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Everything posted by Spuggy

  1. That ones old hat now; this one allows us to embark on a new era of intergalactic free movement. Imagine: our currency might once again be worth something! The chancellor has just spoken and said that he’s prepared for the unexpected. I think someone, or a very great number of people don’t have a clue as to what’s happening. “Imagine: our currency might once again be worth something! “ eg.: £1 pound sterling = €1 Euro = $1 US Dollar That’s what I call a level playing field, everyone knows what is then necessary.
  2. „There's a wonderful life awaiting outside of the EU, and all this nonsense, dreamed up the international elites for their own enrichment, simply has to end.“ You’ve achieved your goal,‘’The End”, Where is it? Mother I Want to… Father I Want to… Is that your solution, for ‘GGG’s sake, wake up to the real world! You wanted out, so tell the people you voted with and those contrary to your sense of mind how to get there. *Knife grinding” seems to be the growing attitude, anything positive going on.
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  3. Kommentar Brexit http://www.taz.de/Kommentar-Brexit/!5316338/ Honest and fair, please! Ein „Leave“ war für viele Briten die einzige Chance, ihre Unzufriedenheit zu zeigen. Wer darin nun eine Tragödie sieht, hilft Rechtspopulisten. Sail away Foto: dpa Für den Kommentar in deutscher Sprache bitte nach unten scrollen. It's Brexit – and many Europeans regard this as the ultimate disaster: a triumph for the nasty populist Right, the beginning of the end for the European project. This is the wrong response. Treating the result of the British EU referendum as the end of the world plays into populists' hands. More than 17 million voters in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, far more than ever voted for the winner of a British general election. It is an overwhelming vote, and its base is much wider than that of Nigel Farage and UKIP. Leave won with 52%. There is no pro-EU majority anywhere in Britain outside Scotland, Northern Ireland, London and a few cities. Britons are dissatisfied for many reasons. Many people feel ignored by the establishment and unrepresented by any political party. It is hardly surprising that this dissatisfaction is now projected onto the EU, given that this is what they were being offered and that both sides claimed the result, whatever it was, would be decisive for all aspects of life. Popular dissatisfaction alone could not have led Brexit to victory. Important parts of the establishment have also reached the conclusion that the EU is not the answer to Britain's problems. The EU's main projects are not those of Britain. British politics and law works differently than that of the Continent, and important aspects of British business and society are linked much closer to the rest of the world than to Europe. A divorce sooner or later was inevitable. The European Union should not now make the mistake of being offended by the British vote, of seeking to punish the British for being naughty and of rejecting calls for reform. It should conduct honest and fair divorce proceedings with the UK, seeking to establish a framework of cooperation for the common good in the mutual interest acceptable to both sides. Europe must work with Britain's moderate EU opponents and strengthen them, not stare at the extremist bogey Farage and give him the feeling of speaking for the 52 percent. If not, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders and others are already waiting in the wings to get their countries to emulate the British. Then, and only then, Europe will be truly and fatally damaged. Nicht die ultimative Katastrophe Brexit hat gesiegt, und viele Europäer sehen das als die ultimative Katastrophe: der Triumph des hässlichen Rechtspopulismus, der Anfang vom Ende des europäischen Projekts. Das ist die falsche Reaktion, und wer mit dem Ergebnis der EU-Volksabstimmung in Großbritannien so umgeht, als sei es ein Weltuntergang, spielt den Rechtspopulisten in die Hände. Über 17 Millionen britische Wählerinnen und Wähler haben sich für den Austritt aus der EU ausgesprochen – weitaus mehr als jemals bei einer Parlamentswahl für den Sieger gestimmt haben. Es ist ein überwältigendes Votum, und seine Basis ist viel breiter als die von Nigel Farage und seiner kleinen UKIP. Ein Sieg mit 52 Prozent – außerhalb von Schottland, Nordirland, London und einigen Großstädten gibt es nirgends in Großbritannien eine EU-Mehrheit. Die Briten sind mit den Verhältnissen aus allen möglichen Gründen unzufrieden, und viele Menschen sehen sich seit langem von keiner Partei mehr adäquat vertreten und vom politischen Establishment insgesamt ignoriert. Dass sie diese Unzufriedenheit nun auf die EU projiziert haben, ist nicht verwunderlich, wenn eine solche Volksabstimmung angesetzt wird und beide Seiten das Ergebnis als entscheidend für alle Lebensbereiche darstellen. Eine andere Möglichkeit, grundlegende Unzufriedenheit auszudrücken, wurde ja nicht geboten. Unzufriedenheit im Volk allein hätte allerdings nicht zum Brexit-Sieg führen können, wenn nicht auch gewichtige Teile des Establishments zum Schluss gekommen wären, dass die EU nicht die Antwort auf Großbritanniens Zukunftsfragen ist. Die zentralen EU-Projekte sind nicht die der Briten. Das britische Politik- und Rechtsverständnis funktioniert nach anderen Koordinaten als die auf dem Kontinent, und auch wichtige Teile der britischen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft sind viel stärker auf den Rest der Welt als auf Europa ausgerichtet. Früher oder später hätte es darüber sowieso zum Bruch kommen müssen. Die EU darf jetzt nicht den Fehler machen, auf das britische Votum beleidigt zu reagieren, die Briten für ihre Unbotmäßigkeit bestrafen zu wollen und mit einem „Jetzt erst recht“ alle Reformansinnen empört zurückzuweisen. Sie sollte mit Großbritannien eine ehrliche und faire Scheidungsverhandlung führen, die die Modalitäten einer gleichberechtigten Zusammenarbeit im beiderseitigen Einvernehmen und unter Wahrung der Interessen beider Seiten klärt. Europa muss in Großbritannien auf die moderaten Kräfte unter den EU-Gegnern setzen und mit ihnen arbeiten, nicht stärken, nicht auf das Extremisten-Feindbild Farage starren und diesem damit das Gefühl geben, er spreche für die 52 Prozent. Sonst stehen Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders und andere schon in den Startlöchern, um es in ihren Ländern den Briten nachzumachen. Dann, und erst dann, wäre Europa wirklich in seinem Herzen fatal getroffen.
  4. Mr Mainwaring! Mr, Mainwaring! Oh my 'G' Oh my 'G' Oh my 'G' Congratulations, ' We've done it... We don't have a plan, and we've divided the UK. What do we do now, 'FLOOD' the Tunnel and book an extinct 'HODGE-Bird' at NANDO's???
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  5. Thanks threegee, I hang my head in shame… It seems I’ve been away far toooo… long! The Use of abbreviations is such today, that probably the frontal lobes I had, do not any longer contain an adequate amount of dopamine-sensitive neurons required & vitally essential in the cerebral cortex, to navigate through the modern day labyrinth, of my mother language English. Have my gray cells all been depleted, consigned to insignificance & redundancy through absence, or weren’t they available for use, in the first place, never mind… making new friends everyday has something… I did however, better said I commenced building up my ‘PC Literacy’ using DOS v4 & a 386’er with 4mb RAM. Abbreviations then, were more than necessary… I’m Sorry, sincerely sorry for not getting the plot, & I hope I can manage, to make progress in future. I must say though, compliments where compliments are due, you deserve them. I never thought for a moment, or expected such a virtual’ post haste reply. I say a special thanks for the prompt answer. I was on my way, up to roost “switch out my lights” for the night, but I thought I’d give the “Home Town” another visit!!! I honestly thought ‘PM’ meant “Post Meridian” or Prime Minister”… Hope I can envisage a positive, constructive exchange with yourself & others… I appreciate your style, short, concise, correct, & most importantly, to the point. I’m fairly sure I’ve read something somewhere about replacing, or was it expurgating a “Pitmatic Gadgie” From Ashington from the beloved “Bedlingtonshire”. You certainly, have a much better command of words, than the above mentioned. I stand corrected for the “PM” & Promise to buy the next round… when I next come back to Bedlington. Hopefully, that will not be in the too far distant future…. Ta, Ta, Tweet, Tweet, & Goodnight… Spuggy
  6. Absent ‘’Spuggy’’ Hi Administrators! Moderators & Minders. Spuggy was logged in via his email address account: X x x x x x x x . net While reading through some ‘Posts’ he noticed, top right: Through the “Oculus” of a “Northern Goshawk”! Who’s Online… Vic & John, but… Not a Spuggy in sight… SCREENSHOT Tuesday, February 09th, 2016 at 00:31:02 Hrs. And according to the screenshot, he wasn’t online, I’d like to hear the explanation, but I’ll settle for an email And when I “Mouse Clicked” to expand the: Who’s Online… (See full list) I took this second screenshot!!! SCREENSHOT Tuesday, February 09th, 2016 at 00:37:44 Hrs Still no Spuggy to be seen. Ta, ta Tweet, Tweet… SCREENSHOT PS: This should have been a PDF sent direct via the „CONTACT US“ button, alas… I’ve tried previously to make contact to Administrators, to request advice on HOW To… via Emails, but they did not germinate!!! I’ve thoughtfully “sucked-seed” & have now decided to post my request, perhaps it will work? Spuggy has redacted his email address, as the “Bedlington.Co.Uk.” Site Is Wide Open to all! Administrators have my permission to sync this posting with my email address. I’m fairly positive, when I say I’d like to make direct contact (via email) with…..but… as of now, I don’t know the correct procedure. “SHITSTORMs” are not necessary & I can well do without. I sometimes run out of “Greggs” trying to get through the “SPAM!” Ta, ta Tweet, Tweet & Tweet…
  7. Sorry I missed that! I would've also paid for the post-carriage to have it join my arsenal of shooting stuff. !'m still using my, T70, T90's, A1 & F1 New + Practica's Digital Photography is like MP3's & Co - No Back Up & It's All Gone..... 35mm is 35mm.........
  8. Strange how some things get implemented without consultation or trial periods. I think of Bananas and light bulbs, other EU failures. I drive with headlights through villages at night, not wanting to "pick up" a "sensible pedestrian" wearing coal black clothing, and dip them only by oncoming traffic. Bicycle paths are well illuminated though.
  9. It viewed in Germany too. I'd hoped "Guantanamo-Gitmo-Obama" was saying sorry for not doing what he pledged before becoming the "44th President". He should've offered Bear Grylls his Nobel Peace Prize in return, to earn some decency and honest "Brownie Points."
  10. “Northumbrian Water sounds nice and local but when you pay the bill you may be surprised to learn the profits leach away to the other side of the world.” The next time you turn on the tap to fill the kettle, pull the chain or press the button to flush the toilet, get into your wellies to avoid the flooding. Li Ka-shing, one of the richest men in the world, he has made more than £630m profit in the last two years. Who is responsible for selling off the Regional water authorities in the first place?
  11. German TV - Thrives on Mankell's Wallander, even the dialog in German is of high quality.
  12. DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Who WILL speak for England? By Daily Mail Comment Published: 00:24 GMT, 4 February 2016 | Updated: 08:04 GMT, 4 February 2016 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3430870/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-speak-England.html Cameron wants a better deal!!! I speak for myself and boast that I have a far better chance of winning the next grand national, sitting backward, riding side saddle on the old clothes horse we used to dry our clothes on in front of a NCB coal fire. Or riding a pit cuddy even. Had I the talent that “Symptoms” has. I would have pasted (Construed) an image of myself, riding both the old horse and the pit cuddy. Alas, and still full of pride of who I am and where I came from, Bedlington. ‘Spuggy’ is the son of a pit yakka. I’ve Skylarked through and around the Bedlington.co.uk and have enjoyed some of the written contributions on the site. Freedom of speech is a right to be practiced by all and that is a clear and unequivocal statement. My vision though, as seen through the "Oculus" of a Northern Goshawk has in time aged. I also say it would be a serious and very big mistake with consequences not conceivable in the average imagination to leave the EU. The EU like so many other things… It is in dire need of repair, no ‘Jim will fix it’! Democracy is the best starting block to use and to achieve… Without Caveats? Also a date & place to think about: Bavarian cellar bar “Hofbräuhaus München” Am 24. Februar 1920 On 19 September 1946, Winston Churchill, British Conservative leader, the man who was brought back to save the bacon in ‘England’s - Britain’s’ gravest hour of need, despite his crapping up in Gallipoli &c. He gave an address at the University of Zurich in which he identified Franco-German reconciliation and the establishment of a European organization as conditions for peace and liberty throughout the continent. Churchill said, ‘We must build a kind of United States of Europe.. The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material strength of a single state less important.. If at first all the States of Europe are not willing or able to join the Union, we must nevertheless proceed to assemble and combine those who will and those who can.’ In May 1948 Churchill said in the opening speech to the Congress of Europe in Holland, that the drive towards a United Europe, ’should be a movement of the people, not parties’. ‘We cannot aim at anything less than the Union of Europe as a whole, and we look forward with confidence to the day when that Union will be achieved.’ And Churchill went much further than the idea of the immediate and urgent creation of a United States of Europe. Looking boldly to the future he stated, ‘We must endeavour by patience and faithful service to prepare for the day when there will be an effective world government resting on the main groupings of mankind.’ “Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Is it not time to endorse what he said, or are we too stupid (Delusioned)! (Use of the noun ‘delusion’ really jolted & rattled my brain cells while reading the contribution by pilgrim regarding “Moderator Approvall?” started by Keith Lockey. Thanks pilgrim, for the reminder of who we are… Don’t turn your back and walk away… Stand up and be counted… Get back out and begin to play. By the way pilgrim, try 'Braille' and feel the power of writing. There’s so much to do, sooooooo much to be done… How man, Ye knaa what ah mean leik! Who WILL speak for England.doc
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