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Bedlington woman jailed for breaching her ASBO

Breach of ASBO


Rachel Hope, 24, of Red House Farm Estate, appeared before Bedlington magistrates on Monday (Jan 26).

Hope was originally given an ASBO on June 13, 2007, after repeated alcohol related anti-social behaviour.

Under the conditions of the ASBO she was forbidden to:

Be drunk in public

Be in possession of any open container of alcohol in public

Act in a disorderly manner

Use or threaten violence to any person

Cause harassment alarm or distress to any person

But on Friday, January 23, she visited the Bedlington Job Centre where she became verbally abusive and threatening to staff.

Police were informed and she was arrested and subsequently charged with breaching her ASBO in the Job Centre. She was also charged with assaulting a police officer after spitting at an officer while in custody, and criminal damage to police cells.

Hope was kept in custody over the weekend and on Monday, January 26, she was sentenced to 12 weeks imprisonment by South East Northumberland Magistrates. She was also ordered to serve 12 weeks consecutively for a previously suspended sentence (from Bedlington Magistrates on January 12) for a previous breach of the same ASBO.

Bedlington Neighbourhood Sergeant John Heaton welcomed the sentence. He said: "This pleasing result is due to the speedy investigation of a complaint by the neighbourhood team at Bedlington.

"The behaviour displayed by Hope against public servants was completely unacceptable. Members of the public can rest assured that we will do all in our power to bring before the courts people who deliberately cause Anti Social Behaviour and are a public Nuisance".

"This court result is a clear indication of the ability to deal quickly and effectively with people who are on ASBO's. We will continue to use this tool to further reduce Anti Social Behaviour against people who are a clearly causing problems in our neighbourhoods."

Side-stepping the obvious hand-wringing about "binge drinking" and that, what troubles me is that, given the opportunity, I probably still "would".

Side-stepping the obvious hand-wringing about "binge drinking" and that, what troubles me is that, given the opportunity, I probably still "would".

Chronicle Article on the Event...

Reading to the end of the extended version here, perhaps, HP, you wouldn't :o



Excellent journalism from Sophie Doughty there, by the way.

1. Cut and paste the text from the Police press release/website.

2. Bung in three or four sentences from the paper's archives at the end.

3. Job done.

4. Whisky!


Excellent journalism from Sophie Doughty there, by the way.

1. Cut and paste the text from the Police press release/website.

Without being too obvious, that's precisely what a press release is for.....

2. Bung in three or four sentences from the paper's archives at the end.

3. Job done.

4. Whisky!

Damn right! A good days work done.


I'm not sure what the point of this discussion is, if it is the merits of ASBO (I'm not sure what ASBO is!) that's alright but I really don't think printing here the unfortunate situation that this young lady is in is in the best interest of anyone. Poor taste.

I believe her name and picture should be removed!



This is a bit off topic but not so long ago, some man in the Tavern kept asking me if i was Rachel Hope!

Thank the lord i knew who he was with so he could back me up lol. I was half expecting a lynching, he was getting quite angry!

....I'm not sure what ASBO is!

Anti-Social Behaviour Order

The whole point of which is to name and shame. Rolling back the decades of namby-pamby treatment which encourages such brattish behaviour.

... I really don't think printing here the unfortunate situation that this young lady is in is in the best interest of anyone. Poor taste.

I believe her name and picture should be removed!


Email the chief constable then. There's a high res version of the photo on his website - good re-publication quality for the media. The papers have used this; we haven't, but maybe we should?

My personal opinion: This is a not unattractive young girl who is trashing her own life. Social pressure is probably the only thing left outside of constant detention. She needs a boot up the backside to snap out of it and realise her potential. Feather-bedding her isn't going to do this!

There's a high res version of the photo on his website - good re-publication quality for the media. The papers have used this; we haven't, but maybe we should?

Perhaps we could have an ASBO section on the site GGG? I'm all for naming and shaming.

Could I suggest to any representitives from The Police to try and make any ASBOees' pictures less 'not unattrative' in future though... from what I'm aware of the young lady in question is much less attractive in the flesh, especially when she's spitting venom and threatening nurses and old folk... eek!


Knowing when you are out of order, or approaching that state is the key to handling you liquor, if you cant behave then having some good freinds around you to set you right will save a lot of embarassment. this poor girl is guilty of some really bad judgement and having no job and no freinds when she really needs both sent her down this rabbit hole, 12 weeks is probably going to make her more Pi--ed off so I for one would like to offer her any advice she asks for when they spring her, good Luck Rachel..............

I have got Aids and you are going to die; A chilling threat to nurse.


Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England) • August 18, 2008 • News


RAGING Rachel Hope smashed a hospital computer and attacked staff because another patient who had chest pains was seen ahead of her.

Hope, 24, screamed: "I thought I was next. You are taking the ****."

Hope went on to push a hospital receptionist over a computer, smashing it, and then attacked a nurse who went to the aid of the receptionist at Wansbeck Hospital, in Ashington.

When the nurse realised he had more blood on him than his slight cuts and bruises sustained in the attack should have caused, Hope said it was her blood and told him she had AIDS.

"She said 'That is my blood, I have got Aids and you are going to ******* die," said John Brennan, prosecuting.

John Monkhouse, for Hope told magistrates at Bedlington Law Courts she did not have AIDS or Hepatitis and tests the nurse underwent showed he too was clear.

Hope, of Red House Farm Estate, Bedlington, was jailed for seven months.

She admitted charges of assaulting a police officer, common assault, breaching an anti-social behaviour order, causing criminal damage and possession two small amounts of cannabis.

Mr Brennan said police officers had gone to Hope's home last Thursday morning, where she confronted them and offered to fight a female officer, but there was no violence.

Less than an hour later she went to Glebe Road Health Centre, in Bedlington and asked to be treated, but was told to go to Wansbeck Hospital.

Hope grabbed a sign at the health centre and shattered it, showering an elderly patient in shards of plastic.

Later she went to Wansbeck Hospital with a minor arm injury and was told to wait for a nurse to see her.

But when another patient with chest pains was seen before her, she flared up and pushed the receptionist backwards over computer equipment.

A male nurse grabbed Hope and took her outside where she struck him several times as he tried to calm her.

When police officers arrived Hope punched a female officer in the face.

After her arrest she refused to be interviewed and was charged with the assault, damage and drugs offences.

She was also charged with breaching a three-month suspended sentence.

Taking elderly relatives over to A&E on numerous evenings, I have encountered awfull drugged-up knackers like the above example in the past. This being a worse case. Behaviour like this is becomming acceptable, and even the norm amongst the nouveau underclass.

Repeat offenders threatening and carrying out violence without any kind of notable consequence are going to carry on. And with every misdemeanour committed the more chance of an innocent person getting hurt, or worse. For the sake of human rights and a lax judicial system this lass seems to have got away with threatening all and sundry for some time. Of course she is not the only one and people like this are getting away with violent and agressive behaviour everyday... lots of them end up seriously hurting, and killing people. Sadly, I reckon that most of you would change your minds on wishing well, if any of these people took up their psychotic episodes on your nearest and dearest.

Blame is placed upon parents, friends, addiction, society, but never upon the criminal... let them take accountability for their own actions for a change.

I'm not going to wish her well in the future. I hope she has an awful time in the big house. Maybe finding someone bigger and scarier than herself to make her life a misery for the next 24 weeks will help her think again. I fear in some cases, good wishes will not.


Well this new info adds a lot more light to Rachels actions, she really sounds like she,s lost it!! I,ll shut up now and reserve any more judgements unless its asked for ...sorry guys!!


I now know what is ASBO is, and I think it is a great idea, I wish we had it here. This young lady is certainly in the right place to get the help she certainly needs, I hope she gets it before being released back into society for her sake as well as the general public. (but I doubt it!)

IMHO I still don't think that this type of forum is not a good place to name names, the discussion about ASBO, violence, crime and criminals etc is great and I welcome it as I see lots of it, (that is violence and crime)


Taking elderly relatives over to A&E on numerous evenings, I have encountered awfull drugged-up knackers like the above example in the past. This being a worse case. Behaviour like this is becomming acceptable, and even the norm amongst the nouveau underclass.

Repeat offenders threatening and carrying out violence without any kind of notable consequence are going to carry on. And with every misdemeanour committed the more chance of an innocent person getting hurt, or worse. For the sake of human rights and a lax judicial system this lass seems to have got away with threatening all and sundry for some time. Of course she is not the only one and people like this are getting away with violent and agressive behaviour everyday... lots of them end up seriously hurting, and killing people. Sadly, I reckon that most of you would change your minds on wishing well, if any of these people took up their psychotic episodes on your nearest and dearest.

Blame is placed upon parents, friends, addiction, society, but never upon the criminal... let them take accountability for their own actions for a change.

I'm not going to wish her well in the future. I hope she has an awful time in the big house. Maybe finding someone bigger and scarier than herself to make her life a misery for the next 24 weeks will help her think again. I fear in some cases, good wishes will not.

Nothing to add to that; well said Mrsvic.


Whilst I agree with the majority of posts in this thread that if you commit crime you should be punished and time in prison should not be an easy time. I do feel that there should be a procedure to try and re educate prisoners so that they have the opportunity to become contributing members of society.

I agree with Mrsvic that people should be held accountable for their actions and the days of blaming alcohol and the likes should not be allowed as an excuse in a court of law. Nobody forces anybody to get drunk and act in a violent and aggressive manner.

Far to many wrong things have become acceptable these days, did the law change or have we all gone soft?

I had the misfortune to be at the local hospital yesterday (Leicester) not for myself but with someone else, whilst I sat in the waiting room the nurse kept calling a name out as this person was obviously waiting to be seen by the doctor but there was no answer, he turned up about twenty minutes later demanding why he had not been seen yet and when told they had been calling his name out for the last twenty minutes he made some flimsy excuse. This is not a crime but its the start as his attitude was, I will do as I like when I like, no respect for others. Another person I observed yesterday at the hospital, a young lady with mobile phone having a conversation over the phone, theres big bliddy noticed everywhere that say's switch off mobile phones whilst on the premises, again I don't suppose that its a crime but these people are ill educated and have no respect for others, my remark on ill educated is not in any way directed at teachers or schools because I would imagine that half of these people never bothered to turn up at school anyway and developed the Ill do what I want when I want attitude at an early age.

Government after government have played the law and order card at election time but not one have delivered.

Taking elderly relatives over to A&E on numerous evenings, I have encountered awfull drugged-up knackers like the above example in the past. This being a worse case. Behaviour like this is becomming acceptable, and even the norm amongst the nouveau underclass.

Repeat offenders threatening and carrying out violence without any kind of notable consequence are going to carry on. And with every misdemeanour committed the more chance of an innocent person getting hurt, or worse. For the sake of human rights and a lax judicial system this lass seems to have got away with threatening all and sundry for some time. Of course she is not the only one and people like this are getting away with violent and agressive behaviour everyday... lots of them end up seriously hurting, and killing people. Sadly, I reckon that most of you would change your minds on wishing well, if any of these people took up their psychotic episodes on your nearest and dearest.

Blame is placed upon parents, friends, addiction, society, but never upon the criminal... let them take accountability for their own actions for a change.

I'm not going to wish her well in the future. I hope she has an awful time in the big house. Maybe finding someone bigger and scarier than herself to make her life a misery for the next 24 weeks will help her think again. I fear in some cases, good wishes will not.

Here here! Well said.

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