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Posts posted by Symptoms

  1. Of course, the culturally gelded whippersnappers have little to draw on when attemping to make sense of the typical dirges served-up since the 80s.  Wall-to-wall Morrisseyesque clones have been infecting the scene for a generation reducing cultural vigor to a trickle.  The absence of any real 'greats' during the last half-lifetime has left us with a void being filled by the talentless disc-spinners and their William Topaz McGonagall like lyrics.

  2. Maggs, all sensible people share my views.  Wise old owl Sym has spoken.


    Doors are going to have to be widened, floors reinforced, furniture modified at great expense, an army of shoelace-tying technicians will need to be recruited and specially demarked reserve lanes assigned on footpaths.  Crackers, complete and utter crackers .... wow!, there's a thought - feed them on crackers.

  3. Yep, all aboard the tootoo ... fond memories.  I've posted here before about getting to and from the Mayfair in the late 60s ... I suppose anybody interested could do a search here.  The traincops at the Central Station didn't like us lads hanging around for the train and would chase us off ... we would then buy a platform ticket (out of a machine, maybe cost 2d or 3d) and get on the tootoo with that.  Obviously, there was no gadgie at Morpeth checking tickets in the middle of the night.  Then the tramp home through all sorts of weather, including once knee deep in snow and only wearing my hippy sandals.

  4. I think we need to be cruel to be kind to fatties.  Let's all commit, here and now, to challenge those piling their trolleys high with pies, crisps and cakes to look at the healthy options available to them.  Something needs to be done ... they're even appearing on the telly fronting-up news reports about health issues.  The irony of it all is unbelievable!

  5. Oh no!  Those Eurofools are proposing to make self-stuffing fatties join the ranks of the disabled.  I think that's a terrible slur on the 'genuinely' disabled and I'm sure will lead to precious resources being snaffled off them and be re-directed towards the pie eaters. 

  6. Be fair Tony ... remember where the Tories get their loot from:  crooked hedgefund bosses, crooked boss bankers, crooked boss businessmen, crooked pensionfund managers, property companies, posh fuedal landowners, mining companies, arms companies, crikey the list is endless!!  And these are just the ones that have been registered.  Tons of lucre shovelled in through the back door that isn't declared but recent leaks have shown the scale of the problem.  Further kindness and support is offered to the top Tory politicos ... paid directorships when in office and even bigger trouser stuffing, via the lobby companies, when they leave office.


    Crooks the lots of them  (including a sizable bunch of Blair's warmongering Cabinet).

  7. I must say that Blighy politics is really shaping-up to be quite fun over the next few months ... I can't really remember another GE season like it.  We've got a truly Socialist party storming across great swathes of Jockoland putting to the sword the Labourjocks and JockoLibs and Fatty Salmond promising to come South to stir a real shitstorm.  Eight Pints and a packet of Rothmans Nige promising his version of the Nuremburg laws on all those without Aryan English blood, whilst that dick Cameroooony doesn't know if he's coming or going being trapped by opposing forces within his party.  As for that lot who should really be attending to the needs of the population all they seem to care about is matching the rhetoric of the right .... shame on them!  Milliiiiiband should ensure that there's plenty of blue water between Labour and the rest so as to give folks an honest choice.  Some here will continue to slag off the Left, some will continue to slag off the Right, none here will even bother to slag off the irrelevant Libs and the EU will continue to exercise many here.  All good, clean fun.


    I've said it before here ... make your pack with the party which will more likely be of some direct support to you and your family. 

  8. All that photo proves is that the Uncle Tom Movement is alive and well - opportunists looking for the main chance or poor deluded fools being used or a decent Photoshop job.  Throughout history there are well-documented examples of the deluded allying themeselves with those who really don't have their best interests at heart.


    We mustn't forget that the Nazis created their 'acceptable' face for the World by promoting the Theresienstadt concentration camp (making an infamous film of it, conning the Swiss Red Cross, then killing all the captives who were earlier complicit in the plan), and elsewhere in the other camps using Jewish Kapos to keep order and manage the gas chambers.  The Jewish Councils in the gettos, with their Jewish Order Police squads, doing the Nazis work for them. 


    Oh, and one last thing, you don't have to be white to be a racist.

  9. That 300 grand he's just bunged the kippers will certainly pay for all those swinger parties the ex-bosskipper seemed to enjoy with that ex-prospective candidate.  I think Nige will need some of it to drown his sorrows down the Dog & Duck on Election Day +1

  10. I do like the odd bag of crisps with my bait in the boozer but I only like the ready salted ones ... yuk to all those chemical flavour scabs.  As to MrsSyms gravy ... only meat juices reduced in the baking tin to a thickish, but runny gloop (no salt, no gravy powder, no OXO cubes).  Yummy, yummy, yummy.

  11. Vic, I've just checked Multimap's birds eye view and I'm sure the shop must have been on the corner of Bowes and Thoroton.  I also went through the balsa model making phase ... my first was a Stuka but for some reason on of its wings had a slight warp to it, maybe I'd put too much tension on the structure before applying the dope.

  12. No salt in any of the cooking and none chucked over my plate ... apart from when I have chips (rarely) as these always need salt.  It's funny, MrsSym is an avid viewer of all the cookery programmes on the telly where all the chefs chuck pounds of butter, lashings of cream and tons of salt into everything they make but when she attempts recipies it's olive oil, yogurt and no salt.  When I cook I copy exactly what the telly boys do and it does taste better.


    Oh, I forgot to mention my Mum's Yorkshire puddings with the Sunday lunch and all the baking she did;  she also worked full-time so I don't know how she managed it all.  For years and years when I used to drive up to the Toon from London, maybe 4 times a year to visit my Mum, she always had a 'traditional' meal ready for me (an exact copy of the boyhood Sunday lunch with lashings of gravy over the top but without the rice pud to follow as I'd bucked-up enough bravery to tell her I didn't like the stuff, so she always made me a lemon meringue pie instead) ... she'd spend a day in the Green Market getting stuff then the whole day preparing the meal for me. 

  13. Maggs - many here are of the generation brought-up on making Airfix models of WW2 planes and ships so know quite a bit about what these things looked like.  I fondly remember spending my pocket money in a model shop in Blyth (I think it was on Thoroton St) buying these things.  Our comics were also full of stories of daring do in the war and much of the telly was showing 1950 war films.

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