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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. what with all that cheap state of the art technology every where!
  2. and why do you type the same way?...... hahahahaha pencil neck the cross dressing queen!!!
  3. happy birthday! but who's tony C! is he another non poster?
  4. mrs pencilneck! come on now we all know its just pencilneck wearing a dress! bah the thought!
  5. nor as perry's keep wheel clamping her!
  6. you might win the lottery too!
  7. yeah along with these afro blacky lovers! splendid! tavern smoking hopefully it will catch fire!
  8. no i am merely saying that imigrants are put a lot of strain on this country and they should pack there bags and go home! look at them poles they come here get are child benefit and get it again from there own country! now im not against foriegn worker who do something useful but coming to are country and ripping us off! please! enough is enough! am not xenophobic i just dont like that xeno warrior !*!@# its to far fetched! much prefer lord of the rings!
  9. where to start 1. why would i want to look like that ugly stinker! seriously! 2. glad i aint seen her! be like looking at the gorgon! dont want to be turned to stone! 3. picking on me! i can take it!
  10. self portrait? thought you were sir buscuit mixer or sumit!
  11. whats wrong joe get out the wrong side of bed! any i wasn't having a go at women just pencils wife! bah!
  12. who would i sneer at if there were no immigrants? no one as i would be a happy bunny! i hope people are different to me as the world would be very dull if we were all the same! and i dont need to dream cause this place sucks with or without me! monsta!
  13. speak for your self! Blob? yes she does resemble the Blob!
  14. yeah and you aint been missed!
  15. one of the worst games ever! would have had more fun watching snail racing!
  16. why not have a lawless state make the imigrants feel right at home!
  17. P.O.L.I.T.I.CS = pointless organised laughing in theatrical idiotic cults or B.O.L.L.I.C.K.S sack the lot!
  18. 9-1 to sunderland! they've done it before!
  19. who cares vote BNP or some green party who will get us electric cars! petrol prices terrible just terrible
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