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Mrs Pencilneck

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Everything posted by Mrs Pencilneck

  1. Good luck Sure it'll go swimmingly....
  2. What's a shinai?
  3. Caught out? There is nothing that we can be caught out for as we are two people of different genders who happen to be legally married to each other. Or can you not count to two? *pointing and laughing at monsta*
  4. I take exception to that....I certainly do not write in the same style as pencilneck. What an exceptionally lame argument and frankly who could be arsed to log into two browsers, for this audience. Get a grip if you can find it
  5. Ooh and we're both online at the same time....how the heck does that work?? uh huh uh huh
  6. I imagine this is the only action you're getting, stud muffin....
  7. I read this and thought of Monsta...though I doubt he'd manage to read to the end of the article without falling asleep
  8. Hair envy is a sad afflication (or would I be right in thinking that you have "hairy shoes"?)
  9. Tijana taxi - crikey!
  10. That does sound like a fabulous way to travel
  11. This might help though the only Bedlington Scout Group left appears to still be based in Guide Post - though that'll probably because they sold the church hall at St Cuthberts to greedy developer scumbag types - (they may not be scumbags and all opinions expressed are mine and mine alone should anyone choose to be offended). Yee knaa
  12. As bad weeks go, I think this one qualifies as a fairly epic bummer and I truly admire how sanguine you are in the wake of such rotten news. Take care and love to you and your family x
  13. Yup, note to self: read before you post. Think I need a holiday
  14. Crivens (Went off, read it, mystery cleared up) Doh!
  15. Very sorry to hear about it. Hope everyone is doing okay. Take care x
  16. In your dreams, pet
  17. Haad ya yap colonel, that one was just chucked into the mix to see who bit... You've made me come over all local, you swine.
  18. Don't diss Dusty... Man, that's a lot of d and s's in one sentence...
  19. miss vic you speak the truth, I'd much rather we weren't arguing...when I'm not shattered and capable of formulating a sensible post, I will. I just wanna get along. I've had stuff removed because I have called into question other board users intelligence/parentage/reputed level of education and I can see the logic behind the moderators actions in removing it. It's not personal, I've not felt particularly like my rights have impinged upon because those are just the rules of the board I'm posting on. Learning, experience and a willingness to take people as they come has stood me in good stead so far...let's see if we can foster that kind of attitude on here...in all the boards I've been on, this has been the worst for flat out insults and general character assassination, but I refuse to give in...this is one of the places where we get to stick our head over the parapet, and at the minute it doesn't look very pretty. Whey, it's worth a shot!
  20. You haven't quite grasped a couple of simple legal concepts, have you love? Slander Incitement to Racial Hatred Go to wikipedia and look it up. it might save you some trouble in later life
  21. And who said that cider rots the brain, eh?
  22. Emily Davison was the one who got trampled by the hoss.....
  23. Not Northumberland? That's foreign,that is.....
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