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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. It all boils down to a simple fact.

    Someone owns this site.

    The site was created because this person wanted a website connected to bedlington, and that person is ultimately responsible for its content, therefore their opinion is always going to be the yardstick for the website.

    This is not government based, nor has it any "official" endorsements (as far as i'm aware)to bedlington. Its a personal website. If you think its content is in some way offensive or misleading, then there are ways to report this.

    If you don't like it, create your own 'fansite' where your views can be put across, if you feel they are not being addressed to your liking here, because in essence, that's all this is.

    As for me spitting my dummy out, that's my choice, and its one i will continue to abuse it for as long as i care too! (Pot? Kettle?) The moderators are more than capable of addressing that fact if a complaint is made.

  2. http://www.directline.com/motor/newimprovedcar.htm#nameddriverncd

    Direct Line was the first major insurance company in the UK that recognises named drivers' No Claims history

    If you have named drivers on your Direct Line car insurance policy, you (and they) will be pleased to know that we have become the first major insurance company in the UK to offer Named Driver No Claims Discounts.

    This means that when we provide your named drivers with a quote for Direct Line car insurance, we'll recognise every year they haven't made a claim on your policy.

    The no claims discount earned by named drivers can be used against a Direct Line policy of their own in the future. However, it may not be recognised by other insurers.

    The named-driver no claim discounts may be lower than the no claim discounts available to you as the policyholder. Once applied to a policy the discount operates in the same way as no claim discount. If a claim is made the discount will be reduced.

    Taking advantage of this deal couldn't be easier. Your named drivers' no claims histories are automatically stored on our system, so when they come to apply for their own policy they simply need to give us your details online or on the phone and we can identify them immediately, at which point they will be able to receive up to 5 years' Named No Claims Discount on their own policy.


  3. such as single-parent families with children 7+ who currently don't have access to a computer
    is the actual quote.

    and thanks to one member who got in touch, even though the laptop was out of my price range.

    I've done another 2 since posting that advert. and they aint always single mothers, 1 has been a single dad! ;)

    • Like 1
  4. Many people have Many ways to do it, whats yours?

    Personally, i do the simple approach:

    Tools and ingredients:

    1 oven - 180-200 degrees

    1 muffin tin

    1 mixing bowl

    2 large eggs

    4oz plain flour

    180ml full fat milk

    small amount of lard (wont let me post k n o b ;) )

    pinch of salt.


    Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees

    place a small amount of lard in each of the muffin tin holes, about the size of a small marble. Place tin in oven and allow to get smoking hot.

    Whilst oven and tin are heating, beat eggs in mixing bowl, whisk in the milk and salt, then slowly add the flour whilst whisking to avoid lumps. Make sure the ingredients are well mixed, then place in the fridge.

    Once the lard in the muffin tin is smoking hot,turn on the oven rings, and turn oven down to 180 degrees.

    Remove tin quickly to keep as much heat as possible in the oven, and place on the now hot rings. take mix out of fridge and pour into muffin tin holes, filling 3/4 full.

    Replace muffin tin into oven.

    DO NOT open the oven door for at least 10 minutes! this will allow the puds to rise and set.

    Cook until golden brown, or to your taste.


    How do YOU do it?

    • Like 1
  5. what you've wasted 6 hours for what? how much space did you actually manage to free up and was it actually worth the 6 hours off your life?

    sounds like skin flint syndrome! why buy another copy of xp just ghost it!

    It wasn't space i acquired, it was speed and less bloat.

    Removing (properly) all the things that come with a new computer takes time, then there's the new AntiVirus to install and run (because i wont have Norton on any of my machines). Then there's the windows updates to download and install (In XP's case this could take 6 hours alone, if you don't have the SP disks) not to mention the installation of whatever is required for the end user (Open office, Nero etc).

    6 hours is actually quite a good timeframe!

  6. That depends entirely on what will be broadcast,surely!

    I like the wind-ups (i listen on the way to work) and chart stuff in the afternoon.

    Get some fliers in at the local factories,you may have a daily audience if it appeals

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