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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. Monsta®

    Windows 7

    compatability is linuxs down fall always will be as long as the market share stays with ms and apple, linux will be a outsider that only the few will use! who wants to code a game or software for 2% of the market? wheres the profit in that? even apple struggles to enlist people to code for its os thats why nearly all the software is called i this and i that! windows bootcamp for apples need i say more. i even konw someone who bought a netbook with linux as it was a cheaper option then realised linux is rubbish and wiped it off in favour of xp!
  2. think symptoms been hitting the famous grouse!
  3. dont care who you are if you are stupid enough to text while driving on a motorway you deserve what you get. should be stripped of his lord ship and sent to a hard labour camp or tortured!
  4. just sounds like the government are skin flinting! sounds good as long as the quality is there..
  5. any one tried that snack wagon next to west sleek burn scrap yard? hear their rat burgers are the best
  6. so you dont actually download anything? and its 9.99 a month? why not just listen to the radio!
  7. thing is i never actually set it? but i know better for next time!
  8. no it just seems to be a firefox thing? tried it on i.e and it works fine!
  9. a cant see posts or if a can there in a tree formation! whats happening?
  10. the revamp of bedlington will happen the same time tesco's expansion happens.... never!
  11. and thats news? that happens al the time!
  12. Monsta®

    Windows 7

    I think windows 7 maybe an exception! learning from the vista calamity the Microsoft team have done a great job on windows seven. I have been using it for the last two weeks and so far nothing but smooth operation and ease of use.
  13. reminds me of them fake cameras back in the 90's they had names like olympia and nikki etc. made to look like an expensive SLR however it was a simple point and click! dodgy chinese fakes
  14. unless your a total scruff and live in 2 foot of dust it would make little difference! another myth as you'll always get a build up of dust unless you live in a clean room. as you mentioned a quick hoover will shift most of it anyway.
  15. thats because the people who buy the tat throw it in the bin then the tip rats fetch it back to the market and sell it again! constant recycling!
  16. sorry then this graph lies! and its from nasa too!
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