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Save Bedlington


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Newcastle's shiny new city library has a little book-themed museum at the top, and I think it would be nice if Bedlington library included a museum of Bedlington's history. I think if libraries are to compete with Amazon and Wikipedia then they have to provide information that the others can't - local information being one kind.

A cafe inside the library would be good too. Borders branches used to have Starbucks shops inside them, but you couldn't exactly take a book from the shelf and sit and read it while drinking a latte - it wouldn't be either in Borders or Starbucks interests for you to spend all day in there reading a book for nothing and taking up a seat while buying only one coffee. Whereas if you sit in a library and read a book in one visit, it means that book is available to lend again the next day. A council-run cafe would mean more staff costs of course so it would have to be a private franchise.

Audiobooks are another growing trend I think, that aren't just used by the partially sighted now that you can get them onto your MP3 player or phone. You can download them from the internet but they aren't cheap. I'm not sure if you are legally allowed to borrow an audiobook CD from a library and rip it to iTunes though... then again you can borrow a book so perhaps there is a licensing model for it?

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whats wrong with everyone and whats wrong with having a library we deseve anything we can get in bedlington cause by gum we havent got much else. theres a lot of of people go to the library because books are not cheap nowadays and for some its the only means of enjoyment if they cant socialise I hope we can keep the library because its the few things that at the moment we can use for free.

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Coincidently, in The Guardian G2 section yesterday there was an article about the new Library of Birmingham and the implications for such a place in the 21st Century. Once you cut-through the 'big city' stuff much of what's left is relevant to the small town library ... might be worth a read at:


Thankfully my own local village library is now a vibrant place and the 'secret weapon' in changing the former moribund place into something of value is an energetic librarian; I suppose it's her imagination and hard work that's made the difference. Extended hours (early & late), weekends (all day Sat & Sun), Mother & Toddler sessions, book groups and readings, visiting authors & poets, up-to-date stock (something also mentioned in the G2 article), kids competitions, book sales, refreshments. Yep, it's got all the other stuff you'd expect, DVDs, CDs, LPs, internet caf, etc. All this gets the punters in and so allows the chiselling local Councillors photo oportunities and therefore snares them into continued support (not their natural condition as they are scum-sucking Tories ... pause to clear the Symptom's throat for a big hockle!)

I don't know if the Bedder's boss librarian is cut from similar cloth to my local one but in my humble view that's the type of person needed to lead the struggle to re-vitalise the place.

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I don't know if the Bedder's boss librarian is cut from similar cloth to my local one but in my humble view that's the type of person needed to lead the struggle to re-vitalise the place.

I think you've hit the nail on the head the Symptoms. I think it's more of the complacency we've been talking about. The town's residents seem to be very dejected at the moment. Fortunately there does seem to be a glimmer of hope with a few people starting to make noises, the original poster and some of the newer members included.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Incase you didn't see on "Who's Responsibility is it to sort out Bedlington"... this is the reply I got today to my e-mail a few days ago which I've copied and pasted:-

Dear Debra,

Thank your for your letter to the Councillor Pegg expressing concerns about Bedlington.

I am writing on behalf of West Bedlington Town Council ( WBTC) to inform you about the current situation.

Bedlington library is scheduled to stay open.

Councillor Pegg and I have had 2 meetings with Northumberland County Council (NCC) about Bedlington Community

Centre and expressed the view that it should not be closed.

WBTC will continue to talk to NCC about the Community Centre expressing the same view.

WBTC is a relatively new Council but has :

-Announced a "community chest scheme" from 1 April with a budget of £5,000

-Taken new services from NCC - allotments, play areas and bus shelters are being transferred to WBTC control from 1 April, which will be followed by more services in the following 2-3 years.

Announced that it is looking to provide summer events in Bedlington for the benefit of the general community.

-Signed a lease for an office from early April in Bedlington " Council Offices" which will provide an easier contact point for everyone.

The Council would like suggestions from forums, groups and residents about what services or events they would like the Council to provide or improve.

Please contact WBTC at any time if you would like to discuss any points further or would like more information.



John Nicholson

Town Clerk

West Bedlington Town Council

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  • 1 month later...

my letter abour bedders in this week's news post leader.bit of it missing but nevermind. mentioned this website so hopefully more people will join and have their say on the forums :rolleyes:

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my letter abour bedders in this week's news post leader.bit of it missing but nevermind. mentioned this website so hopefully more people will join and have their say on the forums :rolleyes:

Go Debra!

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my letter abour bedders in this week's news post leader.bit of it missing but nevermind. mentioned this website so hopefully more people will join and have their say on the forums :rolleyes:

I`ll not get the paper till tomorrow but i`ll have a read of it when it lands. I did have a look on the News Post site but i can`t find your letter on there (maybe it is there and i can`t see it for looking!) :lol:

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my letter abour bedders in this week's news post leader.bit of it missing but nevermind. mentioned this website so hopefully more people will join and have their say on the forums :rolleyes:

:) Keep fighting the fight Debra.

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I`ll not get the paper till tomorrow but i`ll have a read of it when it lands. I did have a look on the News Post site but i can`t find your letter on there (maybe it is there and i can`t see it for looking!) :lol:

You get the leader, we havent had it drop through the letter box for months :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

see theres a reply to the "bedlington is becoming a ghost town" in this weeks newpost. the writer claims to love bedlington and states bedlington does not needs a mcdonalds as it would be more harm than good! (couldn't agree more!) biggrin.gif

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I dont understand why a McDonnalds-type place would be considered bad for the town.

Have you any real reasons why you think this? or is it just your general feeling?

I agree McDonnalds as an individual company would be a bad idea, as they are set up in all of the surrounding towns, but surely Burger King or something would be interested??

Would they, in your opinion, still be a bad idea for the town?

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I dont understand why a McDonnalds-type place would be considered bad for the town.

Have you any real reasons why you think this? or is it just your general feeling?

I agree McDonnalds as an individual company would be a bad idea, as they are set up in all of the surrounding towns, but surely Burger King or something would be interested??

Would they, in your opinion, still be a bad idea for the town?

couple of reasons one theres always an increase in litter, two people get fat eating slop, alright its ok for the occasional outing i.e a trip to the metrocentre or some other retail park but thats where they should stay. as people end up being lasy and eating there out of habit!

i'm no scientist but eating that high calorie high salt and high sugar often enough cant be good for you!

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Yeah, i see your point re: litter.

As for the fat content, it cant be as bad as a curry or pizza surely!

Something that is good for the town is variety. Too many Hairdressers, Pizza shops, Lawyers etc, is obviously bad, but healthy competition is good.

I don't know, i'm on the fence on this now, but i do wish something would come to the town, even if it was just a swimming pool!

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I'd definitely go to an indoor rock climbing centre, is there one nearby to 'have a go'?

I know there is a paintballing place nearby, but competition has to be a good thing!

Cramlington is the closest one but you have to have done it before really as the instruction isn't up to much. There is Newburn leisure centre which has a 40ft wall and you can learn the ropes so that you can belay yourself and the church in Byker has just been converted into a climbing wall too....

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