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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. so that was you! a remember that, its a hairy s bend that.
  2. have a vote (non member may not take part) only fair
  3. linux is easy to use and gets easier with every version. there were some and still are some hardware issues such as drivers etc. and would you be talking about docx you can make it just doc or even a rich text doc so where's the problem? i think the future for os's is in the cloud only a small dos run app to manage drivers etc so you'll be able to get to your desktop from any pc any where. scary
  4. hopefully they will the cockney mafia will leave and they'll become some what more stable. or they'll be facing blyth spartans for the there derby matches
  5. i dont hate some free software such as mysql, linux, unix, flashget, daemon tools, astroburn, abgx360, dvdmulleter i just hate pointless disk fillers like ccleaner etc etc. open office is ok and if you dont wont ms office cause it costs to much or you have got a consence
  6. it had two but the lion shut down now theres just the tavern
  7. another reason to stay with ms office i think! i hate free software there's always catches and cons if there not circulating your data to every spammer in the world there duping people into paying for a free service anyway bill gates is now giving back his fortune to the needy long live king bill
  8. i but thats the old version not the 2009 version! so they've getting people hooked now there going to reel in the profits! must have be inspired buy mr gates! http://openoffice.3-suite.com/index.asp?af...k&se=google it says its free until half way through the sign up
  9. i but what about al those moved from computer gossip etc? and why is it now open to the public it was better the other way (mek them join if they want to post) i had to
  10. whats with al this moving posts about? its in one part then you cant find it again or its been moved to a public bit! how way stop p*ssing about
  11. i have tried open office and was put off as its a bit to basic and very limited. i suppose its ok for typing a letter or two, or perhaps the shopping list but thats where it stops. hold on i just thought i would give it another shot and tried to get the lastest version and whats this its not free anymore! if its so free why do you need a credit card? membership? and why are they trying to say you cant do presentations with ms office? what is power point for then!
  12. nah it'll never take off! like the ill fated beagle 2 mission to mars
  13. what was the question again? oh yes defraggler! (Dance your cares away, Worry's for another day. Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock) wipe the thing! you could have had it sorted two days ago!
  14. to save time heres the link to disktrix my view defrags my 500gb drive in less than 10 mins plus it gives you so many excellent options such as consolidate, folder file, resency, etc (these do take longer but make you pc more efficient) i will never use the default defrag or any other sub standard defrag tool again, plus it only 20 quid or free to those in the know!!! i would give it 9 out of 10
  15. Monsta®

    Linux discussion

    prefer ubuntu or debian excellent for mysql
  16. i can see it now a million 's in a row or pages of one word posts a bit like the word game only on steriods!
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