I do believe in some of your values concerning the UK,I don't believe the UK should let people into the country from countries far from these shores e.g Far East,Africa,Middle East. But European people moving from country to country was fine by me most Europeans are doing jobs that so called UK hard working people don't want to do & if you look at the stats e.g time off sick or claiming benefits the British people lose hands down.On the subject of your mate Viktor he is what he is I know you know your history & you you'll know the persecution they suffered by the Otterman empire & there land that was stolen by there neighbouring countries after World War 1. What Viktor said he would be willing to give money to support people in there countries of origin but he wouldn't let them in but he did say that Europeans are welcome as they except the Hungarian culture & way of life.Which he said he would not compromise. On a lighter note if you are ever in Budapest maybe we can sit on the Danube with a big pan of goulash & washed down with some palinkas you'll be more than welcome Viktor your brother would love your ideals
your brother