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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. that topic is so old even me great great granda was talking about it!

    Yes, it is, and it will always be the same as long as we lie down and take it

    to put it simple bedlington is to small to warrant such a feature as there would be no one actually turning up to use it!

    You have a point, but i seem to remember us having a pool once over, and it being popular! :huh:

    plus if you need a sports centre the high school at the station is full fitted out and available for booking!

    With what? i've never heard of any facility's been offered there, and i have certainly never seen a price list! Why is this not more publicised?

    and blyth is only a short bus trip as is morpeth and ashington and newbiggin.

    Have you SEEN the bus prices lately? it costs me £88 a month just to get from bedlington to ASDA and back 20 times. No way would i be able to afford the extra few miles on a daily basis if i was not already traveling it for work. As it is, i get weekly tickets, so this isn't an isue for me, but for everyone else, £88 a month to use a sports center is not viable.

    so your stern letter will be falling on def ears!

    Possibly, but this will not deter me. Me shouting by myself will, as you suggest, be a waste of time. i hope theres more than me out there who are outraged!. Dont get me wrong, i'm not gunning for just a sports center, i just want the money to be spent on enhancing bedlington, as promised.

    anyway i could think up a thousand more useful uses of the cash than a rubbish sports centre none of you would actually use

    Excelent! Lets hear them!

    Some may even be considered if enough people get behind them!

    (be honest when was the last time you where at a sports centre)

    Today. i go for an hour per day, 5 days a week before i go to meet my better half.

    Blyth has an adult swim session between 7.30 and 10am weekdays, and 9am till10am sat and sun.

    But, Yes, i'm in the minority, and again see your point :D

    why not create somewhere for the chavs to try and destroy like a cast iron bushshelter with built in speaker with attachments for mobile phones so they can play tha chava music! and smoke tha tabs and drink white lightning.

    Shame, you started off well there, then spoilt yourself, in my opinion.

    Somewhere for the groups of kids to go HAS to be a priority.

    I for one, am sick of going to lloyds cash machine and being surrounded by kids on bikes as i take cash out. surely some part of the £500,000 could go on bedlingtons future, as at the moment, without anything for them to do, i fear the money will be spent on another wing of cells for the police station, to house them once they are out of control! :mellow::o

    Of course, my comments are not directed in Monsta's general direction, but as my answers to legitamate questions. Thankyou for bringing them up Monsta!

    Lets get this debated!! :D

  2. nice one claire!

    Welcome to 101

    Quick links

    Frequently asked questions about 101

    Check if you're in a 101 area


    101 is a 24-hour number provided by your police and local council to deal with community safety issues, including certain non-emergency crime, policing and anti-social behaviour.

    101 is live in 3 areas across England and Wales: Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, Cardiff and Sheffield.

    101 is for:

    • vandalism and graffiti;
    • noise nuisance;
    • threatening and abusive behaviour;
    • abandoned vehicles;
    • dumping and fly tipping;
    • drunk and rowdy groups;
    • drug related anti-social behaviour; and
    • broken street lighting.

    Calls to the service cost 10p from landlines and mobiles and will be recorded for training, quality monitoring and public safety purposes.

    You should still dial 999 when there is immediate danger or you witness a crime taking place.

    It seems they've finnished the trial up here, and have moved on.

    Shame, it was a handy number!

  3. An excellent, informed review from someone who's actually used the product.

    Nice Job!

    just a sub-note tho: We can find horror stories about every program on the internet.

    Even Anti-Virus (ALL anti-virus!) can cause catastrophic results. its well documented on the web.

    Every program has had its glitches. My experience if Ccleaner is flawless if you stay away from the SEPARATE registry cleaning side, but then i don't recommend ANY registry cleaners.

    But, each to their own experiences!

    Was that situation one which you were personally involved with?

  4. What is ccleaner?

    Its a free program that is suppost to clean your harddrive of unused and unwanted files.


    It's free.


    It fiddles with your registry (like gary glitter in a school yard) and does some dodgy stuff like completely removing the registry!!! And removing wanted files

    Here are some proper reviews:

    I have been using Ccleaner for around a year and have had great results with no problems whats so ever.

    My PC has been running sluggish and freezing up in EI7 online but McCafee is up to date and can find no malware, no spyware is coming up either.

    I have spend two months working on medical research for my disability appeal and had a couple hundred articles many of which had to be accessed from a hospital or university network PC for institurional access.

    My daughter turned the PC on to go to Webkinz and some hostsvc.exe error was on the desk top start up screen.

    I decided to run Ccleaner (Windows, Applications and Registry) and I noticed an abnormally high number of Word documents on the list classified as "Temp" files so I cleaned as usual. I had opened up fifty or so documents last up time searching for a document I had saved but could not find so I thought that explained it.

    Next thing I know ALL my documents are gone and there's nothing in the recycle bin. I tried a system restore to before my documents disappeared but no luck.

    There are some how some previous versions of the My Documents and sub file headings showing up but only 10-20 files and lke seven folders.

    My hard drive has plenty of space and the HD monitor indicates no errors.

    What the heck happened and is there any hope for recovering my files?

    No sir you're medical research is in burning in ccleaner hell now!


    (not actually caused by ccleaner)

  5. Used this service on more than one occaison and it wasn't just for the Poilce. I used it for reporting street lights that were out on my back lane, it was a great service we had a leaflet through which gave all the reasons you could use the number for.

    Excelent! i never realised you could use it for that!

    Do you know what else it was for?

  6. There are rumours in every town and village. Different takes on all situations.

    I'm assuming this one has had a personal effect on you, hence your enthusiasm on the subject!

    Since you have such a strong opinion on the matter, Sparkie, Why not make yourself a member here and take part in some of the other discussions were having on the other parts of the forum?

  7. For those of you that did not know, a while ago, the police trialled a new number for use when reporting minor crimes, to attempt to free up the 999 service number.

    This could be from youth's congregating in the street and noise pollution, to minor thefts which immediate responses were not required.

    Did anyone have any experience of this service? and what did you think of it?

  8. What push bike do you own?

    I will start with a chopper, mk2, with a load of rust, but 2 wing mirrors and a horn. Mr Vic has a matcher in red B)

    (Sorry Mr Darn, if your ad has not been replied to yet and this topic hits a raw nerve :( )

    I'm all biked up now MrsVic, Thanks for asking!

    Its just a BS Halfords jobbie, but was cheep! (since Halfords now have bikes in that were £200, but now £85!! {Quality issues??})

    Saves me £22 a week (or £88 per pay) for bus tickets tho! so paid for itsself nearly 3 times over by this time next month! (and i get to spend it on beloved alcohol, as i'm now excersising(?) enough to work it of a little!!)

    I just have to hope the little toerags dont pinch it now! although, to be fair, they'll probably feel sorry for me and leave me a new one in its place! :D :D :D

  9. I moved the posts because it became a discussion, where is was supposed to be a review.

    I gave a review of a product i use. I take it you don't even use the product, so you have no grounds for comment, as far as i can see.

    But, you have an opinion, so the discussion was moved to the correct place for this to take place.

    The fact the posts have to be approved is neither here nor there. the only thing that wont be approved is posts from guests that need it. Any posts from a member will be approved, so long as its within the rules, even if i don't agree with it.

    Feel free to do your own review.

  10. by who exactly? the creators of the program!

    By just about every computer helpsite on the internet.

    People who have made it their business to clean peoples computers of viruses and malware use this program on a daily basis.


    so your recommending a program that nacked your laptop! thats smart :huh::D:lol:

    A previous version of this program did, yes. But it put in place a way of restoring it.

    I've had 0 problems with the latest versions.

    As for your other statment:

    can you honestly tell me you know what its doing to your pc?

    You then go on to recommend other programs that do the same thing, but for a fee.

    do YOU know what these programs are doing?

    Just because you have to pay for a program, that does not automatically make it a better product.

  11. It's an excellent utility that I've used for over a decade on numerous machines, including those of customers. Never had a single problem that I can recall, and never had to restore one of the backups it creates.

    All the times i've used it, and i use it alot, on many different machines, i've only had one problem with it.

    Using the registry cleaner, it removed an entry that an Acer laptop needed, and i needed to restore from the backup.

    This was fixed in the next update tho, so no problems since.

    Trying to explain to someone how to do basic cleanups over the phone when you cant see what they are doing is hard work.

    Having ccleaner installed saved ALL that hastle.

    Hence why i recommend it! :D

  12. what a crock! this program does nothing but fool with your registry and other system files, use at your own risk. beware of registry deletion and to those who use it. can you honestly tell me you know what its doing to your pc? or do you simply hit buttons and wait until its finished (quickly looking at the results page, without fully understanding what it means) and think its a miracle! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Hence why i said not to use the registry section.

    The cleaner does a marvelous job tho.

    is there anything you actually like?

  13. A while ago, on another forum, far, far, away......

    Ahem, We had a Picture Caption game that was a big hit.

    Lets see if we can do the same with the idea here:


    Someone posts a picture. We all try to come up with the funniest caption we can think of.

    Remember, forum rules still apply! so think twice before adding swearing etc!

    Potential Problems

    • Photo's could be removed from locations, or outside linking could be disabled
    • Answer's could get confused as extra photos put on the same thread
    • People could be warned for inappropriate posts

    Plus others, which i'll add to later.


    • Host your own photos on a FREE photobucket account.
    • if this takes off like it did before, we can have seperate threads for each photo
    • This is down to yourselves, but we solved it by having the game on a passworded sub-forum. in this forum you could say what you liked, as it was hidden from view. It could be an option, if popular and its demanded

    If anyone has other ideas, let me or another moderator know.

    Next post will be my first picture, we'll keep it to 1 thread for now.

    PLEASE think about your answers! I dont want people getting into trouble because of this!

  14. Ccleaner is a product i've been using for years now, but first the bad points:

    • It comes bundled with the "yahoo" toolbar
    • the registry cleaner section is iffy at best and should not be used unless you understand the results, and back-up the registry first!
    • it puts a desktop icon, a quick launch icon and 2 entries into your right-click menu of the recycle bin

    but, some good points:

    • all of the above bad points can be avoided
    • Yahoo installation can be unticked during setup
    • you can customise what is used with regards icons and right click menus
    • you can simply not use the registry feature.

    i personally just enable 'check for updates' and 'put ''open ccleaner'' into the recycle bin right click menu'

    What this program does, is clean all your unwanted files from your computer that can build up over the years.

    What, exactly, it cleans, can be changed via the left hand side menu, ranging from just cleaning out temp files and cookies, to erasing saved passwords and autocomplete info, as well as browser history and other items you wouldn't have even known were building up before.

    this program also has a handy tools section, enabling you to uninstall programs that windows sometimes cant, and edit your startup items for a sleaker startup.

    i HIGHLY recommend this program for inclusion in your periodical pc maintenance.

    You can download ccleaner from www.ccleaner.com

    Note, there is a paypal button, but it is free to download and use, using the filehippo link below the paypal buttons.

    a direct link is available to the latest download by clicking HERE

    Product Rating: bf_new.gifbf_new.gifbf_new.gifbf_new.gifbf_new.gifbf_nonew.gif (5 Terriers)

    It would have been six, had it not had the registry cleaning part.

    Discussions about this review can be found HERE (click here)

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