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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. smart price tea and coffee, panda pops, stewing steak stotties and the left overs from tesco or raided from greggs bin.
  2. nah lovenkrands and nolan not really kaka or c ronaldo are they there still ganna be religated!
  3. Monsta®

    Linux discussion

    :ph34r: Linux is "virus-free" in that there are essentially no viruses for Linux in the wild, although research viruses certainly do exist. It is also "virus-free" for much the same reason as vendors give for not porting closed-source apps to it - the number of permutations is high, so the number of machines a closed-source program will run on (unless libraries are included) is relatively low. (Vendors don't have the excuse virus-writers have of wanting to keep the binaries small and are quite capable of supplying statically-linked binaries or the shared libraries with a suitable LD_LIBRARY_PATH - and some do.) There are other reasons, of course. "Normal" user accounts have much more limited access to the rest of the system, so making the corruption of system binaries much harder. Many distributions provide intrusion-detection software for detecting binary changes. Distributions release regular updates, which means a virus will be overwritten in a relatively short timeframe. Mandatory access controls are becoming more popular, limiting what a virus can do even if it did infiltrate a system binary. And so on. BIOS viruses are OS-independent and so a potentially greater threat. The flash memory is usually unscanned by virus scanners, as well. However, BIOS viruses have had something like ten years to emerge and really haven't been as much of a problem as initially predicted. With the increasing popularity of flashable firmware and "intelligent" devices and daughter cards, you'd expect to see problems there too, but that's so far not happened. Having said that, because flash content is updated far less often, requires nothing to stay in verified areas of the system, and requires there to be only a temporary exploit, I would expect to see these becoming a problem for Linux users long before true native Linux viruses themselves will be. pasted from a techy site!
  4. aye but the lion now has a reputation as a chava pub! so that makes it worthless as who want to run a pub that will be constantly raided by the police? and full of under age school kids
  5. i agree with the newcastle goal that was a ref blunder! sunderland should have won!
  6. bah tha getting desperate! hopefully it will not happen and it closes down!
  7. £300,000 are they for real? in this economical climate? they might tuppence at an auction if there lucky
  8. Monsta®

    Linux discussion

    pity its not more universal and user friendly oh and you forgot to say it virus free! EDIT: The following is a reply from Mr Darn, from the split thread...
  9. nice bit of kit although i dont have a laptop to sync with! still at under a 20 spot well worth it
  10. 30 sec is perfectly ok save the spanners flooding the place with i would if out make it longer possibly 45 secs
  11. what the f*** suppose you believe in santy too!
  12. watery beer tastes like !*!@# (specaily at the wharton)
  13. you realy are paranoid! running a load of rubbish software that does nowt but slow down your pc. heres what people say about these programs at download.com superantispyware "Warning: Crashed System!!!" addaware "Terrible - It works as spyware" malwarebytes "Rogueware!!!!" hijack this "I'm not a novice; This is dangerous for newbies!" peerguardian "WHAT THE@$#%$#@" ccleaner well there was no reviews nuff said!
  14. EDIT: this thread moved from origional located HERE nah whats the point they all just lie? like avg whats the point in telling you you have a virus if it not going to do out about it? a just stick to a decent internet security package such as kaspersky or nod32 etc theres a million and 1 different never heard off programs like malwarebytes all doing the same thing! nothing if your after a proper defrag try ultimatedefrag by disktrix far superior to the windows default one anyway you complained about your computer running slow, not think it could have something to do with all these programs you will have running in the background. just check your start up menu Under programs look at "Change start up programs" for vista or go to run and type msconfig for xp and check to see how many programs are running at start up.
  15. quite simple format and re install plus a bet its a free copy of avast! so it wont do anything except tell you about the viruses it finds. and av never heard of malware bytes so it probably a load of b*llicks best not to use these crap programs made by companies that you've never heard of
  16. i thats started the ball rollin lets just watch the rumours start piling in!
  17. are you P*ssed what exactly are you rattling on about? what is a defraggler? is your screen not dirty as you mentioned wiping it? or have you got a cold? look this is a fraggle! who or what is malware bytes? and what can you not put on? your hat? my advice give up and phone st. georges
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