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‘Yes but, No but, Yes but’- House of Commons'.pdf
Spuggy 'Raison d’être' à jour Actualité d’ Ad libitum ‘Yes but, No but, Yes but’! "The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?" "The same procedure as every year, James." Did you, have you ever really wondered about: What did he, she or they really say? Would you like to watch & listen to a live, or even a recorded version whenever you want to! ‚Apparently my competence in ‘DTP’ has not yet reached -Is nowhere near- the level, I would wish it to be. I’m unable to transfer or post the following information as I would wish!’ The advice, I received, did not work, or I’m incompetent! The Portcullis should be on display here. House of Commons – Elected – ‘UK’ Democracy House of Lords - Appointed – Not Elected First & foremost, if you are reading this then you do have some ‘Computer’ knowledge, probably, more than I have. I imagine, & I hope it’s the same procedure for all computer ‘browsers’ I use Firefox, backed by the not-for-profit Mozilla & I Search with ‘DuckDuckGo’ by Default. My initial attempt to 'Cut & paste' the information, met with disaster. I’ll upload a PDF file with more graphic description, than this. with the same title: ‘Yes but, No but, Yes but’- House of Commons ' Preliminary directions are as follows: To tune in to Parliamentlive.tv/Commons to watch. Or just listen, it’s not too complicated, for example: Should you like to view yesterdays proceedings in the House of Commons: Type or paste into your browser: https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Commons then press the ‘ENTER’ Key! You should arrive at the Parliamentlivetv Guide, The ‘HOME PAGE’ of: parliamentlive.tv/Commons To proceed, click on the EVENT GUIDE You will be presented with the Event Guide Calendar page. Depending On the time of day, it may be blank. e.g. To view yesterdays proceedings in the House of Commons Chamber Click on a date Mon 31 JAN Then Click on the ‘Clock’ Chevron > Until You arrive at the start of the days business. Sometimes MP’s are present until late in the evening, But they don't start early. House of Commons - Monday 31 January 2022 Meeting started at 2.33pm Click on the: House of Commons Commons Chamber Commons It will move to the next page House of Commons - Monday 31 January 2022 Meeting started at 2.33pm, ended 9.29pm You can Click on The 'INDEX' or 'AGENDA' to view the ‘TOC’ Contents Timetable with the relevant information concerning, who spoke when etc You can move, direct, navigate & search the AGENDA or INDEX pages with your ‘MOUSE POINTER’ Align the POINTER on the ‘Black Bar’ | to the right of the page, then move it, Up or Down, to view the content of the AGENDA page as required. – DITO the same Procedure on the INDEX page In this instance, I’ve pushed the BAR | down to where TOPICAL QUESTIONS – & the‘SUE GRAY’ REPORT becomes visible House of Commons - This is the INDEX page for the days Proceedings 3.31pm The Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement. First, I express my deepest gratitude to Sue Gray and all the people who have contributed to this report, which I have placed in the Library of this House and which the Government have published in full today for everyone to read. I ‘SPUGGY’ would love to comment, on this PERFORMANCE, of the UK’s POPANZ. Alas, my choice of expletives would never succeed to proceed past 'sanction' by the ADMINISTRATORS! There are not many Germans, or other Europeans for that matter, who still care about England. Today, I’ve been inundated per telephone this morning, by friends here in Germany with, 'have you seen this, it’s going viral on YouTube*! ENJOY! Oh!!! I very nearly forgot, you have to click on the white ᐅ Triangle to Start the replay. Or click in the INDEX choose, select & double click on the Time, or MP’s name to Start the replay. P.S. I shall persevere to make further posts!
‘Yes but, No but, Yes but’!.doc
Saturday, 2022-January-29th 17:00 PM MEZ 'Raison d’être' @ Spuggy (Passer domesticus) With A Very Different Bias Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) Posted today at 12:00 PM MEZ - Saturday, 2022-January-29th @Symptoms - when I saw the name 'SPUGGY' in TGH's comment above and your name tag 'Symptoms' was used I thought I heard it before so I did a search and I saw there was a member with the name tag 'Spuggy' that had joined this group back in 2016. I assume 'TGH' & 'Spuggy' are the same person. I also checked the Westridge Gallery Album but couldn't find a match in it. Was TGH/Spuggy involved with the Karting Club? Spuggy’s Reply: Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) please calm yourself man, take it easy! Don’t think too much, make use of your ‘Keyboard’ communication skills, to ferret information. Send him, her or both of them a ‘PM’ requesting enlightenment. Instead of inadvertently disclosing ‘Private Information’ to wrongly satisfy your own personal assumptions and curiosity. Remember, some of us have achieved seven decades plus on this planet. Do what I try to do here and enjoy your pension in Pegswood. In order to relieve (Cull) any adverse cranial pressure building up, I know for sure they both attended Westridge School, when ‘Humpf’ was top dog and neither of them, they had ‘Sod all’ no involvement what so ever with Mr. Williams Karting Club. They both attended, domestic science, metalwork and woodwork. Mr Stafford gave them their first lessons in German! Enjoy!!!
Saturday, 2022-January-29th 15:28 MEZ Holocaust Memorial Day Question - Passer domesticus, alias ‘SPUGGY’ 'Raison d’être' Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) replied to Spuggy’s posting & said: ‘my raison d'etre = my dad survived WWII and came home to my mam’. Spuggy’s reply to that is: @ Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) Bedlington.co.uk: It has always been my pleasure to please. Thank you for giving my imagination some insight, as to what you achieved at the ‘Ministry’! No doubt that funding, raised by HMRC, included some of my ‘Hard earned Income Tax’ deducted from ‘The Queens Shilling’, and went towards your keyboard skills, enabling your ability to ferret for data! Great to know it wasn’t all totally wasted! Congratulations, for sharing your truism with us, how about a Thursday night ‘Clapp’ to demonstrate our appreciation for you & your dad? It’s always nice to know I’ve chuffed someone, done something to, whet at least one appetite, please take care with your ingestion habits. It would be a tragedy for a bolus to get stuck in your oesophagus. Oh! this brings to mind, übrigens, nebenbei, beiläufig… My dad also survived WWII and came home to my mam, his sister’s husband, he too, made it back….he was my only uncle. OED v4.0 Oxford English Dictionary ᐅ Definition of ‖ raison d'être - (rɛz‹revctilde› dɛtr) [Fr.] ‘Reason of being’; rational ground for existence. 1864 J. S. Mill Let. 18 Mar. (1910) II. 3 Modes of speech which have a real raison d'être. 1867 Morley Burke 208 Plunder in three forms was the very raison d'être of the power of the [East India] Company. 1880 Standard 29 Nov., The Royal Society has almost ceased to have a raison d'être. 1889 A. James Diary 14 Dec. (1964) 67 The French ladies of the 18th century whose whole raison d'être was the graceful, and the light. 1927 C. Connolly Let. 5 May in Romantic Friendship (1975) 301 With Desmond gone I have no raison d'être. 1959 J. Braine Vodi vii. 102 There were a few trees and fields, and even a small colony of expensive privately-built houses, which was rare for a place for which the raison d'être now was Rimelby Main [colliery]. 1975 J. G. Evans Environment Early Man Brit. Isles v. 104 A possible raison d'être for these sites was the chert, a desirable raw material. New addition not yet submitted to OED, and pending approval of acceptance: 2022-January-28th 12:07 PM (MEZ) Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) Bedlington.co.uk ‘’my raison d'etre =my dad survived WWII and came home to my mam.’’ Thanks again Alan Edgar (Eggy1948). Without that I may never have known what a ‘Chert is’. Chert (/ ˈ tʃ ɜːr t /) is a hard, fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz, the mineral form of silicon dioxide (SiO 2). Chert is characteristically of biological origin, but may also occur inorganically as a chemical precipitate or a diagenetic replacement, as in petrified wood.. Chert is typically composed of the petrified remains of ... Or Wikipedia- Raison d'être, an American Ale brewed by Dogfish Head
The corona virus (Covid 19) Is a novel zoonotic virus - Presently that means no one knows what it can or can't do, in respect of lethality. The Gov.UK is far too SUPERFICIAL by far in this case. The 1918 H1N1 Should be more of a REMINDER FOR EVERYONE CONCERNED (Spanish Flu). - WEB PAGE OF Gov.UK SHOULD HAVE BUT DIDN'T POST IN THIS SPACE - Give people the full & correct information. That what the UK.Gov - Daily Coronavirus Misinformation UD's - Most of the UK Population bought the ''Chocolate-Brexit-Teapot'' They don't need a kettle from the same BADJ to find out they are of no use. There's no known cure for Novel Covid 19 & it continues to mutate!!! Sunday, 2020-April-05 8:20 AM () The NOVEL corona virus - Covid 19 an Gov.UK.doc I felt so aghast at the lack of information on the Gov.UK site, I posted the above message. Spuggy!!! PS. Yes I do have knowledge of Zoonosis & Zoonotic Virus disease. Das Bundes-Seuchengesetz vom 18. Juli 1961 war ein Gesetz zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung übertragbarer Krankheiten beim Menschen. ''The Federal Epidemics & Pandemics Law of 18th July 1961 to Prevent & Contain the Spread of Contagious Disease in Humans'' This was included in the Master Studies i sat in Berlin in the 1980's - & I still have vivid memories of what could or can even be possible. Zweck des Gesetzes ist es, übertragbaren Krankheiten vorzubeugen, Infektionen frühzeitig zu erkennen und ihre Weiterverbreitung zu verhindern (§ 1 Abs. 1 IfSG). Dabei ist unerheblich, welcher Art die Infektion ist und auf welchem Wege die Infektion erfolgen kann. Vorgängerregelung war das Reichsseuchengesetz aus den Jahr 1900. Das BSeuchG wurde am 1. Januar 2001 durch das Gesetz zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten beim Menschen (Infektionsschutzgesetz) abgelöst, nachdem das gesamte, im Wesentlichen aus den 1950er und 1960er Jahren stammende Seuchenrecht umfassend novelliert werden sollte. 2001 January 01st. updated & now covered by Das deutsche Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) My humble advice, mask your mouth & nose, it doesn't hurt & it does more to prevent the spread, than by having no cover. There are so many modern scarfs available, or dig out 'Dad's Balaclava'! If you have Champagne in the cellar, drink it. . . This is not a joke!!! I think my last Post was a joke on me ''Corbyn will Prevail'' He had the chance to bring the country (as is) together! Until the Labour Party Conference in Brighton (That was) & a more than obvious show of hands vote stitch up, a piece of advice Mr. JC-Trotzy, beware of 'Eispickel' I'll try to elucidate & Breakdown on the 'Chocolate-Brexit-Teapot' That has divided the country & families for good, it was never necessary, as you will surely find out with the chocolate kettle, in the prevailing not too distant future. Britannia Unchained: Global Lessons for Growth and Prosperity! A political book written by several British Conservative Party MPs and released on 13 September 2012. Its authors present a treatise, arguing that Britain should adopt a different and radical approach to business and economics or risk "an inevitable slide into mediocrity". They call (DISGUISE) & hide themselves as the FRG & ERG subsidised by your Tax money. What is the ERG & which Tory MPs are members of Boris Johnson's Brexit Parliament? Also find out about 'Perfidious Albion'' on ''SPEED''?
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Did you vote for Martin? By threegee, February 22 in Chat Central Why the bother threegee? No one has paid any attention to what has been happening since becoming a European member state. POLITICIANS, WITHOUT EXEMPTION... THEY ARE ALL COMPLICIT TO LETTING THE ''EUROPEAN BOIL'' FESTER INTO VOLCANIC PROPORTIONS!!! It was posted well before the Brexit Referendum decision was made, that it is better to stand & FXXXX. . . Instead of going off in a huff! How many more distractions, problems, Red herrings are being construed??? The Indiscriminate spread of Inciting, Insinuating, Instigating Information, lacking in substance = TRUMP-TRUTH Mk II The circus being made around the 'PUTIN' Russians remains without facts. Perhaps they have Fifth generation малая Piran'yato Subs. to circumnavigate British waterways, including lakes, reservoirs & supply pipes??? Those who voted leave, should carefully analyze the facts that they did not have before making their decision. Everyone has a right to change their mind, nothing undemocratic about that. Is the BREXIT process turning out as a complete waste of Time & Assets already??? It's not too late...
Mary Had A Little Lamb Hello Canny Lass! I also read your posts, and you haven't posted anything that warrants any apologies. They are informative, inquisitive, enlightening, down to earth, well structured. They sometimes reveal facts that may be too... intricate and too... complex for some to comprehend. One 'Brilliant' post of late had me go off at such a tangent. That I had to clean my monitor. Your adaptation of a nursery rhyme that was first published by the Boston publishing firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon, as a poem by Sarah Josepha Hale on May 24, 1830. It had me coughing and spluttering with laughter, well done, well said, well posted. It wasn't the poem, it was more the context in the post! Keep Posting, You always think what you say & Say what you think! Not too many capable of doing that. Spuggy! PS. Did you ever frequent the Rendezvous Cafe in Castle Square, Morpeth?
The EU will not force a ‘BREXIT’!!! The only sensible thing to do is to resolve this dilemma. The impending reactions to the new French government are not known. The outcome of the outstanding German election is not known, Schulz has no chance!!!. Breathing space for the UK will be given… Look for the answer in the long grass!!
Do you think before you jump? Do you ask, converse or discuss with your partner about what you need & what you'd like, before you leave the house to go shopping?
Bickering, Backstabbing, In Fighting, Fragmentation, & the sheer Incompetent, Corporate impotence!. How will this sort of behaviour further & prove positive for the UK?
Do you think another election is necessary, or it's just overdew?
What's Your Opinion regarding the Reporting 'Media' & the way they conduct themselves?
How much appraisal, would you expect to receive, If you asked on ex Pat to comment on your caretaker ability to look after our home country?
I say that: Neither 'MAY' or any of her 'Subjects' has a clue about where they are taking the UK!!! Your opinion is?
Although the month of ‚MAY‘ has past on into the ANALs of history, she has not, not YET! Yesterday was the 17th of June. At least it was when I started typing this Post, the rest of June is still to come! Zum 64. Jahrestag des Volksaufstandes in der DDR On the 17th June 1953 the ‘Proletariat’ of the then ‘German Democratic Republic’ revolted against their government. Bad working conditions, work more for less, reduced wages, abysmal living conditions, how many more reasons do you need. Since the 12th of June, resistance to the policy’s of the government was manifesting throughout the whole of the GDR Republic. Under the auspices of Nikita Chruschtschow , remember that his boss, Joe Stalin had only just snuffed it on the 05th March of that year. In the USSR, all hell had broken out & was still going on, the bickering, backstabbing, infighting etc. as to who was going to succeed to be the next ‘BIG’ boss. Nikita Chruschtschow, the WW II hero won the race. He decided to ‘CRUSH’ & make a precedence out of the matter, make sure that none of the other states controlled by the USSR, would contemplate anything similar. Around 16 Soviet Divisions with Tanks & 20.000 Soviet troops, who were already stationed in the GDR were deployed, as well as 8.000 Kasernierte Volkspolizei. (Police Force Living in Barracks). The Exact number of casualties resulting from the use of lethal force, MAY never be known. It lies at well over 1000 dead. How many on top of this number, were arrested & executed after the uprising is not known. It is alleged that about 20 soviet soldiers were also executed for refusing to take part. Our prime minister at the time was Winston Churchill, as you know he, has his own previous experience with such matters, e.g. the Welsh miners. He condoned this act of suppression with the use of lethal force. Joe Bloggs, Winnie-the-Pooh &friends, Fritz, Franz, Heiner & co, all ordinary members of working class. They achieved their aspiration for freedom on the night of 09th Novembers 1989. Thanks only to determination, perseverance & перестро́йка; Perestroika & a Glasnost the openness policy. What could we, what could you learn from that?
That was smart threegee, thanks for a good laugh to start the day. I never new that I shared similar sentiments towards the Hanoverian monarchy as did the learnt, (learned) Dr. Johnson. Be wary of the German Martin Schulz, (SPD-Schröder-Camp) he was no good at selling books & look where the devious “BUSTARD” is now. Ask a turf accountant to come up with an after race analogy for Nr. 10. Well, he would say, let me think. Actually nobody won the race as such, all of the other runners lost before the finish & the MAY-HEM-HEN, was the only one left. I have some nice memories of Sheepwash “Paddling Pool”, pity it wasn’t a little deeper. I’m neither serf nor vassal & believe in “You have to earn RESPECT” no one is born with it! I’ve already mentioned that I had occasion “To work for the old woman” when she visited her home turf in Berlin 1978. I lay my head on a pillow, not on a block. “Sehr verehrte gnädige Frau” she would have to bend her neck backwards & I look downward, to notice a frown from. Decent Germans are very few & far between, not easy to find… Metaphorically speaking, I’m still trying to “Digest” the “Verbal Excretions” of Dodgy Dave & the MAY-HEM-HEN. Dodgy Dave & his threat of 2-0. Remember what the “Hatcheter” did, especially in the North East. Look how the MAY-HEM-HEN, the vicars daughter is starting... Bowing ever so low before an ageing lady. Stands before a congregation of “Journalist Gannets” reading another list, naming a few of the “Big Mistakes” that governments have constantly committed. Oh my, she’s enlisted the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” to ride in the equipe. Talley-ho… CORBYN will prevail…
SKY NEWS Rhiannon Mills Rhiannon Mills has been named the channel's new Royal Correspondent. Wednesday, 13 July 2016 One of the best, most “IGNORANT” “BLISS-FULL” statements “I THINK, I’ve ever heard. … she remarked: “Winston Churchill refrained from advising the Queen”. Now why would Winston Churchill find it not necessary, not even feel the urge to advise the Queen, QE II. May I add, Winston Churchill didn’t even feel the need to advise her father George VI Perhaps it sounds a little bit GERMANIC!... Georg VI., gebürtig Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George, Duke of York (* 14. Dezember 1895 in York Cottage, Sandringham, Norfolk; † 6. Februar 1952 in Sandringham House, Norfolk) aus dem Haus Windsor (bis 1917 Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) war vom 11. Dezember 1936 bis zu seinem Tode König des Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland, letzter Kaiser von Indien (bis 1947) sowie erstes Oberhaupt des Commonwealth of Nations (ab 1949). George V (George Frederick Ernest Albert; 3 June 1865 – 20 January 1936) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936. Georg V. (engl.: George V., gebürtig HRH Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert of Wales; * 3. Juni 1865 in Marlborough House, London; † 20. Januar 1936 in Sandringham House, Norfolk) aus dem Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha war vom 6. Mai 1910 bis zu seinem Tode 1936 König des Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Irland (seit 1927 Nordirland) sowie Kaiser von Indien. Nachfolgerin ist seine älteste Tochter Elisabeth II., die aktuelle britische Monarchin. The Normans when they conquered England, they drew up an inventory of how much “booty” they made. We call it the “Doomsday Book”. Surprise, surprise my family name is in this book. It is the name of a small “hamlet” a parish in north Yorkshire. Am I English, am I Anglo Saxon, Viking, Germanic descent, I don’t know. I do know, I’m not German & never will be… THE “ROYAL FAMILY” KNOW UNRESERVEDLY THAT THEY ARE: NOT BRITISH, NOT ENGLISH, NOT SCOTTISH, NOT WELSH, NIETHER ARE THEY IRISH. THEY ARE OF OF DIRECT GERMANIC DECENT!!! Is it not time for a republic? … threegee “Do you have Germanic ancestry, you may be a “ROYAL”?
FOR Moe19 I used to love this one as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCmhR2JK1VE Dambuster beer advert leaves a bad taste I really do have to curtail the urge to snigger & it only goes to show how little you know about “KRAUT”s”... I still think this one is great “right on the nail”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuIJqF8av6I In the advertisement, German holidaymakers look on as the British character sends his towel bouncing across the pool to land neatly on a deckchair - a parody of the Dambusters mission in which bouncing bombs destroyed a huge dam. The inconsiderate GERMAN “KRAUTS” always pride themselves at reserving the best deckchairs, for themselves, they even get up in the middle of the night to do it. This advert really made (makes) them livid. I have been asked many times why are we “BRITISH” so unkind. I find it fantastic. Mind you don’t fall asleep while reading this, you’ve already missed the “Picnic”. May be I should write “PPE” required to read this Post. Contact http://www.hse.gov.uk/guidance/ perhaps they can give you some advice. Crashing out over a “Keyboard” or swallowing a Mouse can seriously damage your health & you end up having or being a “NUMBSKULL”
I’m not so small myself & I’m not laughing either. I follow your partiality for cheese & onion almost exactly. My recipe was: Cut the Crusts “The Front & The Back-End” off a fresh “HOVIS” thick crust loaf. Spread with “LURPAK salted butler, very generous with the butter on both crusts. Spread freshly plucked & sliced scallions –or onions- out of the “Back garden” on both buttered crusts. Adorn with a thick slice of mature Cheddar, Leicester or even Stilton Put together like a bricklayer & enjoy. Without tomato sauce… Trouble guaranteed
threegee! I humbly accept your reprimand. To copy & paste such crap, no matter where, or from whom, I over shot my intention. I apologize... There's absolutely no need for bad language!
16 -07- 13th - Onward Christian Sold - You can really learn from threegee! ****** mountain.doc