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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. The fear....
  2. Admit the fact Mrs Neck sucker punched you Well I'm a foot taller than Mrs Neck, her attire doesn't fit.....foolish scrappy beast
  3. Your brain is already stone
  4. More like Comic Book Guy
  5. Matthew Hunt.......Monsta
  6. Bad mistake to make........
  7. Quite agree, good call sir.
  8. It went down hill..........I must admit the beer is horrid, nealy as poor when the Orc had the Sun Inn
  9. So the hound is house trained ?
  10. Lenny Bennett
  11. and not forgetting Bruce Lee
  12. Mrs Neck is a fox
  13. Bless her cotton sock
  14. Looking at the missus can you blame him
  15. As in the UK
  16. Quite
  17. All the best
  18. Complain to CK, he's quite old
  19. Great site this
  20. mmmmm guns
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