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A Christening Tea? What a load of middle class clap-trap. Just get yasel up the Wharton and everyone can get lashed.

A Christening Tea? What a load of middle class clap-trap. Just get yasel up the Wharton and everyone can get lashed.

Well said Prince of Darkness :D

A Christening Tea? What a load of middle class clap-trap. Just get yasel up the Wharton and everyone can get lashed.

Didn't you know? In Grodo's Broke Britain we're all middle class now. You don't even need to be struggling with negative equity to qualify - there's now plenty of national debt to service to go around!

Simply no point in sticking your nose in the air and feigning this working class superiority. All the pubs are to be taxed into closing, and replaced with fixed-price government tea rooms. Of course in Bedlington we're well on the way to that already.


Back to the No-future!

Guest mrsvic
All the pubs are to be taxed into closing, and replaced with fixed-price government tea rooms. Of course in Bedlington we're well on the way to that already.

This is the best news ever!

I've always wanted to own a tea-room and spend my days making rockbuns and cakes! Perhaps this could be my opportunity!

And hopefully, if my Bero recipes go well, it might stop people being sick outside of wor hoose at a weekend?

And it would be the perfect christening venue. (middle classes and above only)


This is the best news ever!

I've always wanted to own a tea-room and spend my days making rockbuns and cakes! Perhaps this could be my opportunity!

And hopefully, if my Bero recipes go well, it might stop people being sick outside of wor hoose at a weekend?

And it would be the perfect christening venue. (middle classes and above only)


Your chicken soup was pretty good, but then it came in a tin.

I wouldn't be a customer, Mrs Vic: no beer, no me i'm afraid. I am, though, pretty much middle class despite my lowly address.

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