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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. GGG,

    Wasn't it the case that the power station paid its rates in the old BDC and that was why it was in the black? It would certainly seem an opportune time to do something about giving a new one the right place name! It might have been "North Blyth" power station but I don't remember an invasion by the Blyth lot to take over the land there? While they are on they could always build some sort of import export facility because it is much easer, or could be, to get road and rail access there, then they could build their new 80 acre industrail estate at Cambois and leave the North Seaton resident alone!

    A bit of forward planning for when the Shire, hairy feet included, gets it independence!

    If the proposed council shuffle goes ahead and Blyth get control of Bedlington then they'll probablly build it on the Twenty Acres ;)

  2. It's ok he wont be there for long! and the fn conservatives will take over and ruin the country. what we need is a proper party who can do the job properly! like the ??? dont think there is such a party! but a bet the BNP would have a good go!

    Dosn't matter who's in charge they are only out for themselves,line their back pockets,stuff the country,and do what the hell they want and to hell with what the voters want...well until there is an election looming! Then all the sheep forget that they,ve been stuffed for four years,an believe all the rubbish spouted by Labour and the Tories and vote for them again.

    Never mind in a few years time we'll all be an ethnic minority just think of all the stuff we'll get for nowt!!!

    MY GOD that's it I've hit on their master plan. By giving ethnic minorities everything for nowt an letting them all into the country they think it's fantastic,but when eventually there's enough of them,then we will be the minority and we claim all the goodiesyyyyyyyyyeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss.Am voting Labour again!!!

  3. I hear from a very reliable source that Bedlington may be getting the council back.Before you all start jumping up and down shouting Hooray(I can hear you all now)there is a down side to this.Bedlington has a chance of the council coming back the other chance is we will come under the control of .........................Wait for it ............................ BLYTH.BLOODY HELL if A-!*!@#-on wasn't bad enough,the drug capital of the N.E. is worse,just think of the people that will be allowed on our council housing lists! Blyth could have an absolute clear out and dump everything on our doorsteps!

    I stress this is not a wind up.This really is on the cards.Now is the time to stop all this infighting and stand together to make sure that we get control of the council back and not Blyth.

  4. His point?

    Are you clever enough to be a doctor or a nurse? Bearing in mind you can't even spell words correctly in your native language?

    In short, shut the **** up about immigrants you pig-ignorant, no-nothing ****.

    And that's swearing.

    Maybe he is but can't get near a job because of all the immigrants being imported to do these jobs as reported in all the papers at the weekend, our doctors and nurses are being told to do charity work abroad if they want to do the job.And I'm not just talking of whites you pig ignorant,narrow minded colonel of absolute no knowledge :P

  5. I don't need to visit this site,and there's no need for you folks to worry I know who I look like because I get told often enough, if that's not bad enough I also get asked for autograghs and photograghs which is embarrassing enough,especially when visiting garden centres people stare at me,got it yet.............no



    You poor sod. :P

  6. wey lets put an end to the spelling corrections here and now! it's not nice when all your trying to do is answer some ones question and you get a load of idiot shouting at you cause you made a spelling mistake!!!

    please no more spelling lessons i had enough when i was at school!!!

    yew musta went two the saim skoul as me munsa, tha staishun wasnt it@ :blink:

  7. good point!! to be honest though there wasnt much to damage in the first place.

    :D:D Love the biker's really they do a lot for charity yet they still get pilloried by the public and the law.

    when was the last time any car drivers did anything for the community as a group? yes you got it in one nothing nil zero zilch.

    The only thing car drivers do is pull out in front of bikers and knock them off their machines with a" oops sorry didn't see you coming down the road with your full beams on" :D

  8. Merlin wasnt being racist, he was talking about terrorism. I dont like terrorists... am i racist?

    Anyway Merls, by Hooky do you mean

    Abu Hamza?


    Aye thats the racist pig I'm on about.An thanx it jus shows if you read a post properly you get the point.

    Cheers blanksy

  9. mortgage, cars, champagne and That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds!

    A woman as hoity toity as you should have no problem getting a job after all it's not what you know but who you know :D:D

  10. Powell's only function was to attract the racist minority out from under the rocks, convince them that their's was the majority view, and thus ride them to his grasp of power.!

    Just the latest of a long line of power hungry bigots.


    That was then this is now! Do you not think that his prophecy has come to fruition with 7/11 and all the terrorist cells the police are finding. He wasn't on about then he was on about the future and with what is happening now don't you not think that he wasn't far from the truth!Or am I just imagining what is going on!!

  11. JUst wondering if anyone off anywhere interesting this year.Or if anyone has any recommend's of places to go or visit.

    I heard on the grape vine that colonel noknowledge is off to bin ladens terrorist training camps in Afghanistan but not to worry he'll do us all a favour he'll bore them all to death! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  12. No, Enoch Powell was wrong and you are ignorant racist scum.

    So I take it that you agree with terrorism in this country! If I am against muslim radicals calling for all muslims to kill the infidel(thats us and Americans and everyone else to you)then Yes I am a racist but as for scum I think that falls into your catagory.I think that you are scum to take the side of Islamic extremists and condone what they stand for,because that is what you are doing,you want to take your head out of where the sun don't shine and wake up to reality :angry::angry::angry:

    Another thing I wasn't calling all Asians,Muslims or whatever crede you want to mention most of these people are decent law abiding U.K. citizens but as always the many suffer for the few,the few need to be sorted and the sooner the better then we can all live together without any hatred!

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