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There's probably no-one here who hasn't seen Cerebus, the blue aardvark who has graced the concrete wall of the bridge over the spine road for over 20 years.

see photo here

Well, never say the Council don't get their man - he's now been painted over. A terrible shame. :(

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I actually agree! it is a shame.

There's a fine line between Graffitti and Art. Something thats been there for so long as Graffitti, and has had no complaints, should have been left alone in my eyes.

Then again, perhaps someone complained??

Myself, i liked it. I think it should have stayed.

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I think some of this sort of stuff is certainly artwork deriving from the 'pop art' movements of the 50's. Having said that it is unfortunate where certain exponents of the craft choose to exhibit their work!



It was a great piece of artwork, but the location could have distracted drivers passing the bridge, with a potential accident risk.

Was it catalogued before it was painted over?

A few photographs have to exist that could be stored on Bedlington.co.uk?


I've just walked past it and didn't take a photo, sorry. Will next time I pass. It's got some "good" graffiti and some pointless scrawling over the top of it. Pretty sure there's an aardvark in there.

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sorry but normal people complain about graffiti and when the Council do pull ther finger out and get rid of it..

well i dont need to say anymore, there place for "art work" and there is Graffiti.

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There's a fine line between Graffitti and Art.

There's no difference between the two if whoever did it didn't have permission in the first place.

If I want to view 'art' I'll go to an appropriate place to see it.


I'd complain! he's complete !*!@# anyway! and theres a place for spray paint :D

did they cover the severed heed on the other side of the road?

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