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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. I got a taxi home the other night and I tapped the driver on the shoulder at which point he nearly S**t himself swerved the car just missing a bus stop, mounted the pavement, just missed a group of people eventually pulling up sideways on the other side of the road 'I'm sorry about that' he says 'It's my first night as a taxi driver I spent the last twenty years driving a hearse!

  2. Reversing out of back Ridge Terrace on Wed afternoon I was met with severe blasting of a car horn, so I pulled up blocking the ENTRANCE of Bennies/St Bedes to be confronted by an irate lady driver who was gesticulating with her hands. Being the mild mannered person that I am I wound the window down and asked her what her !*!@# problem was and could she !*!@# read? 'I was coming out and you reversed straight in front of me,you weren't looking' was her reply. 'I shouldn't have to look, because it's no !*!@# exit and you're driving the wrong !*!@# way, on a one !*!@# way system' I then pointed out the No Exit signs and the one way signs but she couldn't grasp what I was on about and was still adamant that I was in the wrong! A few expletives later I gave up and drove off having to avoid all the cars parked on the yellow lines either side of the No Waiting signs on the entrance to back Ridge Terrace. Yes NCC you really put the frighteners on people parking there didn't you. MUPPETS :dribble: :dribble:

  3. a work colleague asked me this question, Name ten Bands,Groups with a colour in their name and you can only use the colour once. Try it without internet help. Can you do it and no I haven't got the answers. I got a few but then went into brain fade.

    Blue Oyster Cult

    Simply Red

    Deep Purple

    Black Sabbath


  4. Don't worry Malcolm I was not advocating his peoples party, only the idea in principal.

    I have said on here many times that the people in power are so far detached from the real world that they don't have a clue about the people in this country. they do only what is good for themselves. It has been many years since a political party REPRESENTED it's voters from the street in the halls of power. They forget their roots and what they once stood for, and, if what you say is correct, why have we got three main parties to vote for when they all govern the same?

    Here's a one for you. In one country we have students and the people protesting against the people in power, they are called thugs and vandals.

    In another we have the same thing students and the people protesting against the people in power, but there they are acclaimed for wanting to be free from dictatorship, for wanting a better way of life and for wanting freedom of speech.

    Where are we talking about is it Libya first or Britain or the other way round? :dribble: :dribble:

  5. 3G I agree with what you say, these people who supposedly try to run our country, no-matter which party they throw their allegiances to, are one and the same! They are concerned with nobody but themselves. Labour has lost it's way since the seventies and are now Tories in disguise, the Liberals (or whatever they call themselves) lost their way in the twenties, and have sold their souls to the Tories to grasp a bit power. A new party is needed, made up of people who have a bit of nous as to what this country is ACTUALLY like and the state it is in, not public school boys who have never wanted for anything in their short sad lives. I hate to say this, and it really galls me as anyone who knows me will understand, but, Ian Lavery MP had an idea of a Peoples Party a while back and was trying to set it up, until he sold his soul to greed, no surprise there! (sorry had to get that in) To me he went over the top with what he said and tried to do, but the thought was there. Maybe some of us could pick up the mantle and proceed where he left off, but get it right! Lets get one thing straight here I'm not on about Communism!

    Oh! an 3G ye bite good! ;)

  6. 3g reading some of your posts reminds me of reading a newspaper article of a football match I went to see! I ask myself WTF were they at the same game as me? Your Tory blue tinted glasses seem to be on over drive I think a visit to Spec savers is in order because you saw and read about a different budget than the one I saw. :wacko:

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  7. One law for the rich and another for the poor! Why do they need to debate this? It has and always will be, it does not matter how long they talk about this it will never change. More expenses to claim for them and a total waste of tax payers money yet again!

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  8. A bloke buys a budgie and every morning the budgie says 'I'm a geordie budgie me and I'm as hard as nails'

    The bloke gets a bit sick of this and says 'I'll teach you' So he buys a Kestrel and puts it in the budgies cage. In the morning the kestrel is dead and the budgie says 'I'm a geordie budgie me and I'm as hard as nails'

    So the bloke buys a Buzzard and puts it in the budgies cage. Next morning the buzzard is dead and the budgie says 'I'm a geordie budgie me and I'm as hard as nails.

    I'll teach you says the bloke, that night he puts a golden eagle in the budgies cage. Next morning the golden eagle is dead and the budgie is sitting on his perch with no feathers, the budgie says 'I had to take my coat off for that bugga ' :dribble: :dribble:

  9. Merlin, seen as we are going back in time a bit with Neal Armstrong and the moon landing can you update me with a more recent happening? The Bedlington Beast, has there been anymore sightings? :D

    Pete no more sightings, though not really been the golf weather. I had a wander up to the course when the snow was down, but just the usual tracks, bunnies, deer, fox etc but no beastie tracks. Any way glad to see you out of hibernation, bit early though ain't it Pete :dribble: :dribble:

  10. All these cycle routes being put in everywhere to 'encourage' us to get fit is just another way of them telling us, get used to the idea, because we are going to price you all off the roads, so all us rich nobs can have the roads to ourselves! And once they have us all on our bikes then all the crossings will disappear! Well they won't want us holding them up on their car journeys, will they?

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