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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Just shows what my memory is like- Jimmy who? Stuart Bowman, now I remember - thanks
  2. Just joined this Bedlington Community site, found by accident whilst looking for old pics/maps of the A pit, Bedlington Station. Saw the old school picture from Class 6 1957 and my older brother is in it. I started Barrington County Primary in 1952 and may be able to contact some people who could answer some of the questions asked. The only person I can recognise on the Glove Factory pictures is the young bloke, at the left, kneeling in one and standing in the back in the other. Can only remember his first name, Jimmy, and he used to mend the sewing machines. Lived down at the Bank Top in Melrose Avenue next to what is now Ian Gerrard's cycle shop. I will copy the pics of the glove company staff and see if I can get any of them identified.
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