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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. Very sad news indeed........condolences to his family & mates. To quote Jock: "Top Boy"
  2. That's for a different time.......
  3. Till it's official, moderate the names, etc
  4. I know one of them.........how it happened I don't, so with respect for the family & friends.......keep it low
  5. Stop speculating........for !*!@# sake
  6. Till you know the correct information, don't post crap like this.
  7. Good job sir...................of course you can moderate Ms Vic as she's a member as you...
  8. Ed Kemper, your hero by chance?
  9. She thought it was some nutter behind her..........
  10. So he'll be active again in 40 years time
  11. "Transder".........not quite a full transfer, punt in the dark buy, a Jon Stead purchase
  12. Any auld iron.......
  13. Polite........a feather knocked me out! Well done, carry on.
  14. It's an old folks home........why do you think the Perry clamping business is alive & well?
  15. 5th June 2007: 1. The new Mick Quinn & the new Mark Dennis join Newcastle
  16. Epileptic........
  17. I heard she got beat up by two blokes......odd that since she has 24 hour police protection She'll never get a date......
  18. Standard thought protocol for your limited cranium capacity
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