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bedlington bears

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About bedlington bears

  • Birthday 17/01/1959

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  • Location
    2- 4 Forster Avenue
  • Interests
    Childcare, culture, education, countryside

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  1. 30 hours free educational childcare for 3/4 year olds. Bedlington Bears Day Nursery and Preschool. Please telephone 01670 820888.
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  2. Table 25 :-) you must know my Robin.
  3. I was at Crufts with a group of friends, supporting three of our mutual friends. A couple of friends were competing in a flyball team (and another friend was showing but came nowhere). During the flyball all of the dogs were crammed in together waiting to compete and a fight started. It was a really bad fight between two Collies, they were finally separated and taken out of sight and the commentator announced that both of the dogs were fine and not to worry about them, but they had been withdrawn from the competition because they were too excited. My friends in the flyball team who were behind the scenes said it wasn't true! - both dogs had actually been rushed to the vets. They have both actually said they will never return to Crufts because Crufts jam the dogs in.
  4. A reduction in business rates would go a long way to help and we do need help. All that is happening in Bedlington is that new houses are being built but there is no infrastructure in place to keep Bedlington cash in Bedlington. Newcomers come here because house prices are cheap but they commute out to spend, the making of a ghost town. Any successful small town has a good variety of shops in the high street, keeping the money' in-town' and keeping house prices steady rather than on the decline. Once house prices go on the decline in contrast to the surrounding areas (in our case because there are no shops) then the town is on a hiding to nowhere. I can see so much good in Bedlington: a community spirit and a hidden wealth of expertise - but too few outlets for them.
  5. Strangely enough I've just watched my boxed set of 'The League of Gentlemen'. I just can't help thinking about the theme tune and 'Local Shop' and wondering if that isn't our future. Bedlington High Street is dying a death because of lack of variety but new businesses won't come in to Bedlington because of lack of support. Support is lacking because there is no variety, catch 22. I spoke to an ex - Bedlingtonian recently who wanted to move back to his roots but his wife refuses as there are no shops here.
  6. Thanks for that Fourgee. The member of staff who told me they didn't take on limited companies confirmed it with another member of staff and then went out of view to confirm it with somebody in the office. I find it very strange and I'm going to go back sometime within the next week or so to see if a mistake has been made. If you don't mind - I'm going to say that I know that at least one limited company has already changed from Lloyds TSB to TSB (obviously I won't give your name as I don't know it anyway) :-) I'll let you know what happens. It is also very odd as BB only uses the bank account for direct debits and paying in so it is not as if we are a complicated account.
  7. I originally banked with Lloyds TSB in Bedlington. As you know it split and all the branches became either Lloyds or TSB. My account was sent to Lloyds without any consultation with me. It is not convenient for me to bank with Lloyds as it means wasting time travelling out of Bedlington just to bank cheques. So - I went to what was my Lloyds TSB bank and is now TSB and asked to move my account to TSB. I could hardly believe it when they told me that they only deal with private individuals and sole traders and they didn't have the 'facilites' to deal with limited companies! What hope has business in Bedlington got? They have a poster on the wall saying 'TSB - the bank that is unlike all other banks'. Well they certainly got that one right!
  8. Bedlington Terriers Football Club will do it Diane (free).
  9. Thanks for that mercury! It's funny - I felt something was not quite right about the address but couldn't put my finger on it :-)
  10. AU Computers is on Glebe Terrace, they do computer repairs and sell ink etc. They are really reasonable and give a great service. I wouldn't go anywhere else.
  11. Is your child aged 3 by 1st April? You can have 15 hours per week FREE childcare at Bedlington Bears Day Nursery. Simply call Wendy, Donna or Tara to book your free sessions.
  12. AWE (All Action Wrestling Entertainment) will be held at Bedlington Terriers Football Club on Sunday 23rd September. Doors open at 12.00 noon. There's also kids entertainment, live music and drinks promotions. It should be a good day! This post has been promoted to an article
  13. AWE (All Action Wrestling Entertainment) will be held at Bedlington Terriers Football Club on Sunday 23rd September. Doors open at 12.00 noon. There's also kids entertainment, live music and drinks promotions. It should be a good day!
  14. (B2B) Based in Barrington Industrial Estate, a related enterprise of Marbco Fire Solutions. Fantastic firm. I get my hygiene and first aid products from them and I also get brilliant advice. I would not consider going anywhere else. I get all my fire checks done by Marbco, but all business owners here will probably use them anyway. I think that once you have found a firm that gives you clear, rational advice and really great service, and they are local, you should speak up about it!
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