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Bedlington Terrier Closing For Good


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Passed the Terrier Pub today and noticed a banner up saying they were closing for good on the 8th of March. Apparently the brewery has sold the building and the land and it's due to be turned into a care home in the near future.

The question is, will anyone miss it?

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Passed the Terrier Pub today and noticed a banner up saying they were closing for good on the 8th of March. Apparently the brewery has sold the building and the land and it's due to be turned into a care home in the near future.

The question is, will anyone miss it?

I never thought that pub ever had a pint of character to it

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Passed the Terrier Pub today and noticed a banner up saying they were closing for good on the 8th of March. Apparently the brewery has sold the building and the land and it's due to be turned into a care home in the near future.

The question is, will anyone miss it?

aye another care home for them to close down we got 2 many of them anyway theres about 5 in bedlington aint there

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Guest mrsvic
Last night tonight - £1.50 a pint and it's open until the pumps run dry.

Anyone fancy placing a book on the time of arrival/ number of police vehicles to visit the establishment at some point this evening?

I will have 10.45 and 6. With dogs.

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Anyone fancy placing a book on the time of arrival/ number of police vehicles to visit the establishment at some point this evening?

I will have 10.45 and 6. With dogs.

12.10am - 4 vans - 1 ambulance - 2 dogs

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aye another care home for them to close down we got 2 many of them anyway theres about 5 in bedlington aint there

Yes, we shouldn't have to put up with all these old folk. Far cleaner to terminate them at birth I say! :unsure:

I'm saddened by this.

Once over, a pub in a location like that (surrounded by houses and alone) would have done very well!

It's a damn shame.

39 closing a week according to a trade body. Something just under six a day nationally. Been going on for some time, but has accelerated markedly more recently. Mr Brown has taxed them out of existence; just like he's taxing genuine earners out of the country. Genuine earners, unlike his friends in the City, who ARE being rewarded for failure!

At the current rate all UK pubs will have closed their doors by 2037! A pub-closure tax should fix the situation. One year's turnover averaged over the previous five years. Daft? Of course! But no more daft than taxing tax (VAT on fuel duty)! Or pretending you are encouraging people to save for retirement, and then taxing that retirement money twice over, when ordinarily it could only be taxed once.

But folks, remember - it's all a GLOBAL problem. Count the globals. Brown-speak - the more you say it the more true it becomes.

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I think the problem is less to do with taxation than with the extortionate rents the breweries charge the landlords.

Back to the Terrier, I heard it was a pound a pint all day yesterday. Unfortunately, I only learned this after I'd spent the best part of the day filling myself with full-price ale at an alternative venue.

I'll be honest, I'm only just getting over it.

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Guest mrsvic

Over a week later, still boarded up, yet no one has nicked the Christmas lights yet... come on The Oval, as twockers with penchant for gaudy festive decor, you're letting yourselves down here!

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cannit find the thread about pubs, but i've just heard the Blue Bell is shutting very soon too? Is there gunna be any pubs left in bedlington? :P

Yes, there'll still be several pubs in Bedlington.

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Yes, there'll still be several pubs in Bedlington.

Notices in the window saying Sunday is the last day at the Bell

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aye another care home for them to close down we got 2 many of them anyway theres about 5 in bedlington aint there

put it this way Mongo Bedlington has Care Homes but the place is so bad we don't even have a bloody charity shop................now that IS bad

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It'll take alot of money to clear it up back to a decent standard...

I'd like to see it done out tho, as with the right management and backing, it could be a good little pub!

It was regarded as a damn good drinking establishment many...MANY moons ago!

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It'll take alot of money to clear it up back to a decent standard...

I'd like to see it done out tho, as with the right management and backing, it could be a good little pub!

It was regarded as a damn good drinking establishment many...MANY moons ago!

i it used to be a good pub not any more! bedlington is a !*!@# hole so it will probably stay shut forever! or be turned into a GRANNY HOME!

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