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Posts posted by Cympil

  1. Very exciting. :mellow:

    So not exciting..i can`t stand the shows,even as a kid..they should ban them..all the side shows are rigged,the shows themselves are dangerous and cost a fortune and the whole place is full of dodgy dorty rip-off merchant gypos..

  2. Rickety rides, large groups of suspicious looking charvs and a hell of a lot of caravans.

    Its that time of the year again!

    Lock up your dogs everyone: The Shows have come to Bedlington!

    Funny you should say that! my mates dog has went missing this afternoon and he thinks the gypos have thieved it,it`s a staffy cross and answers to Patch...it`ll be easy to spot coz it`s nipples are like conkers coz it`s not lang since it had pups.also,if you talk to it ,it`ll say "OOH"

    So if you see it anywhere near the gypo site or wandering around Bedlington can you leave a post and let me know..Thankyou :D

  3. On my days off, I drive for a bus company, usually school runs..Today I did a baths run, from Bedlington Station to Ashington baths..Now, I used to go to the station school, and the playground then seemed gigantic, seen it today, its so, so small, could hardly believe it..Dont things seem big when your a kid? Mars bars were twice the size, summers were hotter, and lasted forever, and when it snowed the snow lay for weeks..

    Did anyone else go to that school, when Mrs Muter was there, And Miss Scott was the head mistress, Mr Gorman, Mrs Foreman :o

    I used to go sometimes..i think me record was a full 12 days out of the year :lol:

    I can`t remember any of them teachers though, i probably didn`t stay long enough to find out their names :blink:

  4. Blame young Denzil for that one! He can be so rude at times... the follow one posts didn't really make sense and I thought it a bit cruel to the hedgehog! Maybe you could whip him into shape?!!

    Are you really a vegetarian Cympil? And if so, what do you think about the whole mars bar controversy? :unsure:

    Nah,i`m not vegetarian, i`ve never heard owt about mars bars,only that you can have them battered at the chip shop :D

  5. i have this feeling yous lot dont like CK ... all i find is slagging off and random abuse all the time

    and it`s normally CK and his lot that start it all off...if he cannit take it back then he shouldn`t start in the first place

  6. Thanks .. I like a good poem heres one of my favorites .. a bit deep but worth reading


    Spirits of the Dead

    by Edgar Allan Poe

    This poem is also called "Visit of the Dead."

    Thy soul shall find itself alone

    'Mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone;

    Not one, of all the crowd, to pry

    Into thine hour of secrecy.

    Be silent in that solitude,

    Which is not loneliness- for then

    The spirits of the dead, who stood

    In life before thee, are again

    In death around thee, and their will

    Shall overshadow thee; be still.

    The night, though clear, shall frown,

    And the stars shall not look down

    From their high thrones in the Heaven

    With light like hope to mortals given,

    But their red orbs, without beam,

    To thy weariness shall seem

    As a burning and a fever

    Which would cling to thee for ever.

    Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,

    Now are visions ne'er to vanish;

    From thy spirit shall they pass

    No more, like dew-drop from the grass.

    The breeze, the breath of God, is still,

    And the mist upon the hill

    Shadowy, shadowy, yet unbroken,

    Is a symbol and a token.

    How it hangs upon the trees,

    A mystery of mysteries!


    Eee Dave,have you been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately? If you haven`t,you will after reading that :blink:

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