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  1. I remember the shop in market place very well. Jimmy Milne's. As mentioned you had so much choice. I used to visit the cafe on the right hand side and have tea and soup. The young lass I went out with at the time worked in the office there. Really nice lass and She eventually went and joined the police force. I imagine She would have done very well as an intelligent lass and could write in short hand which would have been helpful. It is rather sad all these places closed but it is the same all over. Time stands still for no one. Thanks for the memories. Regards. Jim
  2. Good morning Katherine,so sorry I forgot to say my name is Jim Richardson. We lived in Beatty Road. First years along with Ord family in one room then across street at 40 finally at 17. I went off to army though. Spent a week down south with Michael working but hated it so came back up here. I always remember him wearing a black suit standing outside his house at millbank. Tragedy for that poor lad and his family. Beatty Road was much better I think when it had trees in front gardens during fifties. Met a guy called Jimmy Clause last year on a visit. New everyone's name from past. He lived in Beatty. Take care. Jim
  3. Hello Katherine, just been catching up on this site and noticed your topic. You said your grandparents were McGuire family. As Alan would say, memories again. We both knew Michael, I spent some occasions with Michael in sixties and happy to say he was instrumental in me meeting my wife in 65. We were married in 68. He was a good lad Michael and never forgotten him to this day. Hope you get some answers to your subject. P.S. I lived in Beatty Road until I went into army. Good community spirit back then. Regards
  4. Funny life at times Alan, you mentioned disc in railway tavern in sixties. I loved going into there then,great atmosphere. I first saw my future wife there in 65. Mind, I have to say I wasn't fond of the beer then. Lighting made it look like out of can of oil. Double Maxim wasn't much better. Still, I me and my wife have very fond memories and you must have been in there when we were. When I came home on leave we went there and it had gone back to normal public house room. Not the same.
  5. I remember that public house very well. Myself and another lad were underage along with a friend 18 year old were in the room around the side having a beer,well more than two. Two policemen came in,looked at us and walked out. Close call that. £5 fine in those of 1964. We all went out with girls from terrier close which was why we were there. So long ago but nice to look back on. Thanks Anne
  6. Thanks Tony, it was just a enquiry as Alan and myself knew Tommy in sixties. He was a canny lad and a good athlete. Enjoy your day. Regards Jim
  7. Good morning Alan, thanks for the photograph. They hadn't changed much in later years. I haven't seen either of them for many a year. I always enjoy looking at the photos on the site, some bring back memories but others go to far back. I do know that life was extremely difficult for people in bedlington, especially the miners and their families. My grandfather walked from Lincoln to bedlington to find work in the mining industry before bringing his family to live there. I wonder how Tommy Cullen is doing, don't know how long he lasted in my old regiment after I left in 70, or even if he cam back to bedlington. Hopefully he is well though. Take care and keep safe as this virus hasn't gone away Alan
  8. Thanks Alan, amazing irony you living in same street for a short time. Having moved from there you may have come across Russell Perry who I had drinks with in Percy and Railway Tavern with Lol Napier. My last house in Beatty road was 17. I missed the trees they used to have at top end of street,it wasn't the same when they cut them down. Regards. Jim
  9. Hi everyone, again,the pictures taken if in 1953 are probably the party held for the coronation of the present queen. I was at that party although only 5years old at the time. My Dad and Mum lived in with the Ord family at 31 Beatty road in one room with myself and my sister who was only about two or three months old as we are five years apart in ages. I remember being told to take only a tea spoon to the party. It was a weird feeling as to young to grasp. We moved across street one or two years later as I had to sleep in a drawer so my sister had a cot. Community was really friendly those days. I imagine many of those parents are long gone sadly. Thanks for memories. Jim
  10. Good morning everyone, just a point to add to this topic. I concur with TonyP regarding Knox road. I lived in Beatty road since childhood until late teens and I remember well the farm there which I believe was owned by a chap called Briggs. Then for some reason perhaps a death, his farm closed. I remember going to look around all the tools etc when I was very young most likely everything was being sold off. After that happened all the site was cleared and as Tony mentioned the gentleman built Homes on there. It was named Knox road that much I can guarantee. Nice place. Regards. jr6468
  11. I have to agree Alan,you do a terrific job on this site, stories, pictures etc etc. Very well done mate. Hopefully your health improves. I have never lived in Belington since we moved in 71 after my stint in forces. However,I do get a great of pleasure looking up on gallery and reading what people have put on the site. It brings back some lovely memories which I enjoy and I do miss the quiet and peaceful walks down the woods behind where we lived. Enjoy your weekend. JimR
  12. I remember that shop really well. It was probably a little ahead of its time. Sad it has gone now. I enjoyed a bowl of tomato soup and a cup of tea in the cafe. I had a girlfriend who worked in ythe office at the time and we would meet their for a cuppa. Really nice lass.
  13. So very sorry to learn of your dear wife passing away Vic. I was brought up in beatty road until my late teens so would have passed through hollymount square many times so probably went passed your wife's home. From what you would write it sounds that you both enjoyed a wonderful time in Canada along with your family. Our sympathies are with you all. Jim R
  14. Hi everyone, hopefully you and your families are well. Just looking on the site this morning and spotted the question regarding Keith Lockey. I was saddened to read that Keith had died, my condolences to Keith s family &friend's. Keith had replied to my request years back about the Hunter family and found out he was friends with the eldest Son Jim. It brought back some good memories for Keith apparently. It did the same for me also. Although I visit the site frequently I hadn't realised the sad news. I will remember him fondly as I do the Hunter family. Regards . Jim R
  15. So sorry, I got the names mixed up as I mentioned it was Audrey Howie we babysat for, actually it was Audrey Davison. It was the photographs that confused me. Sorry again.
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