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Mrs Pencilneck

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Everything posted by Mrs Pencilneck

  1. Osama bin Laden is a psychopath spoiled younger brother of a massive saudi family who are friends of the CIA who should have been shot years ago....Just because I'm expressing views that maybe don't involve making everyone with a tan an enemy of the state doesn't make me a terrorist sympathiser.....get a grip and come back with a reponse that means that you've used part of your brain Up your game, read a book or two...whatever...but you aren't exactly proving that you aren't being racist and your responses to the points I've made don't hold any water, you're just reacting to what I'm saying without actually considering any of it. There's a Far Side cartoon that springs to mind about an Ameoba "you're all stimulus, response, stimulus, response..." Get some proper information...I don't believe that being a liberal means that you've necessarily got the moral high ground, but at least have a decent argument to come back with rather than the paedo/puff/terrorist sympathiser..from where I'm standing the inside of your head is actually the News of the World.
  2. No !*!@# sherlock, yes terrorism is wrong! how original! In what universe is blowing people up going to be right???? I agree with you on the point that terrorism is wrong but we aren't being over run and you are letting the rhetoric of the newspapers re: the holy war stuff completely colour your perception...Lots (the majority) of people who have moved here from other countries and have made this country their home treat it like it is actually their home, i.e. a place to be respected. Don't judge a book because the cover might be a bit brown, the vast majority of people who I've met who are a) brown from a different country and c) don't follow a christian belief system are just like the rest of us, apart from the three points that I just mentioned... Are we talking people from different countries, just people who are a different colour or with different religious beliefs? I don't want to get shirty with you but please, not everyone from somewhere else can't be planning to blow up the nearest large building?
  3. Summary, anyway we've not been terribly nice to some folks Reet, the extented version.... a. I don't support terrorism...end of...and knowing CK I'm safe in saying that he doesn't either... however... I think there is a need to understand that unfortunately, we are paying for the behaviour of the political leaders who came before us .....probably for about the last 200 years worth of !*!@# decisions Understanding the history of the British Empire may give you an idea of why we are considered to be the enemy, particularly in Iran, Iraq and across the middle east as a whole, and why we are targets. I agree that we shouldn't be targets (personally, I'm trying to be accepting of other peoples life choices...though you've probably noticed I have a bit of a problem with sh*te english from people who should be better at it, considering that it is their mother tongue.) My grandad was a british soldier in Palestine and in North Africa when the state of Isreal was established, and he was horrified to be part of the mass evicition of the people of Palestine, when the only reason why this new state was being established was as a consequence of Hitler's atrocities, and seemed to have a "well, the bible said it, so we'll try and make amends that way" rationale. You'd probably have been better establishing Isreal somewhere in the Eastern block, solely on the grounds that there were more jews living there in 1945 than there were in the Gaza strip, but then again, that's just my particularly spin on the situation...I'm not being anti-semitic, just practical... Anyroad, ease up on the "you support terrorism" poop, I just think that there's a need to acknowledge that we (as british people, (saying that being northern, we've been repeatly kicked in the pants due to the whole working class mularky)) have a historical responsibility for the current situation. As a nation we're being held responsible for 200 years of stuff that had very little to do with us.... However no matter how many times we say it, those who disagree will never change their mind.
  4. Congrats on the job stuff
  5. Que? People have been going out and having a life... And BTW, I think you'll find it's spelled "huffed"
  6. I'll stop your beer money *laughs like Side Show Bob*
  7. 'Ere,'ere, I don't think MI5 could really be arsed, especially considering the current standard of content...i.e. "you're gay", "no really I'm not", "you can't spell", etc and some actual slander...like they are going to give a monkeys chuff.... Sorry mate, but there's no orange jumpsuits, leg irons or gitmo about to feature in anyone lurking around heres future....
  8. I suspect he may be extracting the micky due to the quote about trepanning - apparently there are doctors who have pictures of his thoughts in his brain, which stretches my credulity a touch... He might be a old stoner, but he's an old mischevious stoner
  9. Diss not the polo, tis a fine vehicle.....in the right hands
  10. Mr Wordsworth would be proud.... (Better late than never) noticed that it was indeed a suffusion of yellow..lovely, lovely...I like yellow, me
  11. yee knaa when it's aal wrang...... I'm so shocked I've lapsed into the vernacular......
  12. No idea as I merely walked past the aforementioned canine related extravaganza... Presumably several dogs won a prize (Nominally speaking), but obviously if the prize were Marks and Spencers vouchers for example, that's probably going to be more use to the owners.... I can't believe I felt compelled to answer that question...Time for a kip I reckon
  13. Man above? God wasn't a moderator on here the last time I checked....
  14. Well, I've not seen all that much of it either, but I thought I'd least attempt to get some kind of reasoned debate going on...instead of outright insulting or slandering people. The idea being, we, members of bedlington.co.uk have a bit of a vote on it, and then everyone on the board has had the opportunity to have their say...hell, a decision may even be made somewhere... It's worth a shot....
  15. Can we try some democracy instead of the aggressive drivel?
  16. It was a dog show, which explains the dog. Hopefully there was more than one dog in attendance, because it would mean that lots of people in estate cars had decided to all come to park on the road outside the cricket club. Which would be pointless, rather like my comment has turned out be, as I've degenerated into blethering and whimsy...
  17. Phillip Seymour Hoffman I'm so going on a diet with immediate effect!!!! Saying that, the next one after Phillip was that Jeanne Garofolo (??) that was in the truth about Cats and Dogs which I find far more acceptable
  18. Well at least it's not some bloke walking on a square foot of astroturf for a week on Ashington front street... ...or the portal to another dimension at the entrance to the Jubilee industrial estate.... Fear not good citizens, you council tax isn't wasted on such marvels....it's the VAT you pay with a smidge of Income Tax...and the lottery....
  19. I know this has worked on other websites that I've lurked on, but if I'm honest, I'm really disappointed that it's come down to this. As we're over the age of 12, I'm slightly gob smacked that we've all been continuing this nonsense (and I know I'm as guilty as anyone) P.S. I'd be happy to lose the porn links - just my own gut reaction....all rather unnecessary
  20. Politics and activism Tipper Gore In 1985, she co-founded the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) with Susan Baker, wife of then United States Secretary of the Treasury James Baker, because Tipper heard her then 12-year-old daughter playing "Darling Nikki" by Prince. Critics of the PMRC, including Jello Biafra, Dave Mustaine, and Frank Zappa, have accused the PMRC of conducting public and under-the-table censorship campaigns against various recording artists and have pointed out the PMRC's ties to the American religious right. Dee Snider of Twisted Sister accused her of downright lying about the content of the lyrics written by his band.[1] In a nut shell, she didn't like rude lyrics....and couldn't tell the difference between sarcasm, usual north east bloke behaviour and porn. Thank !*!@# she never heard the mack lads
  21. Well maybe....Mr Neck likes !*!@# but we haven't got room for them (well except certain variants)
  22. Mrs Neck got none of the above but she had breakfast in bed (on a school day) & large bunch of flowers purchased via the joint. However Mrs Neck had an interview so one was not over playing such things to keep her mind on keeping Mr Neck in beer. She off to bed with a smile (efforts will improve next year)........Mr Neck is interviewing next week..... Enjoy your school trip with the rock god
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