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Posts posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. I once 'protested' against the BNP putting Party Politicals on the telly (in terms of 'protest' I mean a sit-in a the BBC until the police tried to arrest us, militancy at it's finest)... They showed it anyway (quel surprise - it's a legal obligation, so a few poxy students weren't going to stop it)... But really it was the best thing they could have done, it was fantastic -shot on the streets of South London, the 5 minute film managed to not include one single non-white face, while all the 'voters' seemed to be either inbred or straight out of an institution. The chap who led the party at the time seemed so senseless that he couldn't even read the autocue at times... it was hilarious... Lord Sutch (Gawd rest his soul) could not have made a more ludicrous show...

    The point? I'm not really sure if there was one there... just that I was a stupid militant in my youth, but the BNP were stupider! :D


  2. Right....
    1. You're a Grammy nominated, "still make a decent amount of wedge out of your back catalogue" kind of guy.
    2. You have consumed a little Cristal or some other quality beverage of choice.
    3. You are in New York, noted for it's high level of taxi provision.

    Why get yourself arrested for drunk driving 4 times in 10 months? You can probably afford to have a flunky on call to pick you up...who isn't one of your parents or your other half...

    Ye knaa what it is...

    "!*!@# I missed the 442, gotta drive home now"

  3. "there was this nationalist politician called Adolf Hitler, who stirred up the nation of Germany to war by pandering to the people's ignorance and fear after the misery of the Great Depression. He then tried to take over Europe whilst killing many innocent people along the way"

    Though if you listen to your granny, apperently the war was a great laugh...

    Make the supper woman......chop, chop :rolleyes:

  4. I totally disagree with you, as for the BNP I voted for them.

    1st May 2007

    News article filed by BNP news team

    Strange but true, British taxpayers, who face losing their weekly rubbish collection, are funding nightly dustbin rounds on the remote Galapagos Islands.

    The dustbin rounds on the South American islands are being financed by the European Union, to whom the UK pays £10.5billion annually. The EU says that tourism on the Galapagos has increased dramatically, and the majority of those are from western Europe. It claims that the EU is helping the Galapagos set up an "integrated waste management system".

    The Galapagos Islands charge tourists a £50 fee before they leave the airport, as a payment for entering the national park. With so much money coming in from visiting tourists, the Islands should be able to pay for their own rubbish collections.

    Next story......Asian family claim £10,000 compensation against your council for loss of Dodo bird

  5. Someones being playing with an "English to German" translator.

    Pencil_Neck, why dont you call him an idiot in English?

    True........he's a "wannabe" neo-fascist........vote BNP, for **** sake.

    In English, the guy's a complete idiot (or rather a queynte)

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