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Posts posted by Symptoms

  1. Symptoms current scoffing regime:


    Breaky (usually mid to late morning) ... porridge with a licking of milk*, followed by some 'rough' bread toast with a smearing of butter** topped with set honey***

    Lunch (early pm) ... half the week I don't bother but the rest of the time taken in the local boozer ... bagette and cheese, a bag of crisps  washed down with some ale.  It's a good excuse to walk the woof to the boozer - exercise!

    Dinner (usually 7 ish) ... home-made soup**** with bread dippers (much to MrsSym's disapproval), home-made meat & two veg*****/tattie****** combo, washed down with a home-made fruit smoothy for dessert.

    Supper ... I used to have cheese on digestive biscuits with a side order of half a raw onion and a couple of tomatoes washed down with a glass of milk but I stopped doing this when I turned 60.

    I don't graze between meals, I don't have monster portions, no sugar in my tea, and no processed nosh is allowed in the house, plenty of exercise with the woof, hence the fine figure of a man you see before you (6'4" x 14 stone = BMI of 23.8 ... constant since the age of 21). 


    * full cream milk

    ** unsalted 'cos I prefer the taste over salted

    *** the thick white stuff

    **** MrsSym's finest

    ***** Death by a thousand broccoli stalks

    ******variation of the tattie/couscous/Quinoa/brown rice


    As to my parent's scoff and the stuff they served when I was a nipper.  Standard fare for the time ... I can only clearly remember Sunday lunches, generally meat & two veg with mash and roasties followed by something like rice pudding for dessert (funny thing is the rice pudding was usually singed).  I do have fond memories of Saturday afternoon tea of Cheshire cheese, tomatoes and Ritz crackers served up while we watched Hawkeye and the last of the Mohicans on the telly.  The grub was always fresh ... we had a large garden that my Dad grew tatties, all sorts of veg, eggs from our hens.  Lots of tomatoes from my Grandad when in season followed by lashings of Granny's chutney made from all the green toms.  My Mum was a good, adventurous cook whose Bible was Good Housekeeping's Cookery Compendium.  She bought her copy in 1952 from the Co-op in Wallsend,  as it cost 5 shillings she could only afford to get it on 'tick'.  I still have this book and it's remarkable for its time with colour photos on every page of all the menues and flipping through it for this post I'm reminded of all the stuff she made (I've attached some photos of the cookbook below).  Happy days. 


    So, in summary.  Home-made grub and plenty of exercise







  2. ' "Maybee when Sym went to uni,he was told insurance meant something else"! LOL... '    Poo! and more Poo!   Anyway, insurance can only ever be about risk management.  Those who only fill-up their supermarket trolleys with piles of TV dinners, white bread, crisps, cakes, biscuits, pies, sugar, snouts, pop, etc. maybe should take some responsibilty for their own health before leaning on the rest of us.


    By broadly agreeing with wise Sym Canny (as usual ) writes sagely.  My contention is that those who abuse themselves by gorging at the trough should be required to get down to an acceptable BMI before unfairly snaffling a disproportionate amount of NHS resources.  Nowhere have I said they shouldn't ever get treatment.  Ditto travel, ditto puffers.


    Of course, the Government could, at a stroke, go some way to fixing the problem.  They could legislate for a draconian reduction in harmful ingredients in our scoff but they won't because they're (Tory & Labour) in hock to BigSugar, BigSalt, BigFat, BigBakky, BigBooze.

  3. Maggs, how dare you: "Then there is a cd for Symptoms:- If on a Winters Night by Sting"


    The only good use that this CD could be put to would be to scare the wood pigeons away from my cabbages and I'm not just talking about it spinning in the wind.

  4. Perhaps the old folks should get preferential treatment from the NHS having probably forked-out their dues over a long lifetime.  I'm not so sure the jelly wobblers should be able to jump roll to the head of the queue for operations without being forced to have layers of blubber reduced by being force fed greens.  Ditto, the puffers ... no snouts for 6 months before getting to see the cutter.  By all means let them all eat sacks of pies and puff cartons of fags but why should they then be allowed to snaffle precious resources?

  5. A number of reports this week are suggesting that fatties should be banned by the NHS from having operations.  What do you all think?


    Should they also be barred from flying on commercial flights unless they pay for two seats;  ditto, trains and buses?


    Should pies be licensed and only be available to thin folks?



  6. It's always a mystery when they disappear.  It could be for any number of reasons:  they've croaked and not left instructions to their next of kin to inform us, they've been lifted by the Peelers and are now in the pokey, they're on the run, they've moved-on having outgrown the childishness sometime on display here.  Or, perhaps the guys with their fingers on the kill-trigger switch here have 'terminated' them.

  7. That's my definition of civilisation ... dogs being allowed into boozers.


    Decent dog owners will always put the mutt's needs first;  mine get their nosebag before me, always a towel down when dripping and especially after a hose-down to get the mud off, pride of place on the rug in front of the fire.  I remember years ago going out wildfowling with a previous dog on the washes in East Anglia,  arriving in the pitch black (about 4am) before the first flight of the quackers the woof lept out the Landrover and ran into the darkness.  A loud splash was heard as the woof had run straight into the river - it couldn't see the water as it was so dark.  Back it came shivering (this was in the Winter), a quick towel down and the damp dog was ready for a days blast and retrieve in the flooded washes and river.  She was a tough dog ... it enjoyed its bowl of beer at lunchtime in the local pub that day.  Oh, and I had a fresh wild goose to take home for Xmas dinner. 

  8. On the news last week there was tons of the stuff blanketing the Yankees ... 6' deep all over - not just the drifts.  That's what I want to see.  It would mean great fun playing with the woof - having a laugh watching its attempts to retrieve thrown snowballs (being white it can't find them in the white snow).  What a hoot.

  9. Even though I'm a devout and practising atheist I have a soft-spot for Chrissy choral music.  I'm even prepared to ignore the elitist conotations of the King's College Choir to listen to a good tune.

  10. I remember my Mum drying her long hair in front of the open fire.


    It always was cold back then as so few of us had central heating;  I think that only became wide-spread in the 70s when North Sea gas arrived. As a kid my bed was always piled-up with extra blankets and an old eiderdown and heated by hot breath ... head under, deep breathing.

  11. Willy, I don't hold a torch for Scargs and his naive battle tactics,  however, I do take a position on the much wider strategic views of both sides.  This position has been recently reinforced by the National Archive's publication of a whole raft of documents petaining to the dispute.  There was a concerted effort to dismantle the coal industry  whose deep mines couldn't compete economically with the huge glut of cheaper open-cast stuff from abroad, or even the deep mined stuff from overseas where cheap labour costs created an unfair advantage.  So Thatch and her vile henchmen (see, I just can't resist loading the arguement with a derogatory term) saw the economic excuse to pare down the industry;  oh, and a glorious by product for them was some payback on the NUM.


    The NUM, and Scargs in particular, have been demonised over the years for CAUSING the destruction of the mining industry when the truth is much more complicated.  Yep, Scargs was stupid or blinkered in employing some of his methods but history has shown that the fate of the mining industry here was probably doomed even before the dispute began and can't all be laid at his door. Hardly suprising when most of the 100 + year old pits were coming to the end of their productive lives.  Some of the participants in the dispute on the workforce side have more blood on their hands than others:  NACODS and that Quisling UDM group of miners in Notts.


    So who won?  It certainly wasn't the small mining communities up and down Blighty, now blighted ghost towns.  It certainly wasn't the industry crying-out for more modernisation and the resultant long-term  benefits that might bring.  It certainly wasn't the tens of thousands of pitmen who got a right royal stiffing,  No, the only winners were the coal importers and their City backers.  Heck, lets just call it globalisation, applaud and attempt to apportation all the blame on Scargs.

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