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Don't you remember the GMTV where they had an alien in Greggs one morning? Maybe he just had a sausage roll and a stottie?

He?! It was undoubtedly a female "alien"!

She's migrated to planet Pluto (sp?) now (global warming?), but I'd be careful what you say as I'm told she/it regularly reads this forum, and can still make strange things happen in the town by telekinesis (or something very very similar)! :D:D

And friends, this is a true story. I know, I was that soldier. Err... I mean that photographer ;):lol:


Talking about Greggs, they opened a new shop up in Maltby South Yorkshire and the Mayor of Rotherham and his wife went along to open it, handing out free sausage rolls, the local press had a good laugh as the week before the Mayor had been promoting healthy eating!!

The Tankerville Arms was on Glebe Road.

When was it called the Howard Arms? I`m nearly sure that`s what it`s called on that photo :unsure:

I left Bedlington in 1966 and it was the Howard arms then, not sure when it became the Market Tavern.

Talking about Greggs, they opened a new shop up in Maltby South Yorkshire and the Mayor of Rotherham and his wife went along to open it, handing out free sausage rolls, the local press had a good laugh as the week before the Mayor had been promoting healthy eating!!

The Tankerville Arms was on Glebe Road.

Not far from the modern day underpass.

  • 3 weeks later...
Up until the present day "brand imaging" it had always been the Howard Arms, at least within living memory.

I'm wrong about Greggs being beside Barclays (extreme right edge of photo), it was Carricks. For a while we had two bakery chains there.

And, I'm still being told that Clevva Clothes wasn't still there by the late 1970's - very puzzling!

What you can say with reasonable certainty is that it's a high-summer shot taken late morning. Maybe June or July. That there are virtually no cars around at that time of day - except a bit of passing traffic - , few people, and the shops look shut, says it must be a late Sunday morning. Get the year right and you can almost pinpoint the date and time!

It's Inspector Morse.

  • 2 years later...

Does anyone know what year this photo was taken.

Have a look at other old photos in the places section of the gallery under Old photos of Bedlington


I was just looking through some of the older content when i came accross this. Between Johnsons shoe shop and Carricks the bakers there is a door, this lead into a yard where there were 2 houses #5 and #6 Market Place.We lived in #5 when i was a kid. we moved in about 1958 and moved out about 1965/6. This palace had a sittng room a scullerry and a bedroom. No hot water, no bath and had an outside bog. This was home to a family of 6 till we got a 3 bed council house in Waverley ave, a mansion in comparison.

Looking at the photo I am struggling [like many] to put a date to it, but I can remember what it was like before the photo. Next to the bakers was the bank and next to that was the butchers . My dad worked there before he whent to Netherton pit for more money but still worked part time for Billy Miller as a butcher/slaughterman. Going the other way [as much as I can remember] was the Howard Arms, Milnes shop [later the co-op Milne house] The rest consisted of the old post office [Mrs, Potts] Joe Alsopp [the barber] Mrs Gates chipp shop and Peter Bacci's cafe/sweet shop was on the end next to the entrance to the neuk.

The house may have been a dump but the memories of living there are happy ones. Brilliant place to live on picnic day , for instance, and when the shows were in Milnes field for whit weekend we just louped the back wall.

Shool was just over the road [the village infants, then the whitley] We always got a warm buttered bun from the back door of the bakers for nowt on the way to school.


It's early 80's - the cars give it away.


I`ve found this photo, i`m not sure, but the red cars on both photo`s look very similar, are they the actual same car? If they are, there`s other cars on this photo that might give the year away.

But i agree, early 80`s is looking likely, so i was about 10 years out with my first guess.


This photo looks like it was taken at the same time..more cars (and shop fronts)



heres a clue presto established in 1977!

and is that red cars not a talbot samba?? if so production was 1981 - 1986!


heres a clue presto established in 1977!

and is that red cars not a talbot samba?? if so production was 1981 - 1986!

the red car on the road is, I think, a VW Jetta (or base model golf) but the Metro in the picture definitely dates it to post 1980.


Couple of MK 111 Escorts so 1980 onwards, then we have to think about them being second hand but that HA Viva van and mini clubman traveller I would think leads us to early 80's.

That W123 merc was 76-85 so again early 80's.


the red car on the road is, I think, a VW Jetta (or base model golf) but the Metro in the picture definitely dates it to post 1980.

its not a jetta as the car in the picture has a metal bumper jettas cam with plastic bumpers


as the picture showsand the white car behind it is an austin allegro!

note the back window shape!


Don't agree that Cympil's photos are anywhere near the original one. There's next to no buildings in common between the two lots of snaps, but what little is in common is quite different.

Firstly the shop nearest the Market Cross has lost it's sun-blind on Cympil's pix, and the sign seems to have been updated. Also there's now a distinct white band along the top of the front wall cladding on the Co-op.

On the original pic the Co-op sports a collector combine (405 line) TV aerial. The need for these was gone in 1970, and being spindly they didn't generally stand a decades storms. So it's very likely it would have been blown down or taken down sometime before 1980.

In the newer pix the shops are open, and there's lots more people around; clearly not the case in the original picture, though the Howard Arms, and probably something hidden in the Market Place (Bacchi's?) seems to be - still strong evidence for a Sunday or bank holiday.

Then there's the Clevva Clothes evidence which no one has countered, whilst the contribution about the Presto opening tends to support a 70's date.

Can't argue with Malc on the cars, but they are not at all distinct on the original pic, and the silver one looks to me like a big 60'/70's gas guzzler. The fuel crisis in the 70's encouraged the adoption of the more compact type of cars shown in Cympil's pix.

So there's still strong evidence here that the pictures are several years, if not a decade, apart.

This one will run and run! :D


In the original pic I would say the blueish car on the left might be a Mk1 Escort, possibly a ghia, the red one on the right Morris Marina or an Avenger,although I don't like the lights as they were normally square.

Date.......1975 ish...


Going off a photo of the 1980 picnic in Blank`s gallery, it shows that Clevva clothes was no longer there, but Mirage. By the looks of state of the Mirage sign, it had been there for a while, at least a few years to get in that condition i would say.


Another photo dated 1974 show the shop as Clevva Clothes, so we`re looking at maybe 1975 - 1979



That looks to me like a mid 70`s photo..not sure though. Maybe Threegee will have a better idea.

So it looks as if my first guess was correct after all :D


Presto opened in Bedlington on Tuesday 7th of November 1972


heres a clue presto established in 1977!

and is that red cars not a talbot samba?? if so production was 1981 - 1986!

Meldrew was correct, Presto`s opened in the early 70`s..


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