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Microsoft Tries To Dictate To The Market - Yet Again!

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I currently use two near identical mini machines day to day. One uses XP Pro the other Ubuntu Linux. The only difference is the Ubuntu machine has 256MB less memory, and a smaller Hard Drive. Of late there are weeks when I don't even bother to dust the Windows machine off. The Linux machine is faster, boots quicker, and is a whole lot less hastle. And all the applications software - and there's an awful lot more of it than I care to try - is legitimately free!

Question: If they can sell Windows for £15 and still make money why are mugs shelling out ten times that (every two or three years)?

Answer: Because they know most people are lazy thinkers, and so they've got them by their purse or wallet.

When you get around to buying a subnotebook (and you will!) make sure it's the Linux version. Not only will you get a better deal and learn something useful, but you'll be helping free the world (and yourself) from one of the biggest manipulators of all time.

If you are buying a larger (old-fashioned?) PC then ask the shop if it is available without windows. If they say no, because everyone wants windows, then ask them how exactly do they know this. Ask them where you can find the non-windows machines in their store so the customer can exercise a preference.

Question: If they can sell Windows for £15 and still make money why are mugs shelling out ten times that (every two or three years)?

Answer: Because they know most people are lazy thinkers, and so they've got them by their purse or wallet.

It's not just about being lazy - when most people think of Linux they think of command lines and bearded, long haired men with monitor tans.

To be honest for me, 70 odd quid isnt a big deal for an OS I'll probably use for years.

I've got Ubuntu here and I'll give it a go when I get the time - like the idea of having a bloat free OS that doesnt need all the latest firewall and anti-virus software installed.

Anyway, if you think Microsoft is bad, what do you think of Apple?

It's not just about being lazy - when most people think of Linux they think of command lines and bearded, long haired men with monitor tans.

It might have been true, but it isn't any longer. The Linux subnotebooks are proving that, and they have MS running scared!

To be honest for me, 70 odd quid isnt a big deal for an OS I'll probably use for years.

It's not the 70 quid, it's the paying time and time again for the same old slop. Why can't MS continuously upgrade? Because they dress the same old stuff up and resell it to you. An even more powerful reason is what you spend on apps. For the average totally honest user this will be more than the cost of the hardware.

There's also the training. All they are training you to do is to follow the MS master plan. If you really want to know about computers - even just at the application level - you have to turn your brain on. Learning to use MS apps has little or nothing to do with learning about computers - but tell that to your educationalists!

I've got Ubuntu here and I'll give it a go when I get the time - like the idea of having a bloat free OS that doesnt need all the latest firewall and anti-virus software installed.

Just do it! Stick the CD in and boot - you don't even have to go through and install, the CD is live.

Anyway, if you think Microsoft is bad, what do you think of Apple?

Apple is for geeks with more money than sense. I speak as someone who has been quite close to the company on and off for 30 years +.

In the grand scheme of things they are pretty irrelevant. But when you have this sort of market you can afford to make lots of mistakes - the punters end up paying for them. Time after time they've chosen the wrong CPU and then left their customers high and dry come the inevitable switch. Now they've been forced to use the same hardware as everyone else - an architecture that they've spent decades panning! With their dumb customer base they don't even need to rationalise the about face. :)


dont install Ubuntu its pap im running it on me laptop and cant do nawt with it im gona uninstall it the morn and put vista back on :angry:

dont install Ubuntu its pap im running it on me laptop and cant do nawt with it im gona uninstall it the morn and put vista back on :angry:

Please enlighten us as to exactly what can't you do with it?

And, as I said, you don't need to install it to try it - so you've put yourself to more trouble than you need have.

Please enlighten us as to exactly what can't you do with it?

And, as I said, you don't need to install it to try it - so you've put yourself to more trouble than you need have.

i cant use some of my programs on it but ive gettin some to install but only coz i installed a windows emulator on it maybe its just to complicated for a small brain like mine :D

There's also the training. All they are training you to do is to follow the MS master plan. If you really want to know about computers - even just at the application level - you have to turn your brain on. Learning to use MS apps has little or nothing to do with learning about computers - but tell that to your educationalists!

Yeah speaking from experience the MS training is more about learning to use the OS's themselves - following scripted instructions - than using any kind of technological know-how. So long as you know your bits & bytes, ROM and RAM then pretty much anyone can use it. The problem doesn't lie within the courses themselves, but more the cost of the things - my course cost me £4000 on a set track which has so far taken me through A+, Network+ and MCSA (Part 1 of 3) - if my time doesn't run out, I will be fully MCSA and MCSE qualified. I was lucky enough to have my old employers pay for my course, but the majority of others aren't so lucky!

Apple is for geeks with more money than sense. I speak as someone who has been quite close to the company on and off for 30 years +.

See the iPhone for evidence of this - I currently work for the Carphone Warehouse so I have had first hand experience of how bad the iPhone actually is, and how Apple are extending their bad ideas into a market they don't belong in...


But you forget; when you buy an Apple product you are buying a revolutionary piece of design that no one ever thought of before.


No? Well.. you must at least admit that no one ever thought of producing a moby where you couldn't swap the battery! Seems such an obvious way of saving 50p on production costs; making zillions extra from factory service, and ensuring that no cheaper replacement batteries appear on the market to dint your margins. Very slow of Nokia there! :D

It might have been true, but it isn't any longer. The Linux subnotebooks are proving that, and they have MS running scared!

It's not the 70 quid, it's the paying time and time again for the same old slop. Why can't MS continuously upgrade? Because they dress the same old stuff up and resell it to you. An even more powerful reason is what you spend on apps. For the average totally honest user this will be more than the cost of the hardware.

There's also the training. All they are training you to do is to follow the MS master plan. If you really want to know about computers - even just at the application level - you have to turn your brain on. Learning to use MS apps has little or nothing to do with learning about computers - but tell that to your educationalists!

Just do it! Stick the CD in and boot - you don't even have to go through and install, the CD is live.

Apple is for geeks with more money than sense. I speak as someone who has been quite close to the company on and off for 30 years +.

In the grand scheme of things they are pretty irrelevant. But when you have this sort of market you can afford to make lots of mistakes - the punters end up paying for them. Time after time they've chosen the wrong CPU and then left their customers high and dry come the inevitable switch. Now they've been forced to use the same hardware as everyone else - an architecture that they've spent decades panning! With their dumb customer base they don't even need to rationalise the about face. :)

You really are a complete !*!@# tit. As much as the endless Apple advertising campaign rolls on, they do certain things very well. Mac OS couldn't be anymore user-friendly, and yep, if I'd had the cash I'd have got one; not for any aesthetic reason but simply because they're a piece of piss to use, a class above Vista and Linux.

Stick to your WDC conspiracy theories in future.

That's me banned, but it was worth it.

You really are a complete !*!@# tit. As much as the endless Apple advertising campaign rolls on, they do certain things very well. Mac OS couldn't be anymore user-friendly, and yep, if I'd had the cash I'd have got one; not for any aesthetic reason but simply because they're a piece of piss to use, a class above Vista and Linux.

Stick to your WDC conspiracy theories in future.

That's me banned, but it was worth it.

:lol::lol::lol: go on there denzel you tell em :lol::lol:

You really are a complete !*!@# tit. As much as the endless Apple advertising campaign rolls on, they do certain things very well. Mac OS couldn't be anymore user-friendly, and yep, if I'd had the cash I'd have got one; not for any aesthetic reason but simply because they're a piece of piss to use, a class above Vista and Linux.

Stick to your WDC conspiracy theories in future.

That's me banned, but it was worth it.

hey man do you have to use language like that like. You bad boy. :o

hey man do you have to use language like that like. You bad boy. :o

It's the Queen's English.

*spits tea over screen*

now THERES a guy who likes to get his point over! :lol::lol::lol:

Denzel speaks his mind, good on him :D

That doesn`t mean that 3g is a complete effing tit in my eyes though..but funny non the less :lol:


Denzel, there was no need for the language and abuse. Threegee had an opinion, and obviously so do you, but that doesn't mean you need to go on a personal tirade for someone not agreeing with you on the matter.

Topic closed

  • 8 months later...
As much as the endless Apple advertising campaign rolls on, they do certain things very well. Mac OS couldn't be anymore user-friendly, and yep, if I'd had the cash I'd have got one; not for any aesthetic reason but simply because they're a piece of piss to use, a class above Vista and Linux...

If you knew as much about computers as you know about drinking holes you'd know just how close Mac OS X is to Linux, and how many ideas they stole! So much so that if the boot had been on the other foot the writs would be flying.

At least when Microsoft sell their old wine in new bottles they try to maintain some backwards compatibility and don't regularly leave their punters high and dry with the major hardware & software changes necessary to correct *their* repeated mistakes.

I suspect you've never actual tried a modern Linux distribution. Easy-to-use has a huge price tag, and appeals mainly to the easy-to-part-from-their-money. :)

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