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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. not true as they would be fined by fair trading for misleading info! it has to be reasonably accurate and state the measurements used. otherwise everyone would be stating lies! as for the bose speakers i wouldn't buy those either even if they were £100 as you can get some pretty decent sets for around £30. unless your a music producer or something why do you need over expensive speaker s?
  2. why on earth would you pay £100 for a set of 2.1 speakers? so they might be see through and look all flash but is the sound that good. i checked the specs and its only got 10w satelites and a 40watt bass bit weak seeing you just spent 97 quid! wow and another 50 quid and you could of had a set bose speakers!
  3. happy new year bedlington skemmies!
  4. not the ones at the tyne tunnel! there still ten minutes any there still poor quality and show a static view whats the point? i still stand by my view that taking good quality pictures and videos is a much better idea!
  5. yeah its probably tell me something?
  6. does any one else keep getting that horrible blue screen on there comp? its right annoying
  7. well according to the eu any way! all sheep will have to be electroncally tagged to keep track of there movements. bit like asbo's for sheep, tagged and given a curfew! makes you wonder about these eu rules though and why we ever signed up to be part of it? what doe eu actually standfor idiotic unjust stupidity!
  8. well said! as long as it an improvement to somerfield! you cant complain!
  9. why playing bingo is so important to the muslims i'll never know!
  10. check this! stupid! for fecks sake this religion stuff just takes it to far! what next? ban christmas
  11. hit it with a hammer! if that don't work try using it in the bath! take the toaster too!
  12. 1 week to day till fat pants comes down your chimney! who's going to leave him a nice netto's mince pie and a glass of 3 week old cheesy milk! rotten fat * gets paid enough from those coke ads!
  13. what ever! any way i have seen these cameras they are terrible! like the ones on the tyne tunnel and around newcastle. they are realy bad quality and refresh every 10 mins! what is the point? i think the only people who would actually use these are the people who installed them and the odd random visit by someone who click on the wrong link! (likeme!) please dont waste your time! if you want to promote bedlington take a photo or make a video and post it on youtube! much better!
  15. is there not enough cameras up the top end already? there's cctv every where so why would people want more cameras! i find this very disturbing indeed! i for one am totally against more cameras!
  16. give him a chance he's not one of these middle eastern leeches that come over in the boat load!
  17. hegs = helicopter external gondola system ! belm = some part of saxony? sorry i think ck needs an ambulance to st georges!
  18. i agree but needless to say petitions aren't worth the paper there writen on! just like that three tier petition hopeless waist of time!
  19. bit like the dun cow and market tavern! suppose its a cheap way to decorate
  20. wey bring on football italia! hope he whips them pampered puffs into shape!
  21. you got something there your pics are very atmospheric and a joy to look at! well done
  22. what fire? where not talking about the terriers fc! it the bedlington terrier pub next to terrier close! think you need a vacation form the perry's
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