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rosco last won the day on August 15 2022

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    Netherton or Allotment

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  1. I've said it all along that I'd be amazed if the Bedlington scheme finishes and looks anything like it was planned.......Its been a balls up from start to finish, may as well start building the cheapo housing on the site now
  2. I think Covid / Russia is partly to blame for this fiasco
  3. May as well just start building all the houses / flats and stop the time wasting because we aren't going to see any more shops
  4. Very worrying story.......drove past last week and the site is locked up and nothing doing
  5. And after watching the new series on ITV "HOTEL CUSTODY" I'm surprised its as high as that https://www.itv.com/hub/hotel-custody/10a1079 worth a watch to see how the guests 🙄 are treated because at the end of each episode most get a slap on the wrist and no further action, no wonder this country has gone to 💩
  6. And she's the best candidate for the job😟........bring back Boris
  7. So we've had a town centre regeneration that has stalled.......and now this hasn't even got over the start line
  8. Hopefully it is just a blip and is down to supply issues
  9. You can put a big red cross through all six.......school report would read as a D-
  10. Good to see a new small business open up in the former British Gas showrooms https://co22.uk/ community workspace with various packages on offer Good Luck 👍
  11. Just accept nothing else will get built for a couple of years then eventually some cheap nasty housing will fill the rest of site. The chance of a development was lost when Tesco had its plans turned down because of a stupid listing on the old Coop building the same building that was demolished, we now would have had a nice new Tesco plus some new shops. Tesco pulled out of Bedlington because of constant fannying about by the council plus they refused to spend any more money on a building that had more holes in the roof than a sieve, so when they announced store closures Bedlington was always one of the stores top of the list
  12. Has somebody run out of red pencil to fil the Bedlington space🙄
  13. Your hopeful......4 new retail units....... Aldi plus a new Greggs and a load of flats is probably the best we can hope for, it been a total cock up from start to whenever it finishes
  14. There was never any chance of getting a leisure centre my only grudge with the council is that they didn't approve the Tesco development years ago because of the former Coop building with its listed / historical status. Give it another two years and the rest of the site will be cheap nasty housing because of a combination of fannying about / incompetence by council etc
  15. I forgot the tattoo shops .....we have 3 and every time I've gone past barbers shops at bp garage/todds/market place/old post office/clippers....no more than one person at best On a side note now that Morpeth are building a £21M leisure centre and selling the old one can Bedlington not put a cheeky £1 bid in and demolish/rebuild in the market place😁as we will happily take a 2nd hand leisure centre, it'll sit nicely where the pub that isn't getting built anymore would have been
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