before the first on the left in the photo - Strakers, general dealers, I think. The first shop you can see is definitely the Chemists, then the Barbers. Next two can't remember and then the last two were the Co-op.
  2. A bad doze of nostalgia may get confused by a bad doze of my memory! I lived in Coquetdale Place, 1949-1969. So if we say 1960 and earlier, as you face the shops the left hand group :- 1st. shop I agree with you - Strakers - general dealers. 2nd shop - I think was the Chemists - definately was a chemists as we used to pick Rose-hips and the chemists paid us for them, by weight. 3rd shop - I think was the barber - a DA and anything for the weekend sir. Cant't remember what was next but definately Last Shop was the Co-op Store, cos that's where me mam sent one us every day. Divi Number -no idea - Cigarettes =JC. Right hand group I can't remember the order but can remember a couple of the shops :- Wakenshaw the Butcher - their son Kingsley went to Bedlington Grammar, early 60's. Think Soulsby and Lynn came after Shiropodist - me mam went there. Wools shop but could have been in the left hand group - everything we wore was knitted from there. Even our bathing costumes! Beadnell's the news agent I think was the last shop. Yes he sold everything else but you had to wait whilst he found it. I am sure he once had a couple of motor bikes to sell. Need a cup of tea but will continue thinking, and asking other oldies.
  3. Just shows what my memory is like- Jimmy who? Stuart Bowman, now I remember - thanks
  4. Just joined this Bedlington Community site, found by accident whilst looking for old pics/maps of the A pit, Bedlington Station. Saw the old school picture from Class 6 1957 and my older brother is in it. I started Barrington County Primary in 1952 and may be able to contact some people who could answer some of the questions asked. The only person I can recognise on the Glove Factory pictures is the young bloke, at the left, kneeling in one and standing in the back in the other. Can only remember his first name, Jimmy, and he used to mend the sewing machines. Lived down at the Bank Top in Melrose Avenue next to what is now Ian Gerrard's cycle shop. I will copy the pics of the glove company staff and see if I can get any of them identified.
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