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Anyone Else Getting Fleeced By Npower?


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Yeah i sleep very well thank you knowing that i support my children and pay my bills which to me is what working is all about

As for customer treatment i can think of a few instances of a local firm handing out frozen goods from the back of there vans which we not properly frozen and partially defrosted, therefore i ask you the question of whether you slept at night knowing the food you had just handed to a customer could cause food poision or worse.

No, i dont sleep well at night. i hate the company i work for, but like you, i have bills to pay.

As you know, if the freezer fails in my delivery vehicle, i tell the customer... even tho i could get wrong for it.

then its up to them to make a decision.

Did YOU know, that the average traveling time from ASDA to bedlington is also above the reccomended defrost times, so, flying straight bac atcha...YOU could be responsible for poisioning YOUR OWN FAMILY!

Now, about this company that employs people who "need a degree in lack of social skills, education and language. "

the people in this thread are speaking from experience, and giving their opinion of services rendered. your just generalising and slagging off a town full of perfectly good employers.

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ok it was a general statement (im not getting into any lawsuits)

but i am being hung and quartered for working for a company that pays well, i have looked around for other jobs but there is simply nothing in the area that pays as well for the job that i do not even massive companys like the NHS, i wouldnt want to drop my wages because i couldnt go back to scrapping the bottom of my piggy bank to try and survive the month out between pays, my children reap the benefits of my working, i do not smoke or drink or do drugs (again each to there own but its not for me), this enables them to attend many different out of school activities and i do what i think is best for them, working is as i have said all about the money and if i can go to work and be happy at the working conditions then why not?

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but i am being hung and quartered for working for a company that pays well,

It's not a personal thing mind!

I just find it shocking that people are so intent on getting a load of extra 'stuff' that they are prepared to sell out their fellow man!

Same goes for wheel clampers, politicians and people who test on animals, as well as a number of historical examples...

Paying the bills is one thing but swindling folk out of savings for an upgrade on a car or a pair of new shoes etc makes me sad for the future of the planet!

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It's not a personal thing mind!

I just find it shocking that people are so intent on getting a load of extra 'stuff' that they are prepared to sell out their fellow man!

Same goes for wheel clampers, politicians and people who test on animals, as well as a number of historical examples...

Paying the bills is one thing but swindling folk out of savings for an upgrade on a car or a pair of new shoes etc makes me sad for the future of the planet!

I would never swindle anyone out of anything, its not in my nature to rip people off. So a statement saying all of NPower staff just simply isnt true, there are some lovely people work there.

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It's not a personal thing mind!

Actually, reading back, it did seam to get that way.

I appologise if you took personal offence, i just dont like getting it in the neck defending this site when in the pub because of comments with no backup about bedlington.

People are quick to damn the place, but when asked for factual reasons why, fall on their face most times.

I took it too far, and i'm sorry. Just remove the personal bits from my comments, the rest, about Npower and how they should not be able to sleep, still stand. :D

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Actually, reading back, it did seam to get that way.

I appologise if you took personal offence, i just dont like getting it in the neck defending this site when in the pub because of comments with no backup about bedlington.

People are quick to damn the place, but when asked for factual reasons why, fall on their face most times.

I took it too far, and i'm sorry. Just remove the personal bits from my comments, the rest, about Npower and how they should not be able to sleep, still stand. :D

and as i have said many many times i dont deal with customers just other companies and spreadsheets, if u think for one min that i would personally rip another person off then your sadly mistaken

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So a statement saying all of NPower staff just simply isnt true, there are some lovely people work there.

I don't think there was a statement attacking all NPower staff... just one that attacks the people with which I and many others have dealt with! And generally any other folk out there who will rip off customers to boost their career... the lad at Barclay's Bank in Ashington being another case!

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I don't think there was a statement attacking all NPower staff... just one that attacks the people with which I and many others have dealt with! And generally any other folk out there who will rip off customers to boost their career... the lad at Barclay's Bank in Ashington being another case!

we could complain about lots of companies, we should start a topic to praise the ones that need praising

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Guest SeanC
we could complain about lots of companies, we should start a topic to praise the ones that need praising

N Power certainly would not be a company in contention to deserve any praise from anyone other than BedlingtonLass. N Power should be folded for thieving and deceiving the public. Bring back the NEEB, I agree. At least you knew where you stood with them and they weren't so eager to disconnect vulnerable people's supply like all those money grabbing Tory privatized companies. I don't apologize to those Conservative Party Members who supported the privatization and destruction of the country's assets and wealth and I'm not wholly blaming them - I also blame the current Tory Labour Party (you can't really tell them apart these days) who have as good as sold off a good part of our NHS and School, etc...the list goes on and on. I can't understand why we don't keep life essentials in the public domain then at the very least people can be held responsible for their actions (it makes sense from a politician's point of view to privatize our services because they are no longer responsible for these services and can no longer be held to account - they just pass the buck, as it were.). The likes of N Power simply do as they please due to soft touch regulation from the authorities. I like to think that this current credit crunch would collapse N Power but think it unlikely due to their excessive greed taking what they want from the public and treating the public with contempt.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I ended my account with N Power some months ago (5 or 6), and naturally expressed my dislike for them at the time, due to their extremely bad public relations, which equated to a couldn't give a S**T attitude from their front-line staff when I questioned a huge bill that came out of the blue - and of course as a consequence I then owed them money so I assume they thought they had me by the balls. In the last couple of weeks a couple of N Power company drones had the nerve to knock on my front door claiming to be customer service and asking why I changed service provider. So first of all I said WHAT? in amazement - then i told them none of your business and don't come round my door again. This woman then gave me verbal grief because I didn't give them what they wanted. When I said don't come round my door again - she said I'll do what I like it's a free world and she said don't tell me not to come round here I live here (meaning this area) - so I said don't come round my door again and she said i can do whatever i want. so I'm thinking what is this person doing, why is she talking this personal, and why am I putting up with this from a complete stranger - I then told them both to !*!@# .**F and don't come round my home again, again! and by that time they were getting in the car and hopefully they heard me - my neighbor heard me so I'm sure they did. Anyway, not another word was said after that and they drove away.

So I have to say, I'm left thinking what sort of !*!@# desperate company is this? Let me know what you think.

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N Power certainly would not be a company in contention to deserve any praise from anyone other than BedlingtonLass. N Power should be folded for thieving and deceiving the public. Bring back the NEEB, I agree. At least you knew where you stood with them and they weren't so eager to disconnect vulnerable people's supply like all those money grabbing Tory privatized companies. I don't apologize to those Conservative Party Members who supported the privatization and destruction of the country's assets and wealth and I'm not wholly blaming them - I also blame the current Tory Labour Party (you can't really tell them apart these days) who have as good as sold off a good part of our NHS and School, etc...the list goes on and on. I can't understand why we don't keep life essentials in the public domain then at the very least people can be held responsible for their actions (it makes sense from a politician's point of view to privatize our services because they are no longer responsible for these services and can no longer be held to account - they just pass the buck, as it were.). The likes of N Power simply do as they please due to soft touch regulation from the authorities. I like to think that this current credit crunch would collapse N Power but think it unlikely due to their excessive greed taking what they want from the public and treating the public with contempt.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I ended my account with N Power some months ago (5 or 6), and naturally expressed my dislike for them at the time, due to their extremely bad public relations, which equated to a couldn't give a S**T attitude from their front-line staff when I questioned a huge bill that came out of the blue - and of course as a consequence I then owed them money so I assume they thought they had me by the balls. In the last couple of weeks a couple of N Power company drones had the nerve to knock on my front door claiming to be customer service and asking why I changed service provider. So first of all I said WHAT? in amazement - then i told them none of your business and don't come round my door again. This woman then gave me verbal grief because I didn't give them what they wanted. When I said don't come round my door again - she said I'll do what I like it's a free world and she said don't tell me not to come round here I live here (meaning this area) - so I said don't come round my door again and she said i can do whatever i want. so I'm thinking what is this person doing, why is she talking this personal, and why am I putting up with this from a complete stranger - I then told them both to !*!@# .**F and don't come round my home again, again! and by that time they were getting in the car and hopefully they heard me - my neighbor heard me so I'm sure they did. Anyway, not another word was said after that and they drove away.

So I have to say, I'm left thinking what sort of !*!@# desperate company is this? Let me know what you think.

Get them telt! They make me sick. They get away with murder them lot. Bunch of thieving gets.

Let one more Npower employee or any other energy company employee knock on my door and i`ll make them flee. Effin sick of the lot of them.

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Here here SeanC, you couldn't have said it any better. I too have had a bill from Npower, despite leaving them months ago (and paying my final bill to them when I received it). I refuse to pay it of course. I've complained time and time again without even so much as an explanation as to why I've been billed in the first place. I also got in touch with EnergyWatch who basically told me to get back in touch with Npower. :angry:

Not only have I had 2 years of hassle and unexplained extortionate bills from Npower (I was once charged over £350 for 3 months electric from the usual £170 for some reason) but now I feel like I've been left to 'get on with it' from the only people who can help - or at least are supposed to help!

As for what kind of a desperate company Npower is, its sheer greed to not only thieve from us on one occasion but time and time again. What’s even worse though is that they do this - and are ALLOWED to do this to the old and vulnerable.

Death to Npower! :D

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Guest SeanC
Get them telt! They make me sick. They get away with murder them lot. Bunch of thieving gets.

Let one more Npower employee or any other energy company employee knock on my door and i`ll make them flee. Effin sick of the lot of them.

Hi Cympil

No doubt most of us share your sentiments exactly - I certainly do. You know what gets me is the simple fact if I want to change supplier I'll look for it - what are they doing knocking on my door and disturbing me, trying to sell me a service i don't want and will not change just because they have arrived at my door. I wonder is there many people that have changed supplier because someone showed up on the door step. it should be outlawed! as dodgy sales practice.

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Hi Cympil

No doubt most of us share your sentiments exactly - I certainly do. You know what gets me is the simple fact if I want to change supplier I'll look for it - what are they doing knocking on my door and disturbing me, trying to sell me a service i don't want and will not change just because they have arrived at my door. I wonder is there many people that have changed supplier because someone showed up on the door step. it should be outlawed! as dodgy sales practice.

Well this is it! They come to our door, start with their gobshi`e, and most folk know what is coming..but for those that don`t..best way of dealing with them is just say `Not interested` then shut the door in their faces. If they get a chance to get a word in you`ll be there for hours.Spouting their sales pitch to anyone thats interested.

And i agree, there should be a law against it. They`re worse than Jehovas them lot. :angry:

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Guest SeanC
Here here SeanC, you couldn't have said it any better. I too have had a bill from Npower, despite leaving them months ago (and paying my final bill to them when I received it). I refuse to pay it of course. I've complained time and time again without even so much as an explanation as to why I've been billed in the first place. I also got in touch with EnergyWatch who basically told me to get back in touch with Npower. :angry:

Not only have I had 2 years of hassle and unexplained extortionate bills from Npower (I was once charged over £350 for 3 months electric from the usual £170 for some reason) but now I feel like I've been left to 'get on with it' from the only people who can help - or at least are supposed to help!

As for what kind of a desperate company Npower is, its sheer greed to not only thieve from us on one occasion but time and time again. What’s even worse though is that they do this - and are ALLOWED to do this to the old and vulnerable.

Death to Npower! :D

Wow Blank you would think Energy Watch would do something like look into it on your behalf, or at least advise you to go somewhere other than the organization you have a grievance against. That's crazy! It's this hand off approach / policy towards corporate business that seems to be a dominating consequence of the Thatcher government years. And the Tony "Thatcher" Blair years. And now it seems the Gordon "Thatcher" Brown years. Might as well call it the New "Old Tory" Labour Party policies. It's all the same to me. I guess it's like I said soft touch regulation. Regulation of these energy suppliers is !*!@# - a bit diarrhea like, thin on the ground, no substance - and it stinks! Excuse the grotesque description but grotesque seems appropriate considering we are talking about N Power's huge profit margins, the regulators weaknesses and lack of action, and the government's contempt for people's needs to satisfy stock market and shareholder gains.

I don't know who you could turn to Blank other than Citizens Advice, I guess. See if they can help you and I hope you get it all sorted out.

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Here goes for another ear bashing but another example of this being a good company to work for .... went to management today and asked to change my hours of work ... childcare issues ... reply back within the hour saying as of next week i can adapt my hours to suit my wraparound childcare ... not many companies will help out people like this

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Here goes for another ear bashing but another example of this being a good company to work for .... went to management today and asked to change my hours of work ... childcare issues ... reply back within the hour saying as of next week i can adapt my hours to suit my wraparound childcare ... not many companies will help out people like this

We're not interested in what Npower are like to work for on this thread. As you can see, the title of this thread is “Anyone Else Getting Fleeced by Npower”, not “Anyone Else Think Npower are the Dogs Bollicks” Maybe you should start another thread about it?

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